Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich (2018) – Tom 10 Nr 2 (2020)
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2018 roku (Monika Gawlak) pobierz
Michał Kopczyk: Przekład — kontekst — polityka. Próba lektury Rozważań o Polsce Draga Jančara pobierz
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w 2018 roku (Karolina Bucka Kustec) pobierz
Jana Unuk: Komentar k pregledu slovenskih prevodov poljske literaturę v letu 2018 pobierz
Przekład i peryferie – Tom 10 Nr 1 (2020)
Primož Mlačnik: Literatura mniejsza na przykładzie Briny Svit pobierz
Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich (2017) – Tom 9 Nr 3 (2019)
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2017 roku (Monika Gawlak) pobierz
Monika Gawlak: Od poezji „oszczędnej w słowa” do „trudnej” prozy dla dzieci. Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w latach 2016—2017 pobierz
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w 2017 roku (Karolina Bucka Kustec) pobierz
Jana Unuk: Od romanov do teoloških esejev: pregled slovenskih prevodov poljske literature v letu 2017 pobierz
Dlaczego tłumaczymy? Od sprawczości po recepcję przekładu – Tom 9 Nr 2 (2019)
Silvija Borovnik: O mestu in vlogi slovenske književnosti v nemško govorečem prostoru pobierz
Dlaczego tłumaczymy? Praktyka, teoria, metateria przekładu – Tom 9 Nr 1 (2018)
Bożena Tokarz: Przygoda estetyczno-mentalna w przekładzie Pobierz
Monika Gawlak: Podwójne życie tłumacza Pobierz
Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich (2016) – Tom 8 Nr 2 (2017)
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2016 roku (Monika Gawlak) Pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the year 2016. Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish, Slovenian. Issue: 8 (2)/2017. Page Range: 181-183. Key words: Slovenian literature in Poland.
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w 2016 roku (Barbara Rzeźniczak) Pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Slovenia in the year 2016. Author Name: Barbara Rzeźniczak. Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish, Slovenian. Issue: 8 (2)/2017. Page Range: 185-188. Key words: Polish literature in Slovenia.
Parateksty w odbiorze przekładu – Tom 8 Nr 1 (2017)
Bożena Tokarz: Parateksty jako wyraz koncepcji przekładu pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Paratexts as an expression of the concept of translation / Parabesedilo kot izraz prevajalske koncepcije. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 8 (1)/2017. Page Range: 15-35. Key words: translation, paratext, afterword, polish literature, Slovenian translators. Ključne besede: prevod, parabesedilo, spremna beseda, poljska književnost, slovenski prevajalci.
Povzetek: Obstaja povezava med parabesedili in prevajalsko strategijo, med odnosom do tujega in zasnovo prevoda, opazovano z vidika ciljne kulture, ki jo predstavljajo prevajalci, kritiki in raziskovalci. parabesedila zmeraj opredeljujejo literarno in kulturno zavest posameznikov in dobe. Opirajoč se na konkretne prevajalske rešitve na ravni jezika in kulture v razmerju do izvornega besedila ustvarjajo novo literarno in miselno resničnost. v letih 1987—2014 je v spremnih besedah prevajalcev slovenskih prevodov iz poljske književnosti posredno in neposredno izražena koncepcija prevoda, ta pa v središče prevajalskega procesa in translatoloških analiz postavlja izvirnik. spremna beseda je zraz interakcije, ki se vzpostavi v prevodnem procesu med prevodom in izvirnikom ter med prevajalcem in bralcem prevoda. Prevodna operacija, ki jo prevajalec sklene (in izvede) v sporazumu z bralcem, obeta čudovito odpravo v neznani svet pod vodstvom nespornega poznavalca. spremne besede imajo spoznavno in posredovalno vlogo.
Summary: There is a connection between paratexts and the translator’ strategy, between the attitude towards strangeness and the concept of translation in the perspective of the hosting culture, represented by translators, critics and researchers. They always define the literary and cultural awareness of individuals and of the epoch. In relation to the main text, they create a new literary and mental reality basing on specific translational solutions at the level of language and culture. In the translators’ afterwords to Slovenian translations of Polish literature in the years 1987—2014 the concept of translation was formulated both directly and indirectly, which places the original in the center of the process of translation and of research in translation. They are the result of the interaction between the translator and the original, and between the translator and the reader of the translation. The concluded (and continued) transaction between the translator and the reader includes a promise of taking him into a fascinating, unknown world and assuring him of his role as an expert. The afterwords have a cognitive and mediating function.
Monika Gawlak: Wartość komentarza w przekładzie (na przykładzie literatury słoweńskiej) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The value of comment in translation (following the example of Slovenian literature) / Vrednost komentarja v prevodu (primer slovenske literature) Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 8 (1)/2017. Page Range: 57-69. Key words: paratext, comment, translation, Slovenian literature, cross-cultural communication. Ključne besede: paratekst, komentar, prevajanje, slovenska književnost, medkulturna komunikacija
Povzetek: Članek obravnava vlogo komentarja (kot vrsto parateksta), ki pridobi svojevrsten status v prevodu, tako da postane dodatna oblika posredovanja med avtorjem / prevajalcem / založnikom in izvirnim besedilom ter naslovnikom prevoda in njegovim kulturnim univerzumom. to se zdi pomembno, saj naj bi prevedeno besedilo zaživelo v novem okolju in kulturnem prostoru, našlo naj bi pot do novega občinstva, torej taka vrsta izraza “podpira” prevod v njegovi verjetno najbolj pomembni vlogi posrednika v medkulturni komunikaciji. vloga, značaj in pomen paratekstov-komentarjev (uvodov, predgovorov, pripisov) so bili proučevani v okviru prevodov slovenske literature na poljskem, in sicer na podlagi izbranih primerov. Upoštevani so bili komentarji tako raziskovalcev-strokovnjakov kot tudi samih prevajalcev. avtorica ugotavlja, da komentar v etičnem pogledu prispeva k počasnemu procesu uzaveščenja naslovnika o prevajalčevi prisotnosti in intersubjektivnega značaja prevoda, pridobiva neznane kategorije dojemanja in razumevanja sveta, jih približuje, s tem pa išče pojmovno skupnost (“imagined commu- nities”).
Summary: The article deals with the role of comment (as a kind of paratext), which gains a particular status in translation, becoming an additional form of medium between the author / translator / editor and a primary text and the secondary recipient and its cultural universe. This seems important because the translated text is to function in a new environment, a new cultural space, it is supposed to find its way to a new audience, and thus this type of expressions ‘support’ translation in its most important role of a link in cross-cultural communication.The role, nature and importance of paratext-comments (introductions, prefaces, postscripts) were examined in the context of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland basing on selected cases. Both the comments of experts-researchers, as well as interpreters themselves, were taken into consideration. The author notes that in the ethical perspective, commentary becomes contributive in the slow process of realizing by the recipient, the presence of an interpreter and inter-subjective nature of translation, extracts the unfamiliar categories of perception and understanding of the world, brings them closer, making the gesture of seeking “imagined communities”.
Robert Grošelj: Na dnu strani? Nejezikovne prevajalske opombe v izbranih prevodih novele Balada o trobenti in oblaku Cirila Kosmača pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: At the foot of the page? Non-linguistic translator’s notes in selected translations of The Ballad of the Trumpet and the Cloud by Ciril Kosmač / Na dnie strony? Przypisy tłumacza w wybranych przekładach opowiadania Balada o trobenti in oblaku Cirila Kosmača Author Name: Robert Grošelj, Univerza v Ljubljani Filozofska fakulteta, Language: Slovenian. Issue: 8 (1)/2017. Page Range: 181-203. Key words: translator’s note, explicitation, translation technique, non-linguistic reality, Ciril Kosmač. Słowa kluczowe: przypisy tłumacza, eksplikacja, techniki translatorskie, rzeczywistość niejęzykowa, Ciril Kosmač
Streszczenie: Przypisy tłumacza w serbskim, rosyjskim, polskim i niemieckim przekładzie opowiadania Balada o trobenti in oblaku (pl. Ballada o trąbce i obłoku) słoweńskiego pisarza Cirila Kosmača różnią się zarówno pod względem formalnym, jak i z uwagi na zawarte w nich treści: przypisy w serbskim, rosyjskim i polskim przekładzie to przypisy dolne, w przekładzie niemieckim — końcowe. Ze względu na zawarte w nich treści wyróżnia się serbski przekład, gdyż nie zawiera tzw. przypisów niejęzykowych — nieodnoszących się do samego języka. Tego typu przypisów, dotyczących elementów historycznych, mitologicznych, geograficznych oraz przedmiotów użytkowych, również w pozostałych omawianych przekładach jest stosunkowo niewiele — najwięcej w polskim przekładzie (osiem), mniej w rosyjskim (sześć) i niemieckim (cztery). Brak tego typu przypisów w tłumaczeniu serbskim wskazuje na większą bliskość XX-wiecznych serbskich i słoweńskich realiów społeczno-kulturowych. Mimo to przypisy tłumaczy w omawianych przekładach opowiadania C. Kosmača można uznać za złożoną / wieloaspektową technikę translatorską: z jednej strony stanowią one paratekst w funkcji objaśniającej, który ma pomóc odbiorcy sekundarnemu zrozumieć dane konteksty (również te mniej znaczące), z drugiej natomiast służą zachowaniu treści oryginału; dzięki nim w tekście ujawnia się sam tłumacz i jego szerszy społeczno-kulturowy horyzont. jednocześnie analiza przypisów wskazuje na złożone i konkurencyjne względem siebie relacje istniejące między przypisami i innymi technikami translatorskimi, zarówno w perspektywie pojedynczego, wybranego przekładu, jak i wszystkich omawianych tu razem.
Summary: The translator’s notes in the Serbian, Russian, Polish, and German translations of the novella Balada o trobenti in oblaku (The Ballad of the Trumpet and the Cloud), written by a Slovenian writer, Ciril Kosmač, differ with regard to their formal and content features: the Serbian, Russian, and Polish translations contain footnotes, the German translation, on the other hand, has endnotes; content-wise, among the analysed texts, the Serbian translation occupies a special position, being the only one without the non-linguistic notes. The number of all the non-linguistic notes, explaining historical, mythological, geographical elements and everyday items, is relatively low — the Polish translation has eight such explicative notes, the Russian translation six and the German one has four; their absence in the Serbian translation may be a result of a higher socio-cultural proximity between Serbia and Slovenia in the 20th century. Despite their low number, the non-linguistic translator’s notes appear to be a very complex translation technique in the analysed translations ot Kosmač’s novella: on one hand, they represent explanatory paratexts, added to facilitate the target reader’s comprehension of different text elements (even with a low narrative importance), on the other hand, however, they also enable the preservation of the source-text elements, contributing in such a way to the source-text orientation; translator’s notes are also a channel through which the translator and his wider socio-cultural background enter the target text in a more explicit way. The analysis of particular translations and their comparison has revealed also an intricate competition between translator’s notes and other translation techniques.
Katarzyna Bednarska, Kamil Szafraniec: Przypisy tłumacza w wybranych słoweńskich przekładach literatury polskiej pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Translator’s footnotes in the chosen translations of Polish literature / Prevajalčeve opombe v izbranih slovenskih prevodih poljske literature. Authors Names: Katarzyna Bednarska, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Katedra Filologii Słowiańskiej,; Kamil Szafraniec, Justus-Liebig-UnIversität Giessen, Institut für Slavistik, Language: Polish. Issue: 8 (1)/2017. Page Range: 205-217. Key words: Polish literature, Slovenian literature, translator`s footnotes, translation studies, peritexts. Ključne besede: poljska književnost, slovenska književnost, prevajalske opombe, prevajalska teorija.
Povzetek: Cilj prispevka je predstaviti različne vrste prevajalskih opomb v prevodih poljskih knjig v slovenščino: Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną D. Masłowske, Lubiewo M. Witkowskega in Gnój W. Kuczoka. Avtorja sta predstavila kratek pregled obstoječih teorij prevajalskih opomb. Analitični del prispevka je sestavljen iz dveh delov. V prvem delu se avtorja osredotočata na formalne značilnosti opomb, kot statipologija in klasifikacija glede na uporabljene tehnike. V drugem delu prispevka pa sledi analiza besedila v opombah s posebnim poudarkom na kulturne, družbene in zgodovinske elemente.
Summary: Inspired by the theories of well recognized scholars as G. Genette, J. Derrida and E. Skibińska the authors of this paper took a closer look into translators` comments in Slovene translations of three Polish novels. The analytical part of the paper has been divided into two parts. The first part described the formal characteristics of footnotes. The second part illustrated different cultural, social and historical contexts of using additional translators` comments.
Weronika Woźnicka: Przypisy tłumacza w polskim przekładzie zbioru esejów Terra incognita Draga Jančara pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Interpreter’s footnotes in the Polish translation of the Drago Jančar’s essays Terra incognita / Prevajalčeve opombe v poljskem prevodu zbirke esejev Draga Jančarja Terra incognita. Author Name: Weronika Woźnicka. Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 8 (1)/2017. Page Range: 219-231. Key words: footnotes, paratexts in translation, essays, Drago Jančar, Slovenian literature. Ključne besede: opombe, paratekst v prevodu, eseji, Drago Jančar, slovenska književnost.
Povzetek: Avtorica članka je analizirala prevajalčeve opombe v poljski izdaji Terra incognita. Prevajalčeve opombe so problematično vprašanje, ker nekateri trdijo, da je to pomanjklivost prevajalca, drugi menijo, da opombe izražajo erudicijo. Obstaja tudi skupina, ki pravi, da so opombe rešitev neprevedljivosti, ki je posledica razlik med jeziki in kulturami, in omogoča sporočiti namen oz. pomen. Avtorica raziskuje in analizira, ali je bila prevajalka dosledna načinu zapisa in ali opombe prinašajo pomembne podatke, ki bodo v pomoč bralcu pri razumevanju slovenske kulture, torej ali opombe rešijo težave z neprevedljivostjo.
Summary: The author has analyzed interpreter’s footnotes in the Polish translation of the ‘Terra incognita’. Interpreter’s footnotes are problematic issue, because some people say, that this is a discredit for the interpreter, the others think, that it is a sign of erudition. There is also a group of people, who say, that it is solution for an untranslatability, which is a result of the differences between the languages and cultures. They help to present meaning. The author searches and analyses, if the interpreter was consistent in the way of notation and if the footnotes bring important information, which will be helpful for the reader to understand slovenian culture. In other words, if the footnotes are solution for the problems with the untranslatability.
Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich (2015) – Tom 7 Nr 2 (2016)
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2015 roku (Monika Gawlak) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the year 2014 . Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish, Slovenian. Issue: 7 (2)/2016. Page Range: 161-165. Key words: Slovenian literature in Poland.
Monika Gawlak: Rola Instytutu Mikołowskiego w upowszechnianiu przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w ostatnich latach pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Vloga Mikolovskega inštituta v razširjanju prevodov slovenskega leposlovja na Poljskem v zadnjih letih / The Mikołowski Institute’s Role in Promoting Slovenian Literature in Poland in the last years. Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (2)/2016. Page Range: 167-179. Ključne besede: Slovenska literatura na Poljskem, Mikolovski inštitut, Pierre Bourdieu, simbolični kapital. Key words: peripheral cultures, dominant cultures, translations in 2014, translation choices, intercultural dialogue.
Povzetek: Prispevek se nanaša na slovenske literarne publikacije, ki jih je v letih 2012—2015 redno izdajal Mikolovski inštitut Rafała Wojaczka. Obravnava vloge založniških hiš pri spodbujanju prevajanja periferne literature, pri čemer se opira na teorijo družbenih polj Pierra Bourdieuja. Avtorica opozarja na mehanizme in motivacijo za nastajanje teh publikacij — tako na strani založnika kot prevajalca. Loti se tudi vprašanja skrbi za zunanjo podobo prevodne publikacije ter prisotnosti oz. odsotnosti paratekstov. Povečanje zanimanja za nišno literaturo (vključno s tujo) je nedvomno posledica illusia (Bourdieu), torej verovanja v pomen literarne, prevajalske in založniške dejavnosti ter njenih estetskih in družbenih učinkov. Taka zavest je prisotna med člani Mikolovskega inštituta in drugimi, ki so vključeni v založniški proces (npr. prevajalci). Zato si Mikolovski inštitut za svoje zanimanje za tujo in (z gledišča literarnega polja prejemniške literature) periferno književnost, poskus transferja simboličnega kapitala slovenskih ustvarjalcev ter za svojo relativno avtonomijo na področju založništva zasluži vse priznanje.
Summary: This article focuses on the dissemination of Slovenian literature in Polish by the Rafał Wojaczek Institute in Mikołów between 2012 and 2015. The author approaches the role of publishers in promoting literatures that are viewed from the Polish perspective as marginal using Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of social fields. She points to the mechanisms and motivations of both the publisher and the translators, addresses issues related to graphic design, and examines the impact of paratextuality. The appreciation of non -mainstream literatures, including translations, stems from Bourdieu’s notion of illusio, a belief shared by the Institute’s staff and the team supporting the publishing process (i.e. translators) in the value of literature, translation and publishing, and their aesthetic and social impacts. The interest of the Mikołowski Institute in propagating fringe literatures, its attempts to transfer symbolic Slovenian capital into Polish and its relative autonomy in the publishing market are well worth noting.
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w 2015 roku (Karolina Bucka‑Kustec) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Slovenia in the year 2015. Author Name: Karolina Bucka‑Kustec. Language: Polish, Slovenian. Issue: 7 (2)/2016. Page Range: 181-186. Key words: Polish literature in Slovenia.
Anna Muszyńska‑Vizintin: Przekłady literatury polskiej w Słowenii w 2015 roku pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Poljska književnost v slovenskih prevodih v letu 2015 / Polish literature in Slovenian translation in 2015. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska‑Vizintin, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (2)/2016. Page Range: 187-198. Ključne besede: prevodi 2015, prevajalskih izbir, medkulturni dialog. Key words: translations in 2015, translation choices, intercultural dialogue.
Povzetek: Leta 2015 je v slovenskih prevodih izšlo 15 poljskih knjig, kar je skoraj dvakrat več v primerjavi z letom 2014. Dominirala je proza; glede poezije poljsko leposlovje sta predstavljala dva pesnika različnih generacij: Tadeusz Różewicz, katerega dve zbirki (Profesorjev nožek in Siva zona) prevedla je izkušena prevajalka Jana Unug ter Justyna Bargielska, mlada poljska avtorica, katere je izbor pesmi z naslovom Serija manjših ran pripravila prevajalka Staša Pavlović. Zanimivo je, da so Slovenci leta 2015 prevedli celo 6 knjig za otroke in mlajše bralce (Onichimowska, Maleszka, Żółtowska -Darska) ter dve knjigi o verskih tematikah (Sestra Faustina Ewe Czaczkowske ter osebni zapiski Janeza Pavla II z let 1962—2003). Popestren izbor, ponudba prevajalcev ter z leta v leto naraščajoče število slovenskih prevodov poljskega leposlovja (ki so jih večinoma izdale zelo prestižne založbe, kot so Beletrina, Družina, Modrijan in Cankarjeva Založba) pokazujejo, da se slovenski bralci zanimajo za poljsko kulturo in rade volje berejo poljske knjige.
Summary: In 2015, fifteen Polish books were translated into Slovenian, which is almost twice as much when compared to 2014. Prose has been dominant; Polish poetry was represented by two poets of different generations: Tadeusz Różewicz, whose two collections (Profesorjev nožek and Siva Zona) were translated by the experienced translator Jana Unug. Furthermore, Justyna Bargielska, a young Polish poetess, whose poetry selection entitled Serija manjših ran was prepared by Staša Pavlović. Interestingly, in 2015 Slovenes translated six books for children and young readers (Onichimowska, Maleszka, Żółtowska -Yvette) and two books on religious topics (Ewa Czaczkowska’s Sestra Faustina and John Paul II’s personal notes from 1962 to 2003). The varied selections, translators’ offerings and the growing number of Slovenian translations of Polish literature (which were mostly published by very prestigious companies such as Beletrina, Družina, Modrijan and Cankarjeva Založba) demonstrate that Slovenian readers are interested in Polish culture and interested in reading Polish books.
Tłumacze i przekładoznawstwo słowiańskie – Tom 7 Nr 1 (2016)
Silvija Borovnik: Medkulturnost v romanu Maje Haderlap Engel des vergessens / Angel pozabe in strategija prevoda v slovenščino / Międzykulturowość w powieści Mai Haderlap Engel des vergessens / Angel pozabe (‘Anioł zapomnienia’) i strategie tłumaczenia na język słoweński (tłum. Joanna Cieślar) pobierz SLO pobierz PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: Interculturality in Maja Haderlap’s novel Angel of Oblivion and strategies of translation into Slovene. Author Name: Silvija Borovnik, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnost, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 303-326. Key words: Maja Haderlap’s novel The Angel of Oblivion, Slovene translation, bilingualism, interculturality. Ključne besede: Maja Haderlap, roman Angel pozabe, slovenski prevod, dvojezičnost, medkulturnost.
Povzetek: Leta 2011 je pri nemški založbi Wallstein izšel roman koroške Slovenke Maje Haderlap, ki je vzbudil veliko pozornost. Roman je prvič nekaj posebnega zato, ker pripoveduje doslej manj znano in tudi pogosto zamolčano zgodbo o trpljenju koroških Slovencev v času druge svetovne vojne. To zgodbo oživlja pisateljica na osnovi pripovedi svoje babice in drugih sorodnikov, ki so bili med vojno deportirani v nacistična taborišča, ker so jih osumili sodelovanja s partizani. Drugič je roman poseben, ker izpostavlja žensko vojno zgodbo, ki je navadno v zgodovinskih priročnikih marginalizirana. Tretja posebnost romana pa se izraža v dejstvu, da ga je napisala Slovenka v nemškem jeziku. Pisateljica je to utemeljevala s pojasnilom, da ji je nemščina ponujala emocionalno distanco ter da je snov, ki je bila v nemško govorečem prostoru premalo poznana, želela čim bolj približati avstrijskim oz. nemškim bralcem. V romanu je na osnovi avtobiografskih prvin spregovorila o diskriminaciji Slovencev, pa tudi o zaničevanju in zanikovanju slovenskega jezika. Kljub temu je pisatelj Florjan Lipuš v svojem delu Poizvedovanje za imenom (2013) njen roman v nemščini označil kot jezikovno in nacionalno odpadništvo. Menil je, da bi morali slovenščino na umetniški ravni negovati zlasti tisti, ki so nadarjeni in sposobni, ter da pomeni pisanje literature v slovenščini ohranjanje tega jezika pred izginotjem. Njegova kritika jezikovnega prestopa Maje Haderlap v nemščino je zelo ostra tudi zato, ker to ni edini primer pri pisateljih mlajše oz. srednje generacije koroških Slovencev. Roman Maje Haderlap pa je v slovenščino prevedel Štefan Vevar, tudi sam doma s Koroškega. To je še posebno pomembno zato, ker je prevajalec s svojim inovativnim prevodom pokazal ne le na vlogo slovenskega jezika v tem nemško pisanem romanu, temveč je v svoj prevod dodajal še elemente koroškega narečja, ki je bilo prva materinščina tako avtorice romana same kakor tudi njenih literarnih likov. S temi prevajalskimi rešitvami je Vevar ohranjal jezikovno dvoravninskost izvirnika, pokazal pa je tudi na to, da je ta nemško pisani roman tudi slovenski. Avtorica romana pa sodi med pisatelje z dvojno, medkulturno zaznamovano identiteto.
Summary: In 2011, the publication house Wallstein published the novel by the Carinthian Slovene Author, Maja Haderlap, which attracted a lot of attention. Firstly, the novel is special because it tells a somewhat unknown and oftentimes concealed tale about the agony of the Carinthian Slovenes during the Second World War. This narrative is being revived by the author on the basis of her grandmother’s narration and other relatives, who were deported to Nazi concentration camps during the war because they were suspected of collaboration with the partisans. Secondly, this novel is special because of its emphasis on a woman’s war story which is usually marginalized in historical accounts. The third peculiarity of this novel is demonstrated by the fact that the novel was written by a female Slovene author in the German language. The author substantiated her writing on the rationale that the German language offered her the emotional distance and that she wanted to draw from the subject, which was not well‑recognized in the German‑speaking environment, being nearer to Austrian rather than German readers. On the basis of the autobiographical elements, she has spoken about the discrimination of the Slovenes and also about the disdain and disavowal of the Slovene language. Nevertheless, the writer, Florjan Lipuš, has labeled her novel as linguistic and national heresy in his work Enquiry for the Name (Poizvedovanje za imenom, 2013). He thought that the Slovene language on the artistic level should be taken care of by those that are gifted and creative and that writing literature in the Slovene language means its preservation. His critique of Maja Haderlap’s linguistic crossing into German is also very harsh because this is not the only such case of writers of the younger or middle‑aged generation of Carinthian Slovenians writing in German. Maja Haderlap’s novel was translated into Slovene by Štefan Vevar, who is himself of Carinthian origin. This is especially important because the translator has demonstrated not only the role of the Slovene language in this novel but also has included in his innovative translation some elements of the Carinthian dialect, which is the mother tongue of the author and her literary characters. With these translation solutions, Vevar preserved the original’s linguistic duality and also demonstrated that this novel, which was written in German, is also Slovene. However, the author of this novel belongs to the group of writers with a double, interculturally designated identity.
Joanna Cieślar: Historia Słowenii oczami Polaka. O przekładach literatury słoweńskiej Joanny Pomorskiej pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The History of Slovenia in a Polish perspective. Slovenian literature as translated by Joanna Pomorska. Author Name: Joanna Cieślar, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 236-249. Key words: essay, translation, history, Joanna Pomorska, Drago Jančar. Ključne besede: esej, prevod, zgodovina, Joanna Pomorska, Drago Jančar.
Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava temo prevajalčevih odločitev na primeru prevoda zbirke Jančarjevih esejev Terra incognita, ki ga je pripravila Joanna Pomorska. Članek izhaja iz teorije tropov Haydna Whita, ki svoja raziskovanja neposredno navezuje na zgodovinopisje in opozarja na past objektivne zgodovine, ki pravzaprav po njegovem ne sme obstajati. Prav to najdemo v esejih, v katerih vsebino preveva duh zgodovine, denimo Jančarjevi eseji se pogosto dotikajo teme slovenske zgodovine, ki jih avtor postavlja ne samo v slovenski kontekst, ampak tudi v jugoslovanski in celo evropski. Podoba zgodovine v njegovih delih je zgrajena na izjemen način, v katerem prevladuje ironija, ki izhaja iz posmehljive trditve o kolesu zgodovine. Ta svojevrstna perspektiva ni ohranjena v prevajanju, kjer prevajalka mora upoštevati predvsem poljskega bralca, ki slovensko zgodovino le bežno pozna. Avtorica članka še posebej posveča pozornost ponazoritvi posledic prevajalskih strategij in njihovih razmerij do eseja kot nosilca zgodovine. Raziskuje in analizira prevajalske izbire na leksikalno‑semantični ravni ter prikazuje njihov vpliv na dojemanje prevedenega besedila.
Summary: The article deals with the topic of translator’s choices while investigating the case of the translation of Drago Jančar’s book, Terra incognita, translated in Poland by Joanna Pomorska. This article is based on the theory of tropes by Hayden White, whose research is directly related to the historiography, and points out to the trap of objective or truly scientific history which, in fact, cannot exist. The same also applies to the essays that include some threads of history, such as Jančar’s essays concerning Slovenian history, analyzed not only in the Slovenian, but also in Yugoslavian and even European context. The image of history in his works is built on the remarkable way, where prevails the irony arising from the specific argument on the wheel of history. This unique perspective cannot be retained in the translation, where the translator must take into account a Polish reader’s limited knowledge about the Slovenian history. The author pays particular attention to illustrating the effects of translation strategies and its attitude towards the essay as a relay of history. She analyzes the translation choices on the lexical‑semantic level, and shows their impact on the perception of the text.
Majda Stanovnik: I. Prijatelj in A. Nowaczyński: informativno-kreativna funkcija prevoda (Wildovi aforizmi prek polščine v slovenščino) / I Prijatelj i A Nowaczyński: informacyjno-kreatywna funkcja przekładu (aforyzmy Wilde’a tłumaczone poprzez polski na słoweński) (tłum. Agnieszka Bukowczan i Joanna Cieślar) pobierz SLO pobierz PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: I. Prijatelj and A. Nowaczyński: the informative and the corrective function of translation (Wilde’s aphorisms rendered into Slovene via Polish). Author Name: Majda Stanovnik, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 136-164. Key words: translation function, aphorism, I. Prijatelj, O. Wilde, A. Nowaczyński.
Summary: The Slavic scholar Ivan Prijatelj (1875—1937), who received his university education in Vienna and was a contemporary and collaborator of the group of Slovene writers known as the »Slovene Modernists« (slovenska moderna), established himself primarily as an influential literary historian. Apart from that, he developed his interests in literature as an essayist and translator, being eager to become familiar with important authors and literary currents, especially modern European ones, and to make them accessible to Slovene readers. He succinctly presented the English writer, who at the time garnered attention in Eastern and in Western Europe, in the journal article Oskar Wilde (1907), which is a translation of Wilde’s aphorisms on art and on criticism. They were translated into Slovene from Polish, on the basis of Oskar Wilde. Studjum. Aforyzmy. Nowele, a book by Adolf Nowaczyński (1906), in which Wilde is dealt with in a more extensive and multi‑faceted manner. Prijatelj’s version, which is thematically homogeneous, is the only one among his translations that is not based directly on the source text. It does not always follow Nowaczyński’s translation, but is consistent with the poetics of translation sketched out by Prijatelj in the introductory chapter to his study on Pushkin in Slovene translations (1901). The study presupposes that for the literature of a small nation such as Slovenia, translation is indispensable in as far as it enables that literature to become connected to other national literatures; in actual fact, translations are considered as a means of informing and educating target readers as well as of correcting local literary standards. In order to perform these functions in a satisfactory way, a translation must preserve the original’s authenticity, while at the same time adapting to the target culture and naturally integrating into it. Accordingly, a translated text does not only bear a mark of the author’s creative genius, but, to an extent, also of that of the translator. Some minor shifts with respect to the English original are observable in Prijatelj’s and Nowaczyński’s translations, which in some points differ also from each other, and remain within the recommended middle way, which makes it possible for the translator to take into account the author’s intentions, while allowing himself the necessary freedom, so as to produce an effective and convincing target text.
Andrej Šurla: Toneta Pretnarja prevod sonetov Jana Nepomucena Kamińskega / Sonety Jana Nepomucena Kamińskiego w przekładzie Tonego Pretnara (tłum. Weronika Woźnicka, Monika Gawlak, Joanna Cieślar) pobierz SLO pobierz PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: Translation of the sonets of Jan Nepomucen Kamiński by Tone Pretnar. Author Name: Andrej Šurla, Univerza v Ljubljanie, Filozofska fakulteta; Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 271-300. Key words: Jan Nepomucen Kamiński, Tone Pretnar, France Prešeren, literary translation, sonnet. Ključne besede: Jan Nepomucen Kamiński, Tone Pretnar, France Prešeren, literarni prevod, sonet.
Povzetek: V bogatem prevodnem opusu Toneta Pretnarja je tudi 14 sonetov Jana Nepomucena Kamińskega, pomembnega organizatorja poljskega gledališkega in kulturnega življenja v Lvovu v 1. polovici 19. stoletja. Leta 1827 napisane sonete je tedanja kritika zavrnila, večje pozornosti pa jim ne namenja niti poznejša literarna zgodovina. Pretnar se je za njihov prevod odločil (po lastni izjavi) zaradi avtorjevih tesnih zvez z Matijem Čopom, pomembno osebnostjo slovenske intelektualne in umetniške scene istega obdobja. A medtem ko so bile Kamińskemu očitane (poleg kompozicijskih težav) tudi jezikovne slabosti, so Pretnarjevi prevodi jezikovno čisti in lepo tekoči. Pozornost pritegnejo 'prešernizmi’: citati in aluzije na pesniški jezik največjega slovenskega romantika Franceta Prešerna. Z njimi je prevajalec svoj prevod uspešno umestil v čas, v katerega je (kljub nekaterim poznejšim poskusom oživitve zanimanja) ostal zaprt original. Ni pa izključeno (čeprav ostane bralcu, ki ozadij literarne zgodovine ne pozna, skrito), da so 'prešernizmi’ tudi genialna prevajalčeva rešitev, kako v prevodu realizirati to, kar so nekateri kritiki videli (ali hoteli videti) v originalu: parodijo lirike najpomembnejšega poljskega pesnika dobe, Adama Mickiewicza.
Summary: The extensive translation work of Tone Pretnar includes within it the fourteen sonnets of Jan Nepomucen Kamiński, an important organiser of the Polish theatre and cultural life in Lvov in the first half of the nineteenth century. The sonnets, which were written in 1827, were rejected by critics of the period, and were not afforded any greater attention by later literary historians. According to his own account, Pretnar decided to undertake the translation of these works due to the author’s close links with Matija Čop, an important figure in the intellectual and artistic scene of that time. While Kamiński’s works were criticised for their linguistic and compositional failings, Pretnar’s translations are linguistically pure and flow with inherent beauty. Attention is often focused on those elements within them that are reminiscent of Prešeren — namely quotations and allusions to the poetic language of the greatest Slovene romantic poet, France Prešeren. With these elements, the translator succeeded in firmly placing his translation in a time, interest in which (apart from some subsequent attempts to revitalise interest) remained, like the sonnets themselves, restricted and confined. Nor can it be ruled out (even though for the reader who is unaware of the literary and historical background it may not be immediately apparent) that those elements that are reminiscent of Prešeren also in fact represent the translator’s ingenious solution to the problem as to how best realise in translation the very elements which some critics had seen (or wanted to see) in the original: namely, a lyric parody of the greatest Polish poet of that period, Adam Mickiewicz.
Bożena Tokarz: Poza granicami schematów. Kilka uwag o polskiej refleksji nad przekładem pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Going beyond schemas. Some remarks on the Polish reflection upon translation. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 15-33. Key words: Polish translatory reflection, identity, transformations of the original, needs of the receiving literature, repealing of fidelity.
Summary: The diversity of Polish voices about translation draws attention to the fundamental problems of translation: 1) the role of the translator in the process of linguistic and cultural transference; 2) the modeling impact of the receiving culture on the target text; 3) respect for the output work and culture in relation to word and text; 4) linguistic and cultural untranslatability; 5) the desire to create a discipline that “would tame” the complex nature of translation in theory and practice. Reflections upon these issues led to interdisciplinary and descriptivity in translation studies. Currently we are dealing with the situation of the repealing of faithfulness in translation as an impossible and unnecessary task. The voices of Polish translators, among others, growing over the centuries, were confirmed by this theoretical reflection. Researchers have announced it in Polish translatory reflection. They represented different methodological, phenomenological and structuralist-semiotic options (for example, Stefania Skwarczyńska and Edward Balcerzan in the years 1965—1981). In their reflections on translation, an essential role has been played by the adoption of two basic assumptions. The first one concerns the autonomy of a literary work, whereas the other one is about interpretation, that is, its full implementation in the process of reading. Within their borders, they pointed to the inevitability of the gradable identity of translation with respect to the original.
Štefan Vevar: Med medkulturnostjo v prevodni praksi in medkulturnostja v prevodoslovju / Międzykulturowość w praktyce a międzykulturowość w translatologii (tłum. Anna Muszyńska) pobierz SLO pobierz PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: Between interculturality in translation practice and “interculturality” in translatology. Author Name: Štefan Vevar, Slovenski gledališki inštitutut, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 34-63. Key words: formal theory vs. substantial theory, interculturality, concept of trichotomy, complex normative paradigm, translation equivalence. Ključne besede: formalna teorija vs. substančna teorija, medkulturonost, koncept trihotomije, normativna paradigma, prevodna ekvivalenca.
Povzetek: V prispevku sem skušal pokazati, da je upoštevanje fenomena medkulturnosti v prevajanju eden od temeljev solidnega prevoda. Če medkulturnost izostane, ciljna kultura prevaja iz izhodiščne na potujitveni način, to pa onemogoča ali slabi razumevanje besedila pri ciljnem bralstvu. A ne le to: besedilu tudi jemlje avtentično literarno dikcijo in ga depoetizira. Primeri kažejo, da bi morala formalna teorija dokončno opraviti z zgolj semantičnim pojmovanjem prevodne ekvivalence. S kompleksnim ovrednotenjem problema prevodne enakovrednosti bi se tudi rešila shizofrenega razmerja do medkulturnosti, ko jo načeloma in v abstraktnem pogledu tematizira kot relevanten fenomen, pri svoji praktični evalvaciji pa jo ima zgolj za upoštevanja vreden korektiv.
Summary: The article has tried to demonstrate that the implementation of the interculturality phenomenon in the translation process should be considered as one of the conditions of a distinguished translation. If the translator does not integrate the so‑called ‘cultural equivalents’ in his/her translation, it occurs on the text level only, undermining and weakening its understanding with the target readership. Such a translation moreover lacks the authentic diction and turns to be prosaic and non‑poetic. The formal theory of translation should therefore finally give up its mere semantic comprehension of translation equivalence. Having evaluated this problem in a complex way, one would find the way out of its schizoid position between widely shedding light on the phenomenon of interculturality in theory, yet facing it with embarrassment and discomfort when evaluating translation practice.
Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich (2014) – Tom 6 Nr 2 (2015)
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2014 roku (Monika Gawlak) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the year 2014 . Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish, Slovenian. Issue: 6 (2)/2015. Page Range: 181-182. Key words: Slovenian literature in Poland.
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w 2014 roku (Karolina Bucka‑Kustec) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Slovenia in the year 2014. Author Name: Karolina Bucka‑Kustec. Language: Polish, Slovenian. Issue: 6 (2)/2015. Page Range: 183-189. Key words: Polish literature in Slovenia.
Anna Muszyńska‑Vizintin: Przekłady literatury polskiej w Słowenii w 2014 roku pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Poljska književnost v slovenskih prevodih v letu 2014 / Polish literature in Slovenian translation in 2014. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska‑Vizintin, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 6 (2)/2015. Page Range: 191-204. Ključne besede: obrobne kulture, dominantne kulture, prevodi leta 2014, prevajalske izbire, medkulturni dialog. Key words: peripheral cultures, dominant cultures, translations in 2014, translation choices, intercultural dialogue.
Povzetek: Leta 2014 je v Sloveniji izšlo 8 prevodov knjig poljskih avtorjev, med katerimi je prevladovala proza: 5 romanov pisateljev različnih generacij (Lem, Myśliwski, Huelle, Tokarczuk, Franczak), dve knjigi o verskih tematikah (o Janezu Pavlu II in o Juriju Popiełuszko) ter en izbor pesmi poljske Nobelove nagrajenke Wisławe Szymborske. Poljsko leposlovje je bilo tudi še kar prisotno v literarnih revijah, kot so npr. „Lirikon21”, „Poetikon”, „Locutio” in „Literatura”. Večino prevodov so objavile najbolj poznane in prestižne slovenske založbe, kot so npr. Mladinska knjiga, Cankarjeva založba, Celjska Mohorjeva Družba in Beletrina. Vredna pozornosti pa je dodelitev prestižne nagrade za najboljšega mladega prevajalca leta 2014 Staši Pavlovič za njen prvi knjižni prevod Mercedes‑Benz: iz pisem Hrabalu Pawła Huelleja. Na podlagi obravnavanih podatkov se lahko opazi, da poljska kultura postaja vedno bolj zanimiva za Slovence, za kar (v okviru medkulturnega dialoga) prispevajo prevajalci, predvsem pa njihovi odlični prevodi.
Summary: In 2014, 8 Polish authors’ books were translated and published in Slovenia, among which the dominant literary genre was prose: 5 novels written by authors belonging to different generations (Lem, Myśliwski, Huelle, Tokarczuk, Franczak), 2 books on religious topics (on John Paul II and Jerzy Popiełuszko), and a selection of poems by the Polish Nobel Prize winner Wisława Szymborska. Polish literature was also quite present in literary magazines such as „Lirikon21”, „Poetikon”, „Locutio” and „Literatura”. Most of the translations have been published by the most famous and prestigious Slovenian publishers such as Mladinska knjiga, Cankarjeva založba, Celjska Mohorjeva Družba and Beletrina. It is worthy to note that the prestigious award for the best young translator in 2014 was assigned to Staša Pavlović for her first translation, that is, Pawel Huelle’s Mercedes Benz: From Letters to Hrabal. On the basis of the data presented, it can be seen that Polish literature is becoming increasingly popular among Slovenians thanks to the translators and, especially, to their excellent translations.
Wolność tłumacza wobec imperatywu tekstu – Tom 6 Nr 1 (2015)
Joanna Cieślar: Wolność tłumacza wobec kalejdoskopu kultur na przykładzie esejów Božidara Jezernika pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The translator’s freedom in the face of the cultural kaleidoscope based on examples from Božidar Jezernik’s essays. Author Name: Joanna Cieślar, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 6 (1)/2015. Page Range: 226-236. Ključne besede: Božidar Jezernik, esej, prevajanje, prevajalec. Key words: Božidar Jezernik, essay, translation, translator.
Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava temo prevajalčeve svobode na primeru prevoda Jezernikove knjige Kava. Zgodovina številnih zanimivih osebnosti in ovir, s katerimi se je srečevala grenka črna pijača, imenovana kava, na svojem zmagovitem pohodu iz Arabije Feliks okrog sveta, ki ga ni uspel zaustaviti niti muhtasib svetega mesta Meka, ki je na Poljskem objavljena kot zbirka esejev. Avtorica še posebej posveča pozornost ponazoritvi posledic prevajalskih strategij in njihovih razmerij do eseja kot literarne zvrsti. Raziskuje in analizira prevajalske izbire na leksikalno‑semantični ravni ter prikazuje njihov vpliv na dojemanje prevedenega besedila.
Summary: The article deals with the topic of translator’s freedom, in particular investigating the case of the translation of Jezernik’s book Kava. Zgodovina številnih zanimivih osebnosti in ovir, s katerimi se je srečevala grenka črna pijača, imenovana kava, na svojem zmagovitem pohodu iz Arabije Feliks okrog sveta, ki ga ni uspel zaustaviti niti muhtasib svetega mesta Meka which was published in Poland as a collection of essays. The author pays particular attention to the effects of the translation strategies and its relation to the essay as a literary genre. She analyzes translator’s choises on the lexical‑semantic level and shows their impact on text reception.
Monika Gawlak: O przekładzie tytułu (na przykładzie prozy słoweńskiej) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: On the Translation of a Title (basing on the Slovenian prose). Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 6 (1)/2015. Page Range: 56-69. Ključne besede: prevod naslova, svoboda pri prevajanju, prevodi slovenske proze, tujost v prevodu. Key words: title translation, freedom of the interpreter, translating Slovenian prose, foreignness in translation.
Povzetek: Članek obravnava problem svobode prevajalca pri prevajanju naslova proznega dela. To vprašanje se zdi bistveno ne samo zato, ker mora naslov v ciljnem jeziku ohraniti svoje glavne funkcije (identifikacijsko, obvestilno, pragmatično); potrebna sta tudi celovita analiza razmerja med izvirnim naslovom in delom ter upoštevanje „reprezentacijske” vloge naslova v drugotnem kulturnem okolju. Posebna pozornost je namenjena naslavljanju prevodov zbirk kratke proze s poimenovanji, ki so v izhodiščni kulturi že uveljavljeni kot naslovi drugih publikacij (Terra incognita, Noc w Lublanie). Prevajalec s tem zavede bralca in zlorabi prevajalsko svobodo. Članek analizira tudi prevode naslovov, ki ohranjajo značilen element tujosti (Čefurzy raus!), in naslove, ki zelo odstopajo od naslovov izvirnikov (Słońce w dolinie, Białe czereśnie, Pies). Največ možnosti za ustvarjalno svobodo ima prevajalec pri naslovih, ki vsebujejo element tujosti, takih, ki drugotnemu naslovniku ne vzbujajo skoraj nobenih asociacij. Zdi se, da je med omenjenimi praksami še najprimernejša opustitev izvirnega naslova in poimenovanje dela z naslovom, ki je plod interpretacije besedila ali navezave na eno izmed pomembnih tem ali motivov dela. A prevajalčevo svobodo tudi v tem primeru omejujejo pragmatične in etične zahteve. Prevajalca mora pri izbiri novega naslova voditi predvsem želja, da bi delu zagotovil čim širši krog bralcev v novem kulturnem okolju.
Summary: The article concerns the issue of the interpreter’s freedom concerning translations of the titles of prose works. The matter seems important not only because of the necessity of reserving the title’s essential functions (identification, information, pragmatics), not only because of the need of a complex analysis of the original title — work relationship, but also because of the ‘ambassadorial’ role of — this title in the secondary cultural space. Attention was drawn to the praxis of giving the interpreted collections of short stories (Terra Incognita, Noc w Lublanie) titles already existing in the initial culture and given to other publications. It is malpractice and misleading to a secondary reader. Also, the titles with a remaining foreign dominant element (Čefurzy raus!) and titles significantly different from the original titles (Słońce w dolinie, Białe czereśnie, Pies) were discussed. The space of freedom and the opportunity of a creative attitude appears especially in cases of titles containing a the foreign element, those which do not evoke almost any associations to the secondary reader. In these cases, the most appropriate practice seems to be deleting the original title and giving a new one, one dependent on the work’s interpretation or containing its important subject or topos. Then, the interpreter’s freedom is limited due to the nature of pragmatic and moral imperatives. In choosing the new title, the interpreter should be guided principally by the desire to ensure that the work reaches as many readers in the new cultural space as possible.
Marlena Gruda: Odbiorca przewidywany w powieści Sny i kamienie Magdaleny Tulli w oryginale i przekładzie Jany Unuk na język słoweński pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The designated reader in the romance novel Dreams and stones by Magdalena Tulli, in the original and the translation by Jana Unuk into Slovenian. Author Name: Marlena Gruda, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 6 (1)/2015. Page Range: 249-270. Ključne besede: bralec, mesto, interpretacija, frazem, kontekst, perspektiva. Key words: reader, city, interpretation, idiom, context, perspective.
Povzetek: Predvideni bralec izvirnika Sny i kamienie Magdalene Tulli in predvideni bralec prevoda Sanje in kamni v prevodu Jane Unuk sta dva ločena subjekta. Razlog za razliko med njima je drugačna konfiguracija odnosov med osebami izpovedi, intersemiotičnost in pragmatičnost prevoda ter drugačno funkcioniranje vsakega od teh besedil v drugi socialno‑kulturni resničnosti. Prevajalec, ki je najprej bralec izvirnika, potem pa avtor prevoda, izvaja dvojno aktualizacijo na podlagi lastnega vedenja, izkušenj in potencialnih bralčevih doživetij. Prevajalkin način branja in njena interpretacija, ki je osredotočena na zgodovinski kontekst, je opazna zlasti v leksikalni (prevod besednih zvez, frazemov in metafor) ter slovnični ravni, modalnih strukturah, v določanju kategorij, povezanih s časom, aksioloških kategorij „absolutnega” in metajeziku. Delo Sny i kamienie Magdalene Tulli je, zaradi mnogih kontekstov, strukturne sestavljenosti in večplastnosti izvor neenopomenskosti interpretacije in številnih morebitnih prevodoslovnih rešitev.
Summary: The designated reader of the original Sny i kamienie by Magdalena Tulli and the designated reader of the translation Sanje in kamni by Jana Unuk are two separate subjects. The reason for the difference is the differing configuration of the relationships between the current narrator, intersemiotics and the pragmatism of the translation as well as the differing functions in each of these texts’ socially‑cultural reality. A translator, who is first a reader of the original, and then the author of the translation, exercises a double actualization on the basis of her/his own behavior, life experiences and potential experiences as a reader of the text. The translator’s way of reading and her interpretation, which is focused on the historical context, is especially noticeable in the lexical (the translation of collocations, idioms and metaphors) and grammatical level, modal structure, determination of categories of time, axiological categories of „the absolute” and metalinguistics. The work Dreams and Stones by Magdalena Tulli is, due to the plethora of philosophical and historical contexts, its structural composition and multifacetedness the cause of multiple meanings of interpretation and therefore, contains multiple possible translation solutions.
Anna Muszyńska‑Vizintin: Wiedza i zmysły w pracy tłumacza pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The role of translator’s erudition and sensory cognizance in the process of translation. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska‑Vizintin, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 6 (1)/2015. Page Range: 133-148. Ključne besede: mimetična književnost (mimesis), znanje prevajalca, senzorično zaznavanje, ekphrasis, esej o umetnosti. Key words: mimetic literature (mimesis), translator’s erudition, sensory cognizance, ekphrasis, essay about visual arts.
Povzetek: Članek obravnava problematiko literarnih besedil (kot so npr. zgodovinski romani, dnevniki, potopisi, biografije, literarni eseji ipd.), za katere je značilna visoka stopnja realnosti (kategorija mimesis) in v katerih se pojavljajo opisi realno obstajajočih prostorov, zgradb, umetnin itd. Ta zvrst leposlovja zahteva od prevajalca določeno znanje ter erudicijo in pogosto temelji na realnih izkušnjah, ki so povezana s čutili (videti, pogledati, pokušati, dotakniti), še predvsem z vidom (figura hipotiposis). Zanimiv primer, ki nekako druži problematiko znanja ter senzoričnega zaznavanja v prevodu, so potopisni eseji o umetnosti, za katere je značilna retorična figura ekhprasis, definirana kot “verbalni (jezikovni) opis resnično obstajajoče umetnine”. Z vidika teorije prevajanja, potopisni eseji o umetnosti (kot je npr. zbirka Zbigniewa Herberta Barbar v vrtu) implicirajo obstoj dveh tipov prevoda, ki sta: 1. primarno, v originalu, intersemiotični prevod (transmutacija) 2. sekundarno pa interlingvalni prevod (iz jezika v jezik). Prevajalec bi moral v postopek interlingvalnega prevajanja vključiti tudi transmutacijo, se pravi verificirati pravilnost prevoda tako v primerjavi z besedilom originala kot tudi z realno umetnino, ki je opisana v originalu.
Summary: This paper deals with the problem of literary texts (such as. Historical novels, diaries, travelogues, biographies, literary essays, etc.) which are characterized by a high degree of reality (category mimesis) and by realistic descriptions of the available spaces, buildings, art, etc. This type of literature requires a certain knowledge and erudition from the translator, and it is often based on real experiences which are connected to the senses (sound, sight, touch, smell, taste), but in particular with sight (figure hipotiposis). An interesting example, that somehow brings together the problems of knowledge and sensory perception in the process of translation, are the travelogue essays on art, characterized by the rhetorical figure known as ekphrasis — a “verbal (linguistic) description of an existent art object”. From the perspective of the theory of translation, travelogue essays concerning art (eg. Zbigniew Herbert‑collection “Barbarian in the garden”) imply the existence of two types of translation, which are: 1) intersemiotic translation (transmutation) and; 2) interlingual translation (from one language to another). During the process of interlingual translation it would be recommendable for the translator to also include the dynamics of transmutation, that is to verify the correctness of the translation in comparison to the original text as well as to the art object, described in the original text.
Bożena Tokarz: Perspektywa tekstowa i perspektywa kulturowa w przekładzie, czyli o kłopotach współistnienia pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: On co‑existential problemes: Textual and Cultural Perspectives on Translation. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Language: Polish. Issue: 6 (1)/2015. Page Range: 73-89. Ključne besede: prevod, prevajalec, svoboda, odgovornost, besedilo. Key words: translation, translator, freedom, responsibility, text.
Povzetek: Če je izvirno besedilo upoštevano kot razpoznavno znamenje določenega miselnega modela, tedaj preusmeritev pozornosti od smisla izvirnika k prevodu in ciljni kulturi ne pomeni nujno brisanja izvirnega besedila. V prevajalčevem duhu se srečuje dvoje različnih mentalnih območij. Njegova svoboda tako na konceptualni kot tudi jezikovno‑stilistični ravni je omejena z odgovornostjo do avtorja in naslovnika ter koncepcije besedila, kajti v prevodu prihaja do premikov v območju pomenotvornih dejavnikov, kar vodi k nastanku novega literarnega predmeta. Besedilna perspektiva je temelj vsakega prevoda; kaže na nejasnosti z vidika domače literaturę in kulture in izpostavlja potrebo po osvetlitvi kontekstnih pomenov, torej tistih, ki izhajajo iz medkulturnih razlik. Do soočenja dveh miselnih sfer namreč lahko pride zaradi razbiranja in razumevanja miselnih mehanizmov, vpisanih v besedilo. Slovnične kategorije, pojmi, stil in konvencije so pomensko, miselno, kulturno in antropološko zmeraj zaznamovani dejavniki.
Summary: The process of translation assumes the existence of two separate mental spaces merging in the translator’s mind, whose freedom is limited by the responsibility towards the author and the reader, on the one hand, and, on the other, the textual imperatives manifested at the conceptual, linguistic, and stylistic levels. The transformations of strategies generating meaning during the process of translation lead to the creation of a new literary subject. The shift from the meaning of the original to the translator and the target culture does not have to imply an erasure of the source as long as it is being interpreted as a manifestation of a specific mental space. The textual perspective constitutes the foundation of translation, inasmuch as it reveals ambiguities from the point of view of the target literature and culture, and points to the necessity to resolve contextualized meanings that represent cultural differences. The encounter between two mental spaces happens due to the interpretation of the mental mechanisms that are inscribed into the text. Grammatical structures, meaning, style and literary conventions are always determined by semantic, intellectual, cultural and anthropological factors.
Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich (2013) – Tom 5 Nr 2 (2014)
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2013 roku (Monika Gawlak) pobierz
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w 2013 roku (Marlena Gruda) pobierz
Monika Gawlak: Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2013 — komentarz pobierz
Wzajemne związki między przekładem a komparastyką – Tom 5 Nr 1 (2014)
Anna Muszyńska‑Vizintin: Tłumacz komparatysta — tłumacz uwikłany w język. O dwóch „poezjotwórczych” kategoriach gramatycznych w języku polskim i słoweńskim pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Comparative Translator: A Translator Involved in Language. Regarding Two Poetic Grammatical Categories in Polish and Slovenian. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska-Vizintin, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 355-373. Ključne besede: prevajalec — komparativist, jezikovni relativizem, slovnične kategorie, orodnik v pesmih slovenska dvojina, izgubljeno v prevodu. Key words: translator-comparatist, relativism of languages, grammatical categories, instrumentalis in poety, dualis in Slovenian, lost in translation.
Povzetek: Prevajalec kot posredovalec med izvirnikom in prevodom je oseba, ki istočasno deluje med dvema jezikoma, dvema kulturami in dvojno literarno dediščino, ki sta doživeli različen razvoj. Prevajalsko delo je podobno delu komparatističnemu (primerjanje, analiza besedil, raziskovanje literarnih in kulturnih kontekstov, razlik in podobnosti), torej lahko trdimo, da je prevajalec „idealen — komparativist” oziroma „komparativist — praktik”, ki se mora med celotnim postopkom prevajanja soočati z jezikovno in kulturno različnostjo. Pri prevajanju iz izvirnega v drug in drugačen jezik se razkriva jezikovnen relativizem, ki ga včasih ni mogoče premostiti. Različna narava jezikov se lahko pojavlja ne samo na nivoju semantike oziroma v pragmatični (ustvarjalni) uporabi (tako im.„ususu”), temveč tudi na področju slovnice: v slovničnih oblikah, katere omogočajo ustvarjanje določene pesniške „vizijnosti” v enem jeziku, ki — zaradi drugačnega slovničnega sistema — ni prevedljiva v drugačen jezik (npr. v poljščini: orodnik — instrumental, ki nima potrebe po uporabi predloga (z /s) ali v slovenščini: izjemna in ni prevedljiva več v druge jezike, „intimna” kategorija dvojine). Razlike med raznimi načinami jezikovne konceptualizacije so opazljive samo preko primerjalne analize med izvirnikom in prevodom, kar — v praktičnem dejanju — dela prevajalec, na področju teorije pa prevajalski kritiki.
Summary: The translator as a mediator between the original and the translation is a person who is simultaneously working between two languages, two cultures and two literary heritages, which have experienced different developments. The work of translation is similar to that of comparativism (comparing, text analysis, exploration of literary and cultural contexts, differences and similarities), so it is possible to say that the translator is an ideal comparatist, or a „comparatist — practitioner”, who must cope with the diversity of languages and cultures during the whole process of translation. Translation from the original to another language reveals relativism, which sometimes cannot be overcome. The different linguistic nature may appear not only at the level of semantics, or in the pragmatic conventions, but also in the field of grammar: for example, grammatical forms, which enable the creation of a certain poetic “visionism” in the original language, do not allow translation into another language, as the latter uses a different grammatical system. Thus, the Polish instrumentalis, which does not need to use the preposition s/z, is untranslatable into Slovenian and, considering the same principle, the Slovenian “intimate” category of the dual form is untranslatable into other languages. The differences between the various linguistic conceptualization are observable only through a comparative analysis between the original and the translation, which — in practical action — is done by the translator, and — in theory — by the translation critics.
Monika Gawlak: Podwojony dialog — przekładu i twórczości własnej — ujęcie komparatystyczne? pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Doubled dialogue of the translation and own artistic work — comparative perspective? Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 200-214. Ključne besede: literarni prevod, komparativistika, Adam Wiedemann, Primož Čučnik, dialoškost. Key words: literary translation, comparative study, Adam Wiedemann, Primož Čučnik, dialogism.
Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava problematiko prevoda, kadar je prevajalec sicer tudi sam pisec literature. V takšnem primeru sta pomembna tako dialog poetike avtorja primarnega besedila s poetiko prevajalčeve lastne literarne ustvarjalnosti, kot tudi relacije, v katere se zapleta konkretni prevod s prevajalčevimi (lastnimi) literarnimi besedili. Ti vprašanji odpirata široko področje prevodoslovnih in komparativističnih raziskav. Prevajanje in prevod, razumljen kot interpretacija, sta tu obravnavana v skladu s postulati sodobne komparativistike, torej kot dialog kultur, dialog literatur, ki vodi v nadaljnje dialoške odnose v okviru ciljne kulture in prevajalčeve lastne literarne ustvarjalnosti. Na Poljskem je to vprašanje mdr. aktualno v ustvarjalnosti (avtorski in prevajalski) Stanisława Barańczaka, Juliana Tuwima in Czesława Miłosza. Če gre za prevajanje slovenske literature na Poljskem in poljske v Sloveniji (po letu 1990), je glede tega zanimivo vzajemno prevajanje dveh pesnikov — Adama Wiedemanna in Primoža Čučnika. Funkcija njunih prevodov je bolj dopolnjujoča kot polemična. Pesnika eksplicitno opozarjata na medbesedilne relacije med svojimi teksti. Podobnost njunih avtorskih poetik in izbori besedil, ki (si) jih prevajata, pa pričajo o idejni, svetovnonazorski in estetski sorodnosti.
Summary: The subject of this article is concerning the area of translation created by an author, a writer. In such case not only the dialogue between poetics of an author’s primary texts and the poetics of self-translated texts is at importance. The relation in which particular translation is involved with the original author’s passages also cannot be diminished. Those problems open a wide space for the translation and comparative studies research. The translation is perceived as an interpretation seen accordingly to the postulates of modern comparative studies — so as an intercultural dialogue, the dialogue of literature, opening itself for further relations in the sphere of ultimate culture and the own artwork of the author of the translation. In Poland it applies to works (original and translational) of — among others — Stanisław Barańczak, Julian Tuwim or Czesław Miłosz. In reference to the translations of Slovenian literature in Poland and Polish literature in Slovenia (after year 1990) one of the fascinating phenomenon in this context would be mutual translation of their own texts of two poets — Adam Wiedemann and Primož Čučnik. Their translations function as a complement rather than polemic factor. The authors explicitly point to initiating the intertextual relations between their texts. The resemblance of the poetics and choices made in the scope of translation unveil the relationship in terms of an idea, outlook on the world and aesthetics.
Robert Grošelj: Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italjanskem prevodu romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča / Obcy w obcym: cytaty literackie w polskim i włoskim przekładzie powieści Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča (tłum. Maja Jasińska) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Other in the Other: literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of Anton Ingolič’s youth novel Gimnazijka. Robert Grošelj, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani (Slovenija), Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 272-303. Ključne besede: mladinski roman Gimnazijka, Anton Ingolič, književni citat, zvesti prevod, delni prevod, povzemalni prevod. Key words: youth novel Gimnazijka, Anton Ingolič, literary citation, faithful translation, partial translation, summary translation.
Povzetek: V prispevku je analizirano prevajanje književnih citatov v poljskem in italijanskem prevodu slovenskega mladinskega romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča. S književnimi citati avtor sooblikuje svoje pripovedovanje (autoreferencialnost), bralca pa tudi informira — s konkretnimi besedilnimi zgledi — o kanonskih avtorjih svetovne (Shakepeare, Molière) in slovenske (Kette, Murn, Gradnik) književnosti (referencialnost). V analiziranih prevodih Gimnazijke prihaja pri citatih pogosto do poenostavljanja ciljnega besedila: poljska prevajalka se je za ohranitev citata odločila v treh, italijanski prevajalec pa le v dveh od petih primerov. V obeh prevodih je pogosto tudi poenostavljanje citatnega sobesedila, tudi če je citat ohranjen (poenostavljanje je večje v italijanskem prevodu). Na tak način sta se prevoda oddaljila od slogovne oblikovanosti in vsebinske kompleksnosti izhodiščnega besedila, hkrati pa se je z neupoštevanjem citatov zmanjšala njegova referencialnost (informativno-didaktična dimenzija).
Summary: The paper discusses the translation of literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of the Slovenian youth novel Gimnazijka by Anton Ingolič. With the help of literary citations the author shapes his narrative (autoreferentiality) and also informs the reader — by using concrete text examples — of the authors included in the canon of world (cf. Shakespeare, Molière) and Slovenian (cf. Kette, Murn, Gradnik) literature (referentiality). In the analyzed translations of Gimnazijka, text fragments with citations are frequently simplified: Polish translator has opted for preserving three, the Italian only two citations out of five. In both translations the text fragments with citations have been frequently simplified, even if the citation itself is preserved (the summary translation has been used more widely by Italian translator). In such a way, the analyzed translations have not only reduced the stylistic qualities and the content complexity of the source text, but also diminished its referentiality (informative-didactic dimension) by disregarding some of the literary citations.
Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich (2007—2012) – Tom 4 Nr 2 (2014)
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2012 (Joanna Cieślar, Monika Gawlak) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland from 2007 to 2012. Author Name: Joanna Cieślar, Monika Gawlak, University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Slavic Studies, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 4 (2)/2014. Page Range: 419-450. Key words: Slovenian literature in Poland.
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w latach 2007—2012 (Marlena Gruda) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Slovenia from 2007 to 2012. Author Name: Marlena Gruda, University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Slavic Studies, Language: Polish, Slovenian. Issue: 4 (2)/2014. Page Range: 453-494. Key words: Slovak literature in Poland.
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w latach 1990—2006 (uzupełnienia) (Jana Unuk) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Slovenia from 1990 to 2006 (appendix). Author Name: Jana Unuk. Language: Polish, Slovenian. Issue: 4 (2)/2014. Page Range: 505-512. Key words: Bulgarian literature in Poland.
Stereotypy w przekładzie artystycznym – Tom 4 Nr 1 (2013)
Marlena Gruda: Stereotyp Słoweńca „ofiary” w przekładzie powieści Vlada Žabota Wilcze noce pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Stereotypical Slovene victims novels in translation using Vlado Žabot’s novel Wilcze noce. Author Name: Marlena Gruda, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 154-181. Ključne besede: žrtev, Slovenec, samožrtvovanje, pasivnost, trpljenje, prostor. Key words: victim, Slovenian, self-sacrifice, passivity, pain, space.
Povzetek: Prevod romana Wilcze noce Vlada Žabota je izvir znanja o slovenskem značaju in stereotipih, zlasti heterostereotipih, oblikovanih pod vplivom slovenske kulturne raznolikosti, zgodovinskih dogodkov in družbeno-političnega položaja Slovenije. Karakterološka slovenska neenotnost je očitna tudi v jeziku prevoda, na njegovi semiotično-semantični ravni. Prevod omogoča poljskemu sekundarnemu sprejemniku spoznati stereotip Slovenca kot osebo, ki si prizadeva za samouničitev s potjo ritualnega trpljenja in na ta način z vplivanjem na Drugega z različnimi obredi vsakdanjega življenja, skupnega nasilja in samožrtvovanja. Besedilo prevoda, ki je nastalo 14 let po izidu izvirnika v Sloveniji je oblika obračuna s spremembo predstave Slovenca v poljski in slovenski zavesti.
Summary: The novel Wilcze noce of Vlado Žabot is the source of knowledge about the Slovene character and stereotype including heterosterotype, formed under the influence of the cultural diversity of Slovenia, its historical and socio-political events. This unevenness of character is plain in the language of translation, in the semiotic and semantic structure. The polish reader can because of the translation of the novel Wilcze noce, come to know the stereotypical of Slovene as a person with strong self-destructive tendencies realized by the means of the ritual suffering at the same time influencing the ‘Other’ in the form of daily life rituals, group violence and self-sacrifice. The text of the translation was shaped 14 years after the first original Slovene edition and is a form of coming to terms with a change of the image of the Slovene in Polish and Slovene mentality.
Anna Muszyńska-Vizintin: O destereotypizacji odczytań tekstu oryginału w przekładzie. Rozważania o słoweńskim tłumaczeniu kulinariów w Panu Tadeuszu pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Source text’s destereotypization of interpretations in the process of translations — some theses about the culinary art of Adam Mickiewicz’s Sir Thaddeuss in Rozka Štefan Slovenian translations. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska-Vizintin, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 37-60. Ključne besede: „poljskost”, neprevedljivost, tipične jedi (kulinarika), medkulturna komunikacja, interpretacjia, destereotipizacija, kulturni kontekst. Key words: „Polishness”, untranslatable, typical dishes (culinary), intercultural communication, interpretation, destereotypization, cultural context.
Povzetek: Gospod Tadej ali zadnji maščevalni pohod na Litvi Adama Mickiewicza — poljska narodna epopeja, napisana v obdobju romantike — je mojstrovina, ki velja za neprevedljivo. Vsebuje in kodificira določeni „vzorec poljskosti”: stereotipne predstave vsega, ki naj bi veljalo za tipično poljsko, neločljivo povezano s poljskim (kulturnim, zgodovinskim, literarnim, političnim) kontekstom in okoljem. V razpravi je izpostavljena teza, da številni pojmi oz. predstave, ki veljajo v določeni kulturi za stereotipične, v prevodu spreminjajo svoj status: niso več shematične in očitne (izgubljajo svojo stereotipnost) Postopek „destereotipizacije” se dogaja v glavnem zaradi prenosa besedila v drug jezik, drugi kulturni kontekst ter zaradi kulturno drugače vzgojenega sprejemnika (bralca), ki interpretira tekst s popolnoma drugega, novega vidika.
Summary: Adam Mickiewicz’s Sir Thaddeus, or the Last Lithuanian Foray — Polish national epic poem, written in the Romantic period — is a masterpiece, considered to be untranslatable. It contains and codifies certain “patterns of Polishness”: stereotypical depictions of everything that are typically Polish, and indivisibly connected with the Polish (cultural, historical, literary, political) context and environment. In the article it is asserted that a number of terms and depictions, which, in a certain culture are considered as stereotypical, in a translation change their status: they are neither schematic nor obvious anymore (they lose their stereotypy). The process of “destereotypization” takes place mainly because of the transfer into another language and into another cultural context, and because of the receiver’s (reader’s) different cultural education, who interprets the text from a completely different, new point of view.
Bożena Tokarz: Ostatnia Wieczerza Pawła Huellego (i Jany Unuk) jako konfrontacja z tradycją, z własną i cudzą kulturą pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Ostatnia Wieczerza by Paweł Huelle (and Jana Unuk) as a confrontation with own tradition and other people’s culture. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 185-207. Ključne besede: stereotip, prevod, Zadnja večerja, Paweł Huelle, Jana Unuk. Key words: a stereotype, translation, The Last Supper, Paweł Huelle, Jana Unuk.
Povzetek: Slovenski prevod romana Zadnja večerja Pawła Huelleja je izšel leta 2010, komaj tri leta po izidu izvirnika, prevedla ga je Jana Unuk. Miselna shema Zadnje večerje (kot podlaga stereotipa), ki jo sestavljajo skupna večerja Jezusa in apostolov na način daritvene gostije, Jezusova vednost o Judeževi izdaji, lastnem mučeništvu in žrtvovanju ter preobrazba in sporočilo vere — obsega strukturo celotnega romana. Stereotip je vključen v kontekst sodobnih dogajanj kot argument širšega dialoga na temo skupnosti, svobode, izdaje, vere in umetnosti. Jana Unuk je pri prenašanju smisla in ideje izvirnika v slovensko kulturo glede na uresničeni jezikovni transfer do določene mere soustvarjalka romana. Kljub prevajalkini zvestobi izvirniku in njenim prevajalskim veščinam miselna shema Zadnje večerje, naravnana na prihodnost, zaradi drugačne pragmatike slovenskega jezika in nekoliko drugačne kulturne imaginacije ni dosegla vseh potencialov izvirnika (zbujajočih upanje). Ko izvirnik vstopa v ciljno kulturo, privzema njene lastnosti celo na ravni prevoda tako univerzalnih stereotipov, kot so religiozni stereotipi.
Summary: In 2010, only three years after the Polish edition, a translation by Jana Unuk of the novel Ostatnia Wieczerza (‘The Last Supper’) by Paweł Huelle appeared. The mental schema of The Last Supper (the basis of a stereotype), which is in the character of a sacrificial feast and consists of: the shared supper of Jesus and the apostles, the knowledge of Jesus about the betrayal by Judas, about His own martyrdom, sacrifice and transubstantiation and the message of faith, covers the structure of the entire novel. The stereotype has been introduced into the context of the contemporary events as an argument of a broader dialogue on the topic of community, freedom, betrayal, religion and art. In a way, Jana Unuk has become a co-author of the novel by transferring the sense and the idea of the original version to the Slovenian culture, due to the performed language transfer. Despite the faithfulness to the original and the translation art of the translator, the mental schema of The Last Supper that is oriented upon the future did not receive the potentiality of the original (giving hope) because of the different pragmatics of the Slovenian language and its slightly different cultural conception. Entering into an accepting culture, the original assumes its features even on the level of translating stereotypes that are as stable as religious stereotypes.
Bariery kulturowe w przekładzie artystycznym – Tom 3 Nr 1 (2012)
Katarzyna Baran: Polskie frazeologizmy w słoweńskich przekładach wierszy Wisławy Szymborskiej pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Poljski frazemi v slovenskih prevodih pesmi Vislave Szymborske / Polish idioms in Slovenian translations of Wislawa Szymborska poems. Author Name: Katarzyna Baran, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Uniwersytet Śląski. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 200-215. Klučne besede: idiomi, poezija, prevod, modifikacije idiomov, Wisława Szymborska; Key words: idioms, poetry, translation, transformations of idioms, Wislawa Szymborska.
Povzetek: Frazemi so pogosto uporabljeni v poljski poeziji. Zaradi svoje ekspresivnosti in sprejemljivosti za pesniške operacije, postajajo objekti besednih iger. Szymborska pogosto uporablja frazeološke modifikacije, kot so: kontaminacija, odstranitev člena, substitucija. V njeni poezji so frazemi ali frazeološke modifikacije nosilci ironije in humorja, omogočajo intelektualno distanciranje in čustveno zadržanost. Prevod frazemov je problematičen zaradi njihove ekspresivnosti, simboličnosti in večpomenskosti. V frazemih je skrita jezikovna podoba sveta določene kulture, ki zahteva od prevajalca odkritje in interpretacijo. Večina frazemov in njihovih modifikacij, ki se nahajajo v poeziji Szymborske, ima svoje ekvivalente. Ko jih ni, prevajalci lahko izbirajo eno izmed naslednjih prevajalskih metod, kot so: uporaba svobodne besedne zveze, dobesedni prevod, amplifikacija. Ta sredstva povzročajo leksikalne in stilistične spremembe, ki ne vplivajo na kakovost prevoda. Te spremembe so povezane z dejstvom, da zaradi konfrontacije med poljsko in slovensko kulturo nastajajo jezikovne in kulturne ovire. Jezikovne ovire se nanašajo na sistemske razlike med jeziki, vidni so zlasti v leksiki in sintaksi. Kulturne ovire so povezane z raznovrstno stopnjo vpliva nemške in francoske kulture na poljsko in slovensko območje in tudi z načinom izražanja ironije. Vloga prevajalca temelji na posredovanju med dvema kulturama. Prevajalec mora ugotoviti, kako naj premaga jezikovne in kulturne ovire.
Summary: Idioms are often used in polish poetry. Due to their expressiveness and vulnerability for linguistic operations they are subject to different language games. Szymborska often uses transformation of idioms such as: contamination, removing of element, substitution. In her poetry idioms and their modifications are carriers of irony and jokes, they allow to preserve the intellectual and emotional distance restraint. Translation of idioms is problematic because of their expressiveness, symbolic recognition of world and ambiguity. In idioms is hidden a linguistic picture of world, which requires discovery and interpretation by an translator. Vast majority of idioms and their transformations occurring in the poems of Wislawa Szymborska has its own equivalents. In the case they doesn’t have their own equivalents, translators uses following techniques: free combination of words, tracing, amplification. These techniques causes changes in vocabulary and style, but they doesn’t affect the quality of translation. These changes are related to collision of Polish and Slovenian culture, which causes language and cultural Barriers. Language barriers relate to systemic differences between the languages, are especially noticeable in vocabulary and syntax. Cultural barriers are associated with different degree of influence of German and French culture into Poland and Slovenia, and the expression of irony. The role of the interpreter is to mediate between two cultures, and establish methods to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers.
Monika Gawlak: Tożsamość Čefura w polskim przekładzie powieści Gorana Vojnovicia pt. Čefurji raus! pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Identiteta Čefurja v prevodu romana Gorana Vojnovića Čefurji raus! / Čefur’s identity in translation of Goran Vojnovic’s novel entitled Čefurji raus!. Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 13-31. Ključne besede: kulturne bariere v prevodu, identiteta v prevodu, Goran Vojnović, poljski prevodi slovenske literature, Tomasz Łukaszewicz; Key words: cultural barrier in the translation, identity in the translation, Goran Vojnović, polish translations of the Slovenian literature, Tomasz Łukaszewicz.
Resumé: Roman Gorana Vojnovića Čefurji raus! v poljskem prevodu Tomasza Łukaszewicza je za poljskega bralca nedvomno priložnost za soočenje s kulturno drugačnostjo, hkrati pa pred njim odpira pomembno problematiko iskanja identitete v okvirih večkulturnosti. Prevajalec se je lotil zelo težke in ambiciozne naloge. Težave, s katerimi se je moral soočiti, so v primeru prevajanja romana, ki se loteva problematike večkulturnosti in subkulture, multiplicirane. Primerjalna analiza izvirnika in prevoda romana je pokazala, da dobiva identiteta čefurja v prevodu univerzalnejše poteze kot v izvirniku. Do tega je prišlo predvsem zaradi kulturne bariere, ki jo predstavlja za prevajalca v primeru tega romana velika raznolikost jezika, pač glede na narodnostno pripadnost literarnih junakov. Ta diferenciacija je nosilka bistvenih informacij in izvir identifikacije junakov, kar pa je v prevodu zreducirano. Žal ni se prevajalec potrudil, da bi individualiziral govorico junakov z raznimi rejestri jezika in različno močjo slenga, komizma ali vulgarizma. Nekatere prevajalčeve odločitve tudi ali zaostrujejo opozicijo svoji — tuji, na podlagi katere junaki definirajo svoj odnos do okolice in oblikujejo lastno identiteto, ali pa poudarjajo familiarni značaj relacij, obstoječih na obrobju čefurske družbe. Na stilistični ravni je jezik junakov vulgarnejši in skromnejši glede števila komičnih elementov, zaradi česar se zdi čefur v poljski recepciji bolj obscen in manj senzibilen. Omenjene premike signalizirajo nezadostljive reto-rično-pragmatične kompetence prevajalca. Zaradi nastalih pomenskih izgub postanejo izrazitejše univerzalne lastnosti junaka, roman pa se zdi za sekundarnega sprejemnika atraktiven — saj se z obravnavano problematiko lažje poistoveti.
Summary: Goran Vojnovic’s novel Čefurji raus! in Tomasz Łukaszewicz’s Polish translation is undoubtedly an opportunity to commune with cultural otherness, and, simultaneously, it touches upon the issue of seeking one’s identity in the face of multiculturalism. The translator undertook a very difficult and ambitious task. In the translation of the novel, which deals with the issue of multiculturalism and subculture, the difficulties the translator is confronted with are being multiplied. The comparative analysis of the original and the translation of the novel reveals that Čefur’s identity in the translation has gained more universal frames than in the original. It is mainly because of the cultural barrier which, for the translator, is a strong differentiation between main characters’ language in terms of their nationality. It is a means of conveying vital information as well as a source of characters’ identification which in the original is reduced. Unfortunately the translator did not make an attempt to individualize the characters’ speech using, for example, different language registers or elements of slang, humour, or vulgarity. At the same time, some of the translator’s choices either sharpen the opposition friend-stranger on the basis of which the characters define their attitude to the surroundings and shape their own identity or enhance the familiar character of the relations which take place within Čefurian community. At the stylistic level, the main characters’ language is more crude and limited in comic elements. And thus, in the Polish context, Čefur appears to be more obscene and less sensitive. These displacements give evidence to the translator’s inefficient rhetorical and pragmatic abilities. Despite the fact that, as a consequence of semantic losses the universal features of the main character’s identity are clearer, the novel may become attractive to secondary readers because of the possibility of identification with the analysed issue.
Nikolaj Jež: Bariery kulturowe w przekładzie artystycznym na przykładzie słoweńskiego przekładu Pana Tadeusza Rozki Štefan pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Kulturne bariere v literarnem prevodu na podlagi slovenskega prevoda Pana Tadeusza Rozke Štefan / Cultural barriers in a literary translation on the basis of the Slovenian translation of Pan Tadeusz by Rozka Stefan. Author Name: Nikolaj Jež, Univerza v Ljubljani, Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 63-74. Klučne besede: Rozka Štefan, Gospod Tadej v slovenskem prevodu, Adam Mickiewicz, kulturne bariere v prevodu, metrika in verzifikacija v prevodu; Key words: Rozka Štefan, Pan Tadeusz in the Slovenian translation, Adam Mickiewicz, cultural barrier in the translation, metrics and versification in the translation.
Povzetek: Historiat slovenske recepcije Pana Tadeusza na eni strani razkriva značilne kulturne bariere, ki so zaznamovale razumevanje poljskega romantičnega epa pri Slovencih, na drugi pa razkriva, da je Mickiewiczeva težnja po oddaljitvi od visokega romantičnega stila izvirnik že ob izidu približevala slovenski kulturni tradiciji. Sodbe slovenskega učenjaka in teoretika Matija Čopa o pesnitvi so eleminirale bariere, navzoče pri bralcih izvirnika, začrtale so okvire slovenske recepcije poljskega romantizma in ustvarile podlago za oblikovanje slovenske različice poljskega romantičnega literarnega kanona. Zavest o barierah pri prevajanju poljske romantične poezije je bila pri Slovencih osredotočena predvsem na vprašanje metrike in verzifikacije. R. Štefan je v prevodu pesnitve (1974) upoštevala načelo nadomeščanja trinajstercev s silabotonično jambsko strukturo (z odstopi v cezuri in zvočnih figurah). Pan Tadeusz predstavlja bariero tudi na ravni leksike in stilistike, ekvivalenti „staropoljskih vrlin” se v pesnitvi kažejo v rabi osebnih imen, retoričnih figurah, poimenovanju realij. Prevajalka je večinoma ohranjala izvirna imena, ki so kot antroponimi sicer funkcionalni, vendar z omejeno denotativno vrednostjo (Podkomornik, Vojski, Vozni). Pri izboru leksikalnih ekvivalentov je v prevodu opazna tendenca k zniževanju statusnega položaja, skladnem s kmečko-podeželskim okoljem, značilnem za slovensko ruralno skupnost. Načelo, naj prevod ohranjanja specifike izvirnika, prevajalka uresničuje, kolikor ji dopuščajo leksikalne in strukturne lastnosti slovenskega jezika. Poljske oblike imen pri osrednjih osebah dobijo značilno slovensko fonetično podobo (Tadej, Zosja, Matej, Gervazij), imena stranskih oseb ostanejo v izvirni obliki (Rymsza). Značilna nevtralizacija prevoda je vezana na zgodovinske izraze, povezane s sarmatsko-plemiškim kulturnim modelom, ki v prevodnem jeziku nimajo ustreznikov. Prevajalka je kulturne bariere reševala na tri načine: s substitucijo leksemov, z nevtralizacijo zaznamovanih izrazov in citatno.
Summary: On the one hand, the overview of the Slovene reception of Pan Tadeusz reveals typical cultural barriers which have marked the comprehension of the Polish Romantic Epic by the Slovene public, while on the other hand it also reveals that the tendency of Mickiewicz to distance himself from the style of High Romanticism brought the original, on its very publication, closer to the Slovene cultural tradition. The evaluation of the poem by Matija Čop, Slovene scholar and theoretician, has eliminated the barriers experienced by readers of the original and outlined a framework for the Slovene reception of Polish Romanticism, as well as creating a basis for the formation of a Slovene version of the Polish Romantic literary canon. In the Slovene environment, the awareness of barriers in the translation of Polish Romantic poetry has been focused mainly on the questions of metrics and versification. In her translation of the poem (1974), R. Štefan applied the principle of the substitution of thirteen-syllable verse with the syllabotonic iambic structure (with deviations in caesura and sound figures). Pan Tadeusz also constitutes a barrier on the levels of lexis and style; „Old Poland virtue” equivalents are manifest in the use of personal names, rhetorical figures, and in the naming of realia. For the most part, the translator preserved the original names, which, being anthroponyms, are functional but of a limited denotative value (Podkomornik, Vojski, Vozni). In selecting lexical equivalents, one observes in the translation a noticeable tendency towards lowering the status pertaining to the rural-country environment typical of the Slovene rural community. The principle of preserving the specifics of the original is respected to the extent permitted by the lexical and structural features of the Slovene language. The Polish name forms of the central characters acquire distinctive Slovene phonetic features (Tadej, Zosja, Matej, Gervazij), while the names of minor characters retain their original form (Rymsza). As a characteristic translation strategy, neutralisation is adopted in historical expressions related to the cultural model of Sarmatian nobility, having no translation equivalents in the target language. The translator aimed to resolve the cultural barriers in three ways: lexeme replacement, neutralisation of stylistically marked expressions, and preservation of original expressions.
Marzena Osmólska: Bohater groteskowy Ferdydurke Witolda Gombrowicza w przekładzie Katariny Šalamun-Biedrzyckiej pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Groteskni lik v Gombrowiczevim romanu Ferdydurke v prevodu Katarine Šalamun-Biedrzycke / The grotesque character of Witold Gombrowicz’s Ferdydurke translated by Katarina Šalamun-Biedrzycka. Author Name: Marzena Osmólska, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Uniwersytet Śląski. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 119-132. Klučne besede: Witold Gombrowicz, Ferdydurke v slovenskem prevodu, groteska, karakter, prevod. Key words: Witold Gombrowicz, Ferdydurke in the Slovenian translation, grotesque, character, translation.
Povzetek: Groteskni lik v Gombrowiczevim romanu Ferdydurke v prevodu Katarine Šalamun-Biedrzycke Povzetek Groteska je estetska kategorija, ki ruši ustaljeno predstavo o svetu, predstavlja sestavljenost in tuje oblike pojavov, ki vzbujajo začudenje. Na Poljskem se je izraz groteska prvič pojavil na začetku XIX. stoletja kot izposojenka iz nemškega jezika. Raziskovalci književnosti in umetnosti XX. stoletja trdijo, da se je groteska v poljski književnosti pojavila ob koncu modernizma. Možen je tudi drugačen pogled, ki pravi, da je bila umetnost modernizma groteskna skoraj v celoti. Groteska v romanu Ferdydurke obsega vsa področja dela, tudi jezik. Ta groteskni jezik, ki ga med drugim zaznamujejo neologizmi, prepletanje patetičnega in pogovornega jezika, je lahko izziv za prevajalca. Pri oblikovanju grotesknega lika pomembno vlogo odigravajo deli telesa (npr. ritka in fris), ki imajo v romanu simboličen pomen. Pisatelj uporablja tudi neologizme in ruši besedni red, da bi dosegel grotesken učinek dogodkov. Prevajalka si je prizadevala, da bi v prevodu ohranila enako sliko grotesknega lika, čeprav ni mogla včasih premagati jezikovnih ovir. Ohranila je enak pomen na leksikalnem in skladenjskem področju. Prevajalka oponaša skladenjske strukture izvornega besedila ali uporablja druge slovnične kategorije. Vsak prevajalec namreč mora ohraniti v prevodu enak model sveta.
Summary: The grotesque is an aesthetic category, which undermines the conventional and acknowledged image of the world, illustrates the complexity of certain phenomena and their other surprising aspects. In Poland the term „grotesque”, being a calque from German, was first used at the threshold of the 19th-century. However, according to the Polish 20th-century literature and art researchers, grotesque becomes prominent in Polish literature on the verge of modernism. The assumption that modernist art had an almost entirely grotesque character cannot however be ruled out. Grotesque manifests itself in the novel Ferdydurke on each level of the work, including language. The grotesque character of the language is shown among other things through neologisms and a mixture of pompous and colloquial style. Body parts (such as bottom and mug), having a symbolic meaning throughout the novel, play an important part in giving the figures their grotesque character. The language of the novel may undoubtedly constitute a problem for the translator, as the writer uses neologisms and disturbs the word order to achieve a grotesque character of events. The translator tried to deliver an identical image of the grotesque character in her translation. Frequently, the translator couldn’t however disturb the correctitude of the Slovenian language. She preserves the sense of the original on the lexical and syntactic level through imitating the syntactic structures of the original or through replacing them with other grammatical categories. Each translator must recreate the model of the world embedded in the source text.
Bożena Tokarz: Gombrowicz w Słowenii: ramy interpretacyjne czasu i przestrzeni kulturowej pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Gombrowicz v Sloveniji: interpretacijski okviri časa in kulturnega prostora / Gombrowicz v Sloveniji: interpretacijski okviri časa in kulturnega prostora. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 234-251. Klučne besede: proza, Gombrowicz, prevod, kultura, medkulturno sporazumevanje; Key words: prose, Gombrowicz, translation, culture, intercultural communication.
Povzetek: Rekontekstualizacija Gombrowiczeve proze v slovenskih prevodih se je izvršila v treh različnih časovnih in prostorskih interpretacijskih okvirih: v sedemdesetih, devetdesetih letih in 2000 letih. Opredeljujejo jo: strategija prevajalcev, politični položaj, prevodi in recepcija tujih književnosti (predvsem zahodnih), globalni kulturno-civilizacijski položaj in stanje ciljne literature prevoda. V prevodih Gombrowicza prihaja ocenjevanje kulturnih barier in stopnja njihovega preseganja tako iz izhodiščne kot tudi ciljne kulture: torej od politične aktualizacije poljske zavesti prek retorične zaznamovanosti njenega koda do hibridizacije in obojestranskega prenikanja časov, prostora, spoznavnih in emocionalnih stališč. Težavo pri opazovanju literanega medkulturnega dialoga v slovenski prozi poglablja dejstvo, da so se poleg prevodov Gombrowicza približno v istem času (zlasti od druge polovice osemdesetih let naprej) pojavili prevodi iz ameriških literatur.
Summary: The recontextualization of the prose by Gombrowicz occurred within three different interpretational frames in the translation into Slovene, time frames and space frames: in the 70., 90. and in 2000. They are appointed by the strategy of the translators, by the political situation, by the translations and the reception of foreign literature (above all western literature), by the global situation connected with culture and civilization and by the condition of the target literature of the translation. All of them are determined by the system of expectations of the audience and by the „life” of the translations. In the translations of Gombrowicz have evolved cultural barriers and the degree of crossing them from the side of the source culture and also from the side of the target culture: beginning with the political actualization of Polish awareness through its rhetorical over-coding up to hybridization and mutual merging of times, space, cognitive and emotional attitudes. The difficulty of following the intercultural literary dialogue in the Slovene prose is deepened by the fact that the translations of American literatures occurred more or less when the translations of Gombrowicz were done (particularly, beginning in the mid 80.).
Formy dialogu międzykulturowego w przekładzie artystycznym – Tom 2 Nr 1 (2011)
Anna Muszyńska: Intertekstualność jako forma dialogu międzykulturowego pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Intertekstualnost v vlogi medkulturnega dialoga / Intertextuality as a way of cultural dialogue. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 295-305.
Povzetek: Literarna besedila, ki se (zaradi svoje intertekstualnosti) navezujejo na druga besedila, značilna samo za literarno tradicijo in kulturo originala, veljajo za prevajalca kot posebna vrsta translatorske problematike in resni praktični problem. Članek obravnava to tematiko na primeru pesmi Urszula Kochanowska (poljskega avtorja Bolesława Leśmiana) v prevodu Toneta Pretnarja. Intertekstualni elementi, ki so prisotni v originalu, ustvarjajo dialog z literarno tradicijo in sprejemno kulturo, ker v tujem/drugem kontekstu pridobivajo drugačno, novo interpretacijsko vlogo, funkcinirajo drugače in imajo drugačno vrednost.
Summary: The artistic texts which as a part of the intertextuality phenomena refer to other texts, known only in the native literary tradition and culture of the original text, present an enormous challenge for the translator ( in this article the deliberations on this subject are illustrated by the work of Bolesław Leśmian titled Urszula Kochanowska in a Slovenian translation of Tone Pretnar). The intertexual elements go into a dialogue with a literary translation and a target culture because in a foreign context they function differently. However, they always have enriching value (at least from the cognitive perspective).
Jasmina Šuler Galos: Przesunięcia międzytekstowe i międzykulturowe w tłumaczeniu. Współczesna proza polska w języku słoweńskim pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Medbesedilni in medkulturni zamiki v prevodu Sodobna poljska proza v slovenskem jeziku / Inter-textual and inter-cultural shifts in translation Contemporary Polish prose in Slovenian translation. Author Name: Jasmina Šuler Galos, Uniwersytet Warszawski, jasmina. Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 283-294.
Povzetek: Napetost med označenim in označujočim, ki je značilna tako za posamezne znake kot za znakovne verige, je tudi v prevodih vzrok za večje ali manjše semantične zamike. Dokler ostajamo v mejah jezika, lahko take odmike od izvirnika klasificiramo in razmeroma natačno opišemo, in sicer ne glede na to, ali se nanašajo na slovnično, leksikalno ali na skladenjsko ravnino. Subjektivne odločitve prevajalca postanejo veliko pomembnejše takrat, ko prestopimo meje jezika in sopostavimo dve zunajjezikovni resničnosti. Največja pa je vloga prevajalca v procesu, ki se ga sam samo delno zaveda — v procesu konkretizacije. Konkretizacijo, to je zavedno ali nezavedno zapolnjevanje vrzeli v shematični besedni umetnini, v prevedenem besedilu še pred bralcem opravi prevajalec, zato ravno prevajalec bistveno vpliva na videze, ki jih izzove besedna umetnina.
Summary: The tension between the signifiant and the signifié, which is present in both singular signs and chains thereof, is also the cause of various semantic incoherencies in translation. Within the boundaries of a language, one can classify and describe such departures from the original, regardless of whether they arise in the grammatical, lexical or syntactic sphere. The subjective decisions of the interpreter become much more important whenever one transcends the boundaries of language and compares two metalinguistic realities. But the greatest role of the interpreter lies within a process of Ingarden’s “concretization”, understood as a conscious or unconscious filling of gaps in a schematic literary artwork, which forms an integral part of the sphere of competence of the interpreter of a translated work. Therefore, it is the interpreter who exerts a decisive influence on the perceptions, created by literary artwork.
Bożena Tokarz: W perspektywie poznania i projekcji. O polskim przekładzie zbioru esejów Draga Jančara Terra incognita pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Vidik spoznavanja in projekcije O poljskim prevodu zbirke eseja Dragota Jančarja Terra incognito / In the Perspective of Cognition and Projection About a Polish Translation of the Collection of Essays Terra incognita by Drago Jančar. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytet Śląski,, Language: Polish. Issue: 2 (1)/2011. Page Range: 269-282.
Povzetek: V prevodu esejev Draga Jančarja z naslovom Terra incognita medkulturni dialog poteka na ravni leksike v okviru lastnih imen, kar bralca prisili k iskanju njene pomenske denotacije v drugih evropskih območjih. To ni prevod, ki slovensko izrazi po poljsko, kot je Paul Ricoer posrečeno opredelil prevod, ki naj bi bil popoln po obliki, še bolj pa po funkciji. To pomeni, da s strukturo in izraznostjo poljskega jezika ne vstopamo v dialog s slovensko kulturo in njeno miselnostjo. Ne lede na nedvomno prevajalkino intuicijo, njene jezikovne, logične in v znatni meri tudi pragmatičnologične zmožnosti, miselni dialog med kulturama v prevodu ni prišel do izraza. Poleg tega je prevajalka uporabila izvirni naslov avtorjeve knjižne zbirke esejev in z nim naslovila drugo vsebino. Tovrstna zloraba zaupanja avtorja in bralca do prevajalca spreminja podobo prevedenega dela, ki ni isto kot izvirnik. Zaradi avtorjeve nadarjenosti, prevajalkine prizadevnosti in optimalnega časovnega razpona med izidom izvirnika in prevoda, se sodobna slovenska esejistika v zavesti poljskega bralca povezuje predvsem z Dragom Jančarjem, čeprav je mestoma prikazan v pretirani podobnosti z Adamom Michnikom, Dubravko Ugrešić ali Ivanom Čolovićem.
Summary: In the translation of the essays of Drago Jančar entitled Terra incognita, an intercultural dialogue has been undertaken on the level of lexis within the scope of proper names, making a reader search for the denotements in other regions of Europe. It is not a translation that would speak Slovene in Polish, as Paul Ricoeur accurately defined a translation that would be perfect in shape and more in function. It means that we do not commune with the Slovene culture and with its mentality through the structure and the expression of the Polish language. Despite the undoubted translational intuition of the translator, her language, logical competences and, to a large extent, pragmatically-logical competences, a mental dialogue did not take place between the cultures. Moreover, the translator has used the original title of the book, presenting some other contents of that book. Such abuse of the author’s and receiver’s confidence that is put in a translator changes the view of the rendered text that does not resemble the original. The talent of the author, the effort of the translator and the optimal time of appearing of the translation of the essays caused that the contemporary Slovene essay writing reminds a Polish reader of Jančar, although sometimes of Adam Michnik in a perspective that would make him too alike, of Dubravka Ugešić or of Ivan Čolović.
Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich (1990-2006) – Tom 1 Nr 2 (2010)
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 1990—2006 (Monika Gawlak) pobierz
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowenii w latach 1990—2006 (Andrej Šurla) pobierz
Wybory translatorskie 1990-2006 – Tom 1 Nr 1 (2009)
Monika Gawlak: Poezja Gregora Strnišy w przekładzie Katariny Šalamun-Biedrzyckiej pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Gregor Strniša’s poetry translated by Katarina Šalamun-Biedrzycka. Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 227-241.
Povzetek: Poezijo Gregorja Strniše, ki je eden najznamenitejših slovenskih pesnikov XX. stoletja, najobširneje predstavlja Katarina Šalamun-Biedrzycka. Razen pesmi v antologiji Srebro in meh je izdala tudi samostojen izbor njegove poezije Odisej. Pričujoči članek obravnava prevajalske odločitve na treh nivojih — na nivoju izbora zbirk, pesmi ter posameznih prevajalskih preoblikovanj. Na nivoju izbora zbirk prevajalka ne upošteva treh zadnjih, ki najbolj izrazito predstavljajo idejo „vesoljske zavesti”, ki pa je celo najprepoznavnejša značilnost njegove ustvarjalnosti. Bralci prejemniške kulture torej nimajo možnosti za vsaj selektivno spoznanje zbirk, v katerih Strniša najbolj realizira (v okviru lirike) lastno koncepcijo sveta in vesolja. Na nivoju poetike besedil predstavlja prevajalka poezijo Strniše samo kot „stopnje naraščanja groze” in s tem precej zoži perspektivo pogleda na resničnost Strniševega pesniškega sveta samo na plat razsežnosti, ki jih navdihuje eksistencialna filozofija. Konfrontativna analiza besedil izvirnikov in prevodov pa je dokazala precejšnje odklone. Vsekakor pa je treba Katarini Šalamun-Biedrzycki priznati, da je z obravnavanimi prevodi opravila pionirsko delo v približevanju Gregorja Strniše poljskojezičnim bralcem.
Summary: The poetry of Gregor Strniša — one of the greatest Slovenian poet of the XX century — is widely presented in Poland by Katarina Šalamun-Biedrzycka. Apart from poetry anthology Silver and moss she also published independent selection of his poetry Odysseus. Presented article considers the translator’s choices on three levels — chosen poetry volumes, poems and translator’s transformations itself. On the level of chosen poetry volumes the translator omits the last three ones, clearly realizing specific for the artist idea of the „cosmic consciousness”. The circle of receiving audience is being devoided of even selective experience of the volumes’ character, in which Strnisa realizes (on the lyrical range) his conception of the world and universe. On the level of poetics translator presents Strniša’s poems only as „degrees of releasing terror” and at the same time limits the perspective of the created reality only to the dimension inspired by existentialist philosophy. Comparing the original text with the translation has proven that they differ significantly. However, Šalamun-Biedrzycka’s translations undoubtedly deserve merit for their pioneering quality.
Michał Kopczyk: Przyczynek do tematu: przekład w systemie literatury. Przy okazji słoweńskiej wersji Dziennika Witolda Gombrowicza pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: A Contribution to the topic: a translation in the system of culture. About the Slovenian translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s Dziennik (Diary). Author Name: Michał Kopczyk, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 262-277.
Povzetek: Predmet analize v pričujočem prispevku je slovenski prevod Dnevnika Witolda Gombrowicza (1904—1969). Prevod je specifične narave, saj je prevajalec v njem skrajšal izvirno besedilo — sam je torej odločal, kateri odlomki Dnevnika bodo na voljo bralcu. Avtor prispevka predpostavlja, da je na prevajalčeve odločitve vplivala njegova slovenska literarna zavest. V kontekstu slovenske literature deluje dnevnik predvsem kot pričevanje o določenem času, redkeje pa kot literarna zvrst, zato je skrajšanje izvirnega teksta postopek, ki ga prevajalci dopuščajo. Avtor prispevka nato najde primere, v katerih je skrajšanje izvirnika vendarle spremenilo njegovo sporočilo. V zaključku avtor ugotavlja, da je v primeru prevoda Gombrowiczevega Dnevnika upravičeno reči, da je njegov prevajalec hkrati soavtor besedila, saj se prevod zaradi njegovih odločitev v številnih odlomkih oddaljuje od izvirnika — obenem pa ponuja nove pomene. Na prevajalčeve rešitve je imelo brez dvoma velik vpliv dejstvo, da ima dnevnik kot literarna zvrst drugačen položaj v okviru izvirne in ciljne (v tem primeru slovenske) kulture.
Summary: The subject of the analysis made in the article is the translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s Diary (1904—1969) into the Slovenian language. This translation has a specific character, because the translator has shortened the original text — he decides what fragment of the work will reach the reader. The author of the article assumes that Slovenian literary consciousness is shown in the translator’s decision. With this in mind the Diary is treated mainly as a testimony of time, and less often as a literary piece, therefore intervention such as shortening is admissible. Then the author shows examples in which shortening the text changed its meaning. In the conclusions the author acknowledges that in the case of interpreting the translation, one can view the translator as a co-author of the work. As a result of his decision the work strays in many places from the shape of the original — however it also creates separate senses. The translator’s solutions were determined by different location of this literary kind in the sphere of the Polish culture and the culture receiving the work (Slovenian).
Anna Muszyńska: „Polskość” w słoweńskich przekładach Rozki Šefan pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: „Polishness” in Slovenian translations by Rozka Štefan. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 242-261.
Povzetek: Rozka Štefan je znamenita polonistka, prevajalka in raziskovalka poljske književnosti. Vse življenje je Slovencem približevala poljsko literaturo in kulturo. V slovenščino je prevedla večino poljskih del iz obdobja romantike (v glavnem Mickiewicza) ter dela najpomembnejših sodobnih pesnikov, izjemno povezanih s poljsko dediščino, kot so: Staff, Tuwim, Różewicz, Miłosz. Njene prevajalske odločitve (v širokem smislu te besede) so vedno zaznamovane s premišljeno strategijo predstavitve tega, kar je tipično poljsko, tega, kar predstavlja bistvo kulturne posebnosti „dežele ob Visli”, so hkrati argument, ki dokazuje, da za odličnega prevajalca v prevodu kulturne ovire in omejitve ne obstajajo. Leta 1999 v Sloveniji je izšla antologija poljske ljubezenske lirike Prošnja za srečne otoke, za katero je Rozka Štefan izbrala in prevedla tekste, leta 2000 je v njenem prevodu izšel Mickieviczev Konrad Wallenrod in končno, eno leto kasneje (2001) izbor Tuwimovih pesmi s preprostim naslovom Julian Tuwim. Omenjeni trije zadnji prevodi 94 let stare prevajalke kažejo na njeno prevajalsko konsekvenco, so kakor „suma” njenega prevajalskega sloga, in kvintesenca njenih prevajalskih preferenc na vsaki ravni prevajalskih odločb: od „makro-” do „mikroizborov”, znacilnih za imanentno strukturo določenih prevedenih tekstov. Karakterizira jo na različen način izvajana strategija prezentiranja tega, kar je poljsko (t. i. „polskości” — „poljskosti”).
Summary: Rozka Štefan an outstanding specialist in Polish studies, translator and expert on Polish literature. She has devoted all her life to presenting Polish culture and literature to Slovenians. She has translated most of Polish Romantic literature into Slovenian (mainly Mickiewicz) and works of the most important contemporary poets rooted in „Polishness”, such as: Staff, Tuwim, Różewicz or Miłosz. Her translator selections (in the broad sense) are always tinted with a strategy of presentation of what is typically Polish, what is specific for the culture of the „country on the Vistula”; this is also proof that for a good translator there are no limits to convey the meaning. In 1999 an anthology of Polish love lyrics titled Antologija poljske ljubezenske lirike was published in Slovenia, in 2000 — her translation of Adam Mickiewicz’s Konrad Wallenrod followed by a selection of Tuwim’s poems (2001) — Julian Tuwim. The last three translation works by the 94 year old translator — covered by this paper — are perfect evidence of her translator consistency; they are a specific „summa” of her translating style, an essence of her translating perfectionism, both with respect to macro and micro choices in the plane of specific translated texts. Their common trait is her strategy of presentation of the „Polishness”.
Andrej Šurla: Cicha rozmowa ostatnich przekładów Tonego Pretnara pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The quiet conversation of Tony Pretnar’s last translation. Author Name: Andrej Šurla, Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 278-292.
Povzetek: Knjižica Tiho ti govorim (1992) s Pretnarjevimi prevodi dvainštiridesetih poljskih pesmi iz različnih literarnozgodovinskih obdobij je izrazit primer prevajalčevega osebnega dialoga z literaturo. Na izbor je gotovo vplivala prevajalčeva osebna bivanjska (zdravstvena) izkušnja. Ta „prevajalski dnevnik” tematizira osamljenost, odsotnost (npr. Szymborska, Orkan), smrt, samomor in celo ubijanje (npr. Szymborska, Bursa); nemoč izpovedovanja (npr. Wojaczek). Zdi pa se, da je prevajalčevo zadnje sporočilo vendarle optimistično. Priložnost za preseganje smrtnosti prepoznava v ustvarjalnem/umetnostnem dejanju (tudi npr. Wojaczkovo „tiho govorjenje” je kljub načelnemu dvomu v izrazno moč besed predvsem „pesniško izrekanje” o življenju) in religioznem doživetju (npr. Wat, Staff, Gałczyński), najtrdnejše zagotovilo „občutenja” nadčasnosti pa vidi v možnosti ljubezenskega čustvovanja in občutka pripadnosti drugemu (npr. Krasiński, Przybora).
Summary: The volume of poems translated by Tony Pretnar I Whisper to you (1992) written by poets of different historical and literary periods clearly reveals the personal dialog of the translator with literature. The personal experience of the translator had the influence on the choice of the poems. The subject of his „diary of translation” is isolation, feeling of deficiency (Szymborska, Orkan), death (Szymborska, Bursa), the crisis of expression (Wojaczek). However, it seems that the definite expression of Pretnar’s translation is optimistic. A chance to overcome death he sees in a creative act. (also „quiet conversation” of Wojaczek in spite of his doubt in the power of word expression stands a poetical witness in sense of life) and in religions experience (Wat, Staff, Gałczyński). The most everlasting confirmation of eternity for Pretnar were love and contiguity to another human being (Krasiński, Przybora).
Bożena Tokarz: Słoweńskie wybory literatury polskiej: przekłady z lat 1990—2006 pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Slovene choices from Polish literature: translations from 1990—2006. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 211-226.
Povzetek: V letih 1990—2006 je bilo v že samostojni Sloveniji prevedenih okoli 50 poljskih knjig (s področij poezije, proze in dramatike), ob tem pa še veliko posameznih pesmi in pripovedi ter fragmentov večjih literarnih enot. V teh slovenskih izborih poljske literature lahko po eni strani vidimo nadaljevanje njene tradicionalne navzočnosti v slovenski kulturi, po drugi pa izhajajo iz čedalje širših jezikovno-enciklopedijskih kompetenc prevajalcev. Opredeljujejo jih (izbore) štirje kriteriji: poljskost, empatija, potreba po spoznanju poljske mentalitete in literarnozgodovinskega procesa ter osebna motivacija. Avtorji izborov in prevodov poljske literature so prevajalci, ki pripadajo različnim rodovom in imajo različne poglede na potrebe slovenskega bralca in značaj poljske literature ter mentalitete. Čeprav pripada poljski literaturi v slovenskem literarnem življenju opazno mesto, prevajalske izbore iz nje narekuje opažanje drugačnosti, ki jo prevajalci različnih generacij domačemu prejemniku približujejo skozi izbor del, pripadajočih kanonu, pogosto pa tudi z besedili s slednjemu prav nasprotnega pola.
Summary: Between the years 1990 and 2006, about 50 Polish books (poetry, prose and drama) were translated in already independent Slovenia, also a lot of single poems, short stories and fragments of more substantial compositions. Slovene macrochoices from Polish literature on the one hand constitute continuation of the traditional presence in the Slovene culture, on the other hand they result from increasing language and encyclopedic competencies of the translators. The choices are defined by four criteria: Polishness, empathy, the desire to get to know the Polish mentality, the historically-literal process and personal motivation. The authors of choices and translations of Polish literature are translators belonging to many generations, differently evaluating the needs of a Slovene reader and the character of Polish literature and mentality. Although Polish literature is distinctly present in the Slovene literary life, in the Slovene choices from it dominates perspective of strangeness, with which translators from different generations familiarise the native recepient, choosing works belonging to the canon and often to the opposite pole.