Vol 4 No 1 (2013)
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Introduction: Wokół stereotypu i jego przekładu (Bożena Tokarz) Download
Maciej Czerwiński: The role of stereotypes in shaping the polyphonic literary and cultural universe based on the example of the original and Polish translation of Ivo Andric’s novel The Bridge on the Drina Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Rola stereotypu w kształtowaniu polifonicznego uniwersum literackiego i kulturowego na przykładzie oryginału i polskiego przekładu Mostu na Drinie Ivo Andricia. Author Name: Maciej Czerwiński. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 19-36. Ključne riječi: Ivo Andrić, prijevod na poljski, stereotip u prijevodu, imaginarij kulture. Key words: Ivo Andrić, translation into Polish, stereotypes in translation, the imaginary aspect of culture.
Sažetak: U članku se analizira pitanje stereotipā koji se javljaju u originalnom tekstu Ive Andrića Na Drini ćuprija i u poljskom prijevodu Haline Kalite. Kako je svijet Andrićevog romana smješten u izuzetno hibridno, pogranično tlo, transfer smisla u okvir novog jezika, ovdje: poljskog, mora se realizirati u adaptaciji određenih kulturnih matrica i jezičnih jedinica. U istraživanju se pokušava obratiti pozornost na neprikladnost obaju imaginarija (bosanskohercegovačkog i poljskog) te na prividnu ekvivalenciju leksičkih jedinica, a također i na ulogu različitih čitateljā koji, imajući na raspolaganju vlastite kulturno determinirane predožbe/stereotipe, na drugačije načine pristupaju interpreatiji književnog djela.
Summary: In this article, the question of various stereotypes present in the original and Polish translation (translated by Halina Kalita) of Ivo Andric’s novel The Bridge on the Drina is taken into consideration. Since the universe of Andric’s book is located in the extraordinarily complex hybrid borderland of Bosnia, the very transfer of semantic sense into the new language, here: the Polish language must be realized within the adaptation of certain cultural matrixes and linguistic items. In this research article, several questions are analyzed: the lack of similarity between the Bosnian and Polish cultural universes, the apparent equivalence of linguistic items, and the role of various readers who — bearing their own cultural imaginations/ stereotypes — interpret the book in different ways.
Anna Muszyńska-Vizintin: Source text’s destereotypization of interpretations in the process of translations — some theses about the culinary art of Adam Mickiewicz’s Sir Thaddeuss in Rozka Štefan Slovenian translations Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O destereotypizacji odczytań tekstu oryginału w przekładzie. Rozważania o słoweńskim tłumaczeniu kulinariów w Panu Tadeuszu. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska-Vizintin, Uniwersytet Śląski, melvien@poczta.fm. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 37-60. Ključne besede: „poljskost”, neprevedljivost, tipične jedi (kulinarika), medkulturna komunikacja, interpretacjia, destereotipizacija, kulturni kontekst. Key words: „Polishness”, untranslatable, typical dishes (culinary), intercultural communication, interpretation, destereotypization, cultural context.
Povzetek: Gospod Tadej ali zadnji maščevalni pohod na Litvi Adama Mickiewicza — poljska narodna epopeja, napisana v obdobju romantike — je mojstrovina, ki velja za neprevedljivo. Vsebuje in kodificira določeni „vzorec poljskosti”: stereotipne predstave vsega, ki naj bi veljalo za tipično poljsko, neločljivo povezano s poljskim (kulturnim, zgodovinskim, literarnim, političnim) kontekstom in okoljem. V razpravi je izpostavljena teza, da številni pojmi oz. predstave, ki veljajo v določeni kulturi za stereotipične, v prevodu spreminjajo svoj status: niso več shematične in očitne (izgubljajo svojo stereotipnost) Postopek „destereotipizacije” se dogaja v glavnem zaradi prenosa besedila v drug jezik, drugi kulturni kontekst ter zaradi kulturno drugače vzgojenega sprejemnika (bralca), ki interpretira tekst s popolnoma drugega, novega vidika.
Summary: Adam Mickiewicz’s Sir Thaddeus, or the Last Lithuanian Foray — Polish national epic poem, written in the Romantic period — is a masterpiece, considered to be untranslatable. It contains and codifies certain “patterns of Polishness”: stereotypical depictions of everything that are typically Polish, and indivisibly connected with the Polish (cultural, historical, literary, political) context and environment. In the article it is asserted that a number of terms and depictions, which, in a certain culture are considered as stereotypical, in a translation change their status: they are neither schematic nor obvious anymore (they lose their stereotypy). The process of “destereotypization” takes place mainly because of the transfer into another language and into another cultural context, and because of the receiver’s (reader’s) different cultural education, who interprets the text from a completely different, new point of view.
Joanna Mleczko: Bulgarian wedding rite in translation of Snaha by Georgi Karaslavov Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Bułgarska obrzędowość weselna w przekładzie Synowej Georgiego Karasławowa. Author Name: Joanna Mleczko, Uniwersytet Śląski, asiam23@op.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 61-71. Ключеви думи: стереотип, традиционната българскa сватба, забележка, непосредствен трансфер, еквивалентен израз. Key words: stereotype, traditional Bulgarian wedding, note, direct transfer, equivalence.
Резюме: В статията се обсъждат въпроси, свързани с някои начини (чрез забележка, непосредствен трансфер или с помощта на еквивалентен израз), по които се предават в превода избрани елементи на българския стереотип около традиционната сватба. Те се анализират поотделно на три равнища: 1) на акционалния код — предбрачните взаимоотношения на младите, които довеждат до избора на бъдещата съпруга; 2) на предметния код — сладката ракия като символ на девствеността на невястата; 3) на вербалния код — обръщенията на съпрузите един към друг.
Summary: Article addresses issues related to the ways (note, a direct transfer, equivalence) of rendering in translation selected elements of stereotypical traditional Bulgarian wedding (at the level of the operational plane — relation between representatives of both sexes, leading to the selection of candidates for the wife, objective code — sweet rakija as a symbol of virginity of the bride and verbal code — addressative phrases in relations between husband and wife).
Małgorzata Filipek: Male gender stereotypes in the Polish translations of Miloš Crnjanski’s, Tales about men Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Stereotyp mężczyzny w przekładzie Opowieści o mężczyznach Miloša Crnjanskiego. Author Name: Małgorzata Filipek, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, margo115@wp.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 73-88. Кључне речи: стереотип, мушкарац, Црњански, превод. Key words: stereotypes, men, Crnjanski, translation.
Резиме: У Причама о мушком Црњански је креирао неколико мушких ликова које је приказао у ситуацијама које се стереотипно везују за мушки свет (професионална делатност, политика, сфера еротике). У послератном свету поремећених вредности, у потрази за стабилизацијом и личном срећом мушкарци прекорачују границе које намеће стереотипна представа о мушком идентитету. Уколико перцепција родног стереотипа не разликује читаоце оригинала и превода, превод намеће пољским читаоцима другачији поглед на неке мушке ликове због разлике у културно-историјским искуствима код читалаца превода.
Summary: Gender stereotypes present a conventionally simplified and standardized conception or image concerning the typical social roles of males and females. M. Crnjanski focuses on the problem of the various stereotypes of men. The writer shows his characters in areas that are stereotypically considered to be appropriate for men, such as professional work, politics, war, and sexual relations. The book contained stereotypes that the readers of the original version and the readers of the translations perceive differently, because Polish and Serbian readers have different historical and cultural experiences.
Aneta Todevska: Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz’s fallocentric stereotypes in Macedonian translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Fallocentryczne stereotypy Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza w macedońskim przekładzie powieści Pożegnanie jesieni. Author Name: Aneta Todevska. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 89-100. Клучни зборови: фалоцентризам, Станислав Игнаци Виткевич, македонски превод, Збогување со есента, стереотипи. Key words: fallocentrism, Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Macedonian translation, Farewell to Autumn, stereotypes.
Кратка содржина: Преводот на литература од друг јазик на мајчин е инзворедно сложена работа, пред с`е поради појавата на одредени стереотипни пренесување на информации од туѓата култура на својата. Поради тоа ќе го претставам фалоцетризмот на Станислав Игнаци Виткевич во романот Збогување со есента во македонскиот превод. Во овој роман тој не се оддалечува од секојдневните стереотипни мислења поврзани со жената од родов аспект, националноста, но и женските размислувања. Ги отсликува како светици, мајки, љубовници, глупави суштества. Интенцијата во овој труд ќе биде преку примери да го прикажам начинот на преведување на одредени стереотипни размислувања и како тие изгледаат во македонcкиот превод.
Summary: The translation of literature from one language to our own is very complicated work, mainly because of certain stereotypical information from a culture different than ours. That is why this article will be about the fallocentrism of Stanislaw I. Witkiewicz in the novel Farewell to autumn translated in Macedonian. In this novel, he does not go far from his man’s world and is always connected with the stereotypes of nationality and typical women’s behavior. He describes them as saints, mothers, lovers, and stupid beings, which is why examples of the translation of such stereotypical parts and how they appear in Macedonian translation are explored.
Paulina Pycia: Female stereotype — Miro Gavran’s drama Sve o ženama and its Polish translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Stereotyp kobiety — dramat Sve o ženama Miro Gavrana i jego polski przekład. Author Name: Paulina Pycia, Uniwersytet Śląski, paulina.pycia@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 101-114. Ključne riječi: ženski stereotip, prijevod, adaptacija, Miro Gavran. Key words: female stereotypes, translation, adaptation, Miro Gavran.
Sažetak: U ovom radu na osnovi Gavranove drame Sve o ženama analiziraju se stereotipi žena koji ovise o generaciji, društvu i kulturi. Usporedba originalnog teksta s tekstom poljskog prijevoda Wszystko o kobietach potvrđuje da postoji nekoliko univerzalnih ženskih stereotipa koji su izgrađeni u muškom svijetu. Oni pripisuju ženama osobine kao osjećajnost, popustljivost, brbljavost i svadljivost te specifično jezično ponašanje u interakciji.
Summary: In this paper, female stereotypes in Gavran’s drama entitled Sve o ženama (eng. All about women) are analyzed. They are based on generation, society and culture. Comparing the original text of the drama and its Polish translation which is entitled Wszystko o kobietach corroborates the thesis that there are some universal female stereotypes which are created in the world of men. They attribute sensitivity, submissiveness, talkativeness, quarrelsomeness and specific language and social behaviours to women.
Sylwia Sojda: The Subculture in the stereotype, the stereotype in the subculture: A few notes on the Slovak translation of Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną by Dorota Masłowska Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Stereotyp w subkulturze — subkultura w stereotypie. O słowackim tłumaczeniu Wojny polsko‑ruskiej pod flagą biało‑czerwoną Doroty Masłowskiej. Author Name: Sylwia Sojda, Uniwersytet Śląski, sylwia.sojda@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 115-126. Kľúčové slová: stereotyp, subkultúra, preklad, slang, Sneh a krv, expresivita, paneláková kultúra. Key words: stereotype, subculture, translation, slang, Sneh a krv, expressiveness, subculture of blockers.
Rezumé: Príspevok sa zameriava na krátku a všeobecnú charakteristiku prekladu poľského románu od Doroty Masłovskej Wojna polsko‑ruska pod flagą biało‑czerwoną do slovenčiny (Sneh a krv). Preklad, urobený Tomášom Horváthom, sa snaží ukázať svet poľskej panelákovej mestskej kultúry prostredníctvom jazyka a na pozadí charakteristiky stereotypu v subkultúre. Autorka priblížuje definície subkultúry a stereotypu v odbornej literatúre, najmä sociologickej, ale aj z lingvistického hľadiska. Charakterizuje jazyk v slovenskom preklade z ohľadu na jeho slangovú realizáciu prostredníctvom univerbizovaných jednotiek, vulgarizmov, pejoratívov, dysfemizmov a frazeologických jednotiek. Jedná sa o vyriešenie problematiky vernosti slovenského prekladu voči poľskému originálovi.
Summary: This paper focuses on a short general description of the Polish translation of the novel by Dorota Masłowska Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną into Slovak (Sneh a krv). The translation, prepared by Tomáš Horváth, tries to show the world of the Polish city subculture of blockers based on the background of the stereotypes in this particular subculture. The author presents the definition of a subculture and stereotype in sociological literature, but also from a linguistic point of view. It also characterizes the language in the Slovak translation regardless of its slang implementation through univerbized units, vulgarisms, pejoratives, dysphemisms and phraseological units. This is to resolve the issue of the loyalty of the Slovak translation with the Polish original.
Józef Zarek: Pepiki by Mariusz Surosz in Czech translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O Pepikach Mariusza Surosza po czesku. Author Name: Józef Zarek, Uniwersytet Śląski, jozef.zarek@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 129-139. Klíčová slova: překlad, biografický esej, stereotypy. Key words: translation, biographical essay, stereotypes.
Obsah: Knihu biografických esejů polského novináře Mariusze Surosze Pepíci. Dramatické století Čechů polskýma očima, která je věnována osudům a občas i tragickým životním volbám 17. významných osobností z dějin Československa a bojuje s polskými stereotypy Čecha, vydalo v překladu Pavla Weigla pražské nakladatelství Plus (2011). Čeští recenzenti ji staví vedle Szczygłovy knihy Gottland a hodnotí většinou pozitivně. Kritičtěji reagují obyčejní čtenáři. Článek hledá motivy, které vedly překladatele k balancování mezi strategiemi „exotizace” a „naturizace” textu a zdůrazňuje výsledky této volby. Bere v úvahu i ediční úroveň české publikace Surosze.
Summary: Mariusz Surosz’s biographical essays entitled: Pepiki. Dramatic century of Czechs — which portrays life and fate of several notable Czech personalities from XXth century, while trying to revise Polish stereotypes about Czechs — was translated by Pavel Weigl and published in 2011 by PLUS publishing house. Czech reviewers compared it to Gottland by Mariusz Szczygieł and accepted it well, though the average readers reacted more critically. The article identify causes which determined the translator’s choise to balance between „foreignization” and „domestication” of the text. It also points out consequences of that choice and finally notes the editorial level of Surosz’s Czech book.
Katarzyna Majdzik: Juggling Stereotypes by Miljenko Jergović On the Polish Translation of the Novel Srda pjeva, u sumrak, na duhove Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Jergovicia żonglerka stereotypami. Wokół polskiego przekładu powieści Srda śpiewa o zmierzchu w Zielone Świątki. Author Name: Katarzyna Majdzik, Uniwersytet Śląski, katarzyna.majdzik@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 140-153. Ključne riječi: Miljenko Jergović, prijevod, stereotip, interpretacija. Key words: Miljenko Jergović, translation, stereotype, interpretation.
Sažetak: U članku se na osnovi poljskoga prijevoda romana Miljenka Jergovića Srda pjeva, u sumrak, na duhove raspravlja o problemu stereotipa u prijevodu. Odabranim translatološkim postupcima pokazuje se kako je prevoditeljica (Magdalena Petryńska) pokušavala prenijeti stereotipske predodžbe iz izvornoga okvira u poljski kulturni krug. Predstavljeni primjeri prevodilačkog rada također su polazište za refleksiju o povezivanju pojma stereotipa s problemom interpretacije te definitivno potvrđuju kako je čovjek-subjekt (pa tako i Jergovićev lik) kulturno biće. U vezi sa stereotipom postavlja se i pitanje mogućnosti neovisnog (ili stručnog) razumijevanja stvarnosti i umjetnosti. Odgovor se traži pomoću koncepcije S. Turnera i P. Bourdieua koju se pokušava prilagoditi rješavanju pitanja stereotipa.
Summary: This article is based on a Polish translation of the novel by Miljenko Jergović Srda pjeva, u sumrak, na duhove and discusses the problem of stereotypes in translation. Selected translation procedures will show the interpreter (Magdalena Petryńska) trying to convey stereotypical notions of the original frame in the Polish cultural circle. Examples of the procedures that interpreter’s followed are also a starting point to the reflection on the idea of linking the problem of interpretation and the problem of stereotype. Through these examples it is shown that the subject (which is also a literary figure) is a cultural being. The problem of stereotype allows for the raising of a question about the independence of reality and art’s interpretation. Response to this question is inquired with the help of the concepts of S. Turner and P. Bourdieu.
Marlena Gruda: Stereotypical Slovene victims novels in translation using Vlado Žabot’s novel Wilcze noceDownload Rozwiń
Original Title: Stereotyp Słoweńca „ofiary” w przekładzie powieści Vlada Žabota Wilcze noce. Author Name: Marlena Gruda, Uniwersytet Śląski, marlena.gruda@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 154-181. Ključne besede: žrtev, Slovenec, samožrtvovanje, pasivnost, trpljenje, prostor. Key words: victim, Slovenian, self-sacrifice, passivity, pain, space.
Povzetek: Prevod romana Wilcze noce Vlada Žabota je izvir znanja o slovenskem značaju in stereotipih, zlasti heterostereotipih, oblikovanih pod vplivom slovenske kulturne raznolikosti, zgodovinskih dogodkov in družbeno-političnega položaja Slovenije. Karakterološka slovenska neenotnost je očitna tudi v jeziku prevoda, na njegovi semiotično-semantični ravni. Prevod omogoča poljskemu sekundarnemu sprejemniku spoznati stereotip Slovenca kot osebo, ki si prizadeva za samouničitev s potjo ritualnega trpljenja in na ta način z vplivanjem na Drugega z različnimi obredi vsakdanjega življenja, skupnega nasilja in samožrtvovanja. Besedilo prevoda, ki je nastalo 14 let po izidu izvirnika v Sloveniji je oblika obračuna s spremembo predstave Slovenca v poljski in slovenski zavesti.
Summary: The novel Wilcze noce of Vlado Žabot is the source of knowledge about the Slovene character and stereotype including heterosterotype, formed under the influence of the cultural diversity of Slovenia, its historical and socio-political events. This unevenness of character is plain in the language of translation, in the semiotic and semantic structure. The polish reader can because of the translation of the novel Wilcze noce, come to know the stereotypical of Slovene as a person with strong self-destructive tendencies realized by the means of the ritual suffering at the same time influencing the ‘Other’ in the form of daily life rituals, group violence and self-sacrifice. The text of the translation was shaped 14 years after the first original Slovene edition and is a form of coming to terms with a change of the image of the Slovene in Polish and Slovene mentality.
Bożena Tokarz: Ostatnia Wieczerza by Paweł Huelle (and Jana Unuk) as a confrontation with own tradition and other people’s culture Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Ostatnia Wieczerza Pawła Huellego (i Jany Unuk) jako konfrontacja z tradycją, z własną i cudzą kulturą. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, tokarzbozena@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 185-207. Ključne besede: stereotip, prevod, Zadnja večerja, Paweł Huelle, Jana Unuk. Key words: a stereotype, translation, The Last Supper, Paweł Huelle, Jana Unuk.
Povzetek: Slovenski prevod romana Zadnja večerja Pawła Huelleja je izšel leta 2010, komaj tri leta po izidu izvirnika, prevedla ga je Jana Unuk. Miselna shema Zadnje večerje (kot podlaga stereotipa), ki jo sestavljajo skupna večerja Jezusa in apostolov na način daritvene gostije, Jezusova vednost o Judeževi izdaji, lastnem mučeništvu in žrtvovanju ter preobrazba in sporočilo vere — obsega strukturo celotnega romana. Stereotip je vključen v kontekst sodobnih dogajanj kot argument širšega dialoga na temo skupnosti, svobode, izdaje, vere in umetnosti. Jana Unuk je pri prenašanju smisla in ideje izvirnika v slovensko kulturo glede na uresničeni jezikovni transfer do določene mere soustvarjalka romana. Kljub prevajalkini zvestobi izvirniku in njenim prevajalskim veščinam miselna shema Zadnje večerje, naravnana na prihodnost, zaradi drugačne pragmatike slovenskega jezika in nekoliko drugačne kulturne imaginacije ni dosegla vseh potencialov izvirnika (zbujajočih upanje). Ko izvirnik vstopa v ciljno kulturo, privzema njene lastnosti celo na ravni prevoda tako univerzalnih stereotipov, kot so religiozni stereotipi.
Summary: In 2010, only three years after the Polish edition, a translation by Jana Unuk of the novel Ostatnia Wieczerza (‘The Last Supper’) by Paweł Huelle appeared. The mental schema of The Last Supper (the basis of a stereotype), which is in the character of a sacrificial feast and consists of: the shared supper of Jesus and the apostles, the knowledge of Jesus about the betrayal by Judas, about His own martyrdom, sacrifice and transubstantiation and the message of faith, covers the structure of the entire novel. The stereotype has been introduced into the context of the contemporary events as an argument of a broader dialogue on the topic of community, freedom, betrayal, religion and art. In a way, Jana Unuk has become a co-author of the novel by transferring the sense and the idea of the original version to the Slovenian culture, due to the performed language transfer. Despite the faithfulness to the original and the translation art of the translator, the mental schema of The Last Supper that is oriented upon the future did not receive the potentiality of the original (giving hope) because of the different pragmatics of the Slovenian language and its slightly different cultural conception. Entering into an accepting culture, the original assumes its features even on the level of translating stereotypes that are as stable as religious stereotypes.
Adriana Kovacheva: The Paradoxes of Polish Poetry’s Anthologising in Bulgarian Language Translations Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Paradoksy antologizacji poezji polskiej w przekładach na język bułgarski. Author Name: Adriana Kovacheva. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 208-223. Ключови думи: антология, антологизация, история на превода, съвременна българска поезия, стереотипи в литературната рецепция. Key words: anthology, anthologising, translation history, bulgarian contemporary poetry, stereotypes in literary reception.
Резюме: В настоящата статия разглеждам два парадокса, свързани с редакцията на антологията Съвременни полски поети, които са свързани със съществуващите сред българските читатели и изследователи-специалисти стереотипи за полската поезия. Първият е свързан с утвърждаването на приетия още от Боян Пенев в неговата антология от 1921 година модел на въобразения читател, който ограничава възможностите за сравнителен прочит на предлагания материал. Вторият парадокс е несъответствието между декларираното в увода на антологията желание да се изяснят взаимовръзките между литературните явления от периода преди и след Втората световна война и действителното премълчаване на ролята на авангарда за развитието на полската поезия. Този парадокс е предизвикан от опита да се наложат стереотипизирани представи за поетиката и идеологията на литературния авангард като историческо яваление.
Summary: This article explores two paradoxes related to the concept of the Anthology of Contemporary Polish Poets that are associated with stereotypes about Polish poetry which exists amongst Bulgarian readers and researchers. The first paradox is related to the establishment of a model of the reader, introduced by Boyan Penev in his anthology from 1921, which limits opportunities for comparative reading of the proposed anthologized material. The second paradox is the discrepancy between the statements made in the introduction to the anthology that the relationships between literary phenomena of the periods before and after the Second World War will be clarified and elaborated and the actual omission of the role of the vanguard in the development of the Polish poetry. This paradox is caused by attempts to impose stereotyped notions of poetics and ideology of the literary avant-garde in the time the anthology was published.
Marta Buczek: Stereotypes in the translation of Slovak short stories under the title Fairy Tales for Naughty Children and Their Caring Parents by Dušan Taragel Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Stereotypy w przekładzie słowackich opowiadań Bajki dla niegrzecznych dzieci i ich troskliwych rodziców Dušana Taragela. Author Name: Marta Buczek, Uniwersytet Śląski, buczek.marta@interia.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 224-240. Kľučové slova: Stereotyp a preklad, slovenská literatúra, Dušan Taragel, Tomasz Grabiński, slovenská literatúra v Poľsku. Key words: Stereotype and translation, Slovak literature, Dušan Taragel, Tomasz Grabiński, Slovak literature in Poland.
Rezumé: Marta Buczek, autorka článku zaoberá sa problémom stereotypov v knihe slovenského spisovateľa Dušana Taragela pod titulom Rozprávky pre neposlušné deti a ich starostlivých rodičov publikovanej v roku 1997. Článok sa zameriava na pôvodný text a jeho poľský preklad uverejnený v roku 2005, ktorého autorom je Tomasz Grabiński. Zbierka rozprávok Dušana Taragela je zaujímavý príklad použitia stereotypov v literatúre. Autor používa dobre známe stereotypy a núti ich k plneniu úloh v rozpore s ich základnou sémantikou, čo vedie k transformácii jednotlivých zložiek stereotypov a zahŕňa nové atypické štrukturálne vzťahy. Rozprávky Taragela uskutočňujú špecifickú hru so stereotypami pomocou žánru grotesky. Zaujímavé je ako sú tieto translatologické problémy riešené v preklade. Autorka článku sa snaží odpovedať na otázku, čí stereotypy sú prekladateľné do iných jazykov, čí sú prekladateľné v akte kultúrnej komunikácie.
Summary: The author of the article raises the problem of stereotypes in the Slovak collection of short stories book under the title Fairy Tales for Naughty Children and Their Caring Parents (1997) written by Dušan Taragel. The article focuses on the original text and its Polish translation by Tomasz Grabiński published in 2005. Dušan Taragel‘s short stories are an interesting example of using stereotypes in literature. He uses and forces well known sterotypes to perform tasks inconsistent with their basic semantics which leads to a transformation of the individual components of the stereotype and includes the new atypical structural relationships. Taragel’s short stories undertake a peculiar play with stereotypes using of the genre of the grotesque. An interesting matter is how the Polish translation deals with this and is carried out at all levels play. The article tries to answer the question if stereotypes may be translatable into the second language when the code changes, if they can be translatable in an act of cultural communication.
Mateusz Warchał: Attributive errors — their psychological distribution, possible evaluation and elimination in the translating process Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Błędy atrybucyjne — ich psychologiczna dystrybucja, możliwości oceny i eliminacji w procesie translatorskim. Author Name: Mateusz Warchał. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 241-252. Ključne riječi: atribucija, atribucijske pogreške, stereotipizacija, proces prevođenja. Key words: attribution, fundamental attribution error, stereotyping, the process of translation.
Sažetak: Članak pokušava predstaviti psihološke mehanizme atribucije, koja se pojavljuje u sekundarnom primanju teksta i evaluaciju uloge prevoditelja. Mehanizmi opisani u članku odnose se na razlike u perspektivi — glumac (prevoditelj) i promatrač (čitatelj) te opisane su u kontekstu stereotipa koji se pojavljuju u izvornom i sekundarnom tekstu. Autor priznaje da proces stereotipizaci je neizbježan, a čitatelj može stalno stavljati pitanje za (ne)prevođenje, što čini da je opterećen prekomjernom „psihologizacjijom“.
Summary: This paper attempts to provide for the psychological mechanisms of attribution, which appear in secondary text reception and evaluation of the role of the interpreter. The mechanisms described in the article relate to the difference in the perspective of the actor (the translator) and the observer (reader) and are described in the context of the stereotypes that appear in the source text and secondary text. The author acknowledges that the process of stereotyping is inevitable and at each step the reader asks the question about the (non) translatability is well founded, but is doomed to impose excessive “psychologization”.
Leszek Małczak: Stereotypes in the reception of Croatian literature in the period of 1944—1956 Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O stereotypach w recepcji literatury chorwackiej w Polsce w latach 1944—1956. Author Name: Leszek Małczak, Uniwersytet Śląski, leszek.malczak@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 4 (1)/2013. Page Range: 253-268. Ključne riječi: recepcija, kulturna politika, stereotip, rezolucija Informbiroa. Key words: reception, cultural policy, stereotype, Cominform Resolution.
Sažetak: U članku se govori o dvama stereotipima u recepciji hrvatske književnosti u razdoblju od 1944. do 1956. g. Najprije je Jugoslavija politički saveznik, srodan po slavenskom porijeklu, poslije postaje najveći neprijatelj. Ovo se razdoblje sastoji od dva dijela. U prvom od 1944. do 1948. autori iz Jugoslavije prikazuju književnost kao jedinstvenu, jugoslavensku, dok poljski autori instistiraju na razlikama. Tematski književnost se svodi na književnost o ratnoj tematici, a pisci su vrednovani na temelju njihovih političkih opredjeljenja. Oni koji su bili skloni partizanima jesu napredni, socijalistički, oni koji su živjeli u okupiranim zemljama ostaju pod štetnim uticajem zapadne kulture, buržoazijskih principa. U drugom razdoblju od 1949. do 1956., poslije rezolucije Informbiroa, književnost Jugoslavije u Poljskoj prikazuje se kao jedinstvena, prekinuta je svaka vrsta suradnje i komunikacije, govori se da u književnom stvaralaštvu dolazi do niza negativnih pojava koje se opisuju pomoću ratne retorike i najčešće imenuju kao fašizacija, amerikanizacija kulture.
Summary: There are two stereotypes in the reception of Croatian literature in the period of 1944—1956. Yugoslavia was a political ally for Comunist and Slavic countries in the begining. After 1948, after the Cominform Resolution of June 28th, it became one of their worst enemies. In the first period from 1944 to 1948 the Yugoslav authors present literature as coherent Yugoslav literature, with Polish reviewers insisting on the diffrences between the Yugoslav republics. Yugoslav literature in this period was about war, and writers are judged according to their political profiles and attitude during the World War II. The ones who symphatized with Partisans were progressive, the ones who lived in the occupied coutries were under the harmful infulence of Western culture, with its bourgeois values. After the Cominform Resolution, the literatures of the various Yugoslav republics are presented as homogeneous with no cultural differences. Every type of communication between Yugoslavia and Poland is broken down at that time. There is war rethoric in extremely negative Polish presentations of literary production in Yugoslavia in the second period.
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