Vol 7 No 1 (2016)
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Bożena Tokarz: Poza granicami schematów. Kilka uwag o polskiej refleksji nad przekładem / Going beyond schemas. Some remarks on the Polish reflection upon translation Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: Going beyond schemas. Some remarks on the Polish reflection upon translation. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, tokarzbozena@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 15-33. Key words: Polish translatory reflection, identity, transformations of the original, needs of the receiving literature, repealing of fidelity.
Summary: The diversity of Polish voices about translation draws attention to the fundamental problems of translation: 1) the role of the translator in the process of linguistic and cultural transference; 2) the modeling impact of the receiving culture on the target text; 3) respect for the output work and culture in relation to word and text; 4) linguistic and cultural untranslatability; 5) the desire to create a discipline that “would tame” the complex nature of translation in theory and practice. Reflections upon these issues led to interdisciplinary and descriptivity in translation studies. Currently we are dealing with the situation of the repealing of faithfulness in translation as an impossible and unnecessary task. The voices of Polish translators, among others, growing over the centuries, were confirmed by this theoretical reflection. Researchers have announced it in Polish translatory reflection. They represented different methodological, phenomenological and structuralist-semiotic options (for example, Stefania Skwarczyńska and Edward Balcerzan in the years 1965—1981). In their reflections on translation, an essential role has been played by the adoption of two basic assumptions. The first one concerns the autonomy of a literary work, whereas the other one is about interpretation, that is, its full implementation in the process of reading. Within their borders, they pointed to the inevitability of the gradable identity of translation with respect to the original.
Štefan Vevar: Med medkulturnostjo v prevodni praksi in medkulturnostja v prevodoslovju / Międzykulturowość w praktyce a międzykulturowość w translatologii / Between interculturality in translation practice and “interculturality” in translatology (transl. by Anna Muszyńska) Download_SLO Download_PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: Between interculturality in translation practice and “interculturality” in translatology. Author Name: Štefan Vevar, Slovenski gledališki inštitutut, stefan.vevar@guest.arnes.si. Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 34-63. Key words: formal theory vs. substantial theory, interculturality, concept of trichotomy, complex normative paradigm, translation equivalence. Ključne besede: formalna teorija vs. substančna teorija, medkulturonost, koncept trihotomije, normativna paradigma, prevodna ekvivalenca.
Povzetek: V prispevku sem skušal pokazati, da je upoštevanje fenomena medkulturnosti v prevajanju eden od temeljev solidnega prevoda. Če medkulturnost izostane, ciljna kultura prevaja iz izhodiščne na potujitveni način, to pa onemogoča ali slabi razumevanje besedila pri ciljnem bralstvu. A ne le to: besedilu tudi jemlje avtentično literarno dikcijo in ga depoetizira. Primeri kažejo, da bi morala formalna teorija dokončno opraviti z zgolj semantičnim pojmovanjem prevodne ekvivalence. S kompleksnim ovrednotenjem problema prevodne enakovrednosti bi se tudi rešila shizofrenega razmerja do medkulturnosti, ko jo načeloma in v abstraktnem pogledu tematizira kot relevanten fenomen, pri svoji praktični evalvaciji pa jo ima zgolj za upoštevanja vreden korektiv.
Summary: The article has tried to demonstrate that the implementation of the interculturality phenomenon in the translation process should be considered as one of the conditions of a distinguished translation. If the translator does not integrate the so‑called ‘cultural equivalents’ in his/her translation, it occurs on the text level only, undermining and weakening its understanding with the target readership. Such a translation moreover lacks the authentic diction and turns to be prosaic and non‑poetic. The formal theory of translation should therefore finally give up its mere semantic comprehension of translation equivalence. Having evaluated this problem in a complex way, one would find the way out of its schizoid position between widely shedding light on the phenomenon of interculturality in theory, yet facing it with embarrassment and discomfort when evaluating translation practice.
Lucyna Spyrka: Koncepcja przekładu L’ubomira Feldka w kontekście słowackiej myśli przekładoznawczej / Lubomír Feldek’s concept of translation in the context of the Slovak translatological thoughts Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: Lubomír Feldek’s concept of translation in the context of the Slovak translatological thoughts. Author Name: Lucyna Spyrka, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, lucyna.spyrka@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 64-77. Key words: the theory of translation, Slovak translatology, Ľubomír Feldek, history of translation. Kľúčové slová: teória prekladu, slovenské myslenie o preklade, Ľubomír Feldek, dejiny prekladu
Résumé: V Poľsku slovenské myslenie o preklade je spájané predovšetkým s koncepciou Antona Popoviča a jeho školou prekladu. Článok načrtáva dejiny vývoja umeleckého prekladu a myslenia o preklade na Slovensku a následne popisuje zakladajúcu sa na praktických skúsenostiach koncepciu prekladateľa a kritika prekladu, básnika Ľubomíra Feldeka. Feldek takisto ako Popovič, považoval preklad za formu komunikácie. Podčiarkoval nasmerovanie na otázky recepcie. Svoje názory uviedol v knihe Z reči do reči (1977), ktorá sa stretla s veľkým záujmom medzi slovenskými bádateľmi a teoretikmi prekladu. Článok uvádza polemické a kritické ohlasy ako aj akceptujúce a chváliace reakcie, ktoré odzneli vo chvíli uverejnenia Feldekovej knihy, a neskoršie komentáre až k najnovším, ktoré mapujú miesto názorov básnika — prekladateľa v slovenskej translatológii.
Summary: In Poland, Slovak translatological thought is mainly associated with the concepts of Anton Popovič and his school of translation. The article presents an overview of the history of the development of translation and translation studies in Slovakia, and then discusses the poet Lubomír Feldek’s concept based on his practical experiences as an interpreter and critic of translation. Feldek, like Popovič treats translation as a form of communication, emphasizing a focus on the issues of reception. He presented his conception in the book Z reči do reči (1977), which was met with great interest by Slovak theoreticians of translation. The article presents the polemical and critical opinions and acceptance and praise which were formulated at the time of the publication of the Feldek’s book, and the comments subsequent to the most recent controversy, which document the place of the views of the poet — translator in Slovak translatology.
Anna Valcerova: Básnický preklad na Slovensku po 1945 / Tłumaczenie poezji w Słowacji po 1945 r. / The translation of poetry in Slovakia after 1945 (transl. by Marta Buczek) Download_SK Download_PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: The translation of poetry in Slovakia after 1945. Author Name: Anna Valcerová, Prešovská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, avalcerova@gmail.com. Language: Slovak, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 78-113. Key words: modernization, exotization, creolization, naturalization, Slovak translation theory of poetry. Kľúčové slova: modernizácia, exotizácia, kreolizácia, naturalizácia, Slovenská škola básnického prekladu
Resumé: Termíny naturalizácia, exotizácia, modernizácia, historizácia a kreolizácia použil Anton Popovič v tzv. Holmesovom kríži v sedemdesiatych rokoch 20. storočia. Odvtedy sa bez nich slovenská teória prekladu nezaobišla. Podrobnejšie ich rozpracoval aj J. Vilikovský. Po ekvivalencii a posunoch patria k najfrekventovanejším pojmom teórie a kritiky prekladu u nás. Možno ich využiť aj pri koncipovaní dejín prekladu na Slovensku v 20. storočí ako nosné. Pri striedaní jednotlivých období v preklade u nás vystupuje vždy niektorá z týchto tendencií ako dominantná. Po dominancii naturalizujúcich tendencií v päťdesiatych rokoch, keď dominujú preklady klasiky, sa objavuje prevaha aktualizačných prekladov, uvádzaná Feldekovým manifestačným vystúpením v Mladej tvorbe koncom päťdesiatych rokov, pokračuje v priebehu šesťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia s dominanciou modernej literatúry. Toto striedanie dominantných tendencií nie je mechanické, no uplatňuje sa aj v spätnom pohľade. V období realizmu dominujú naturalizačné tendencie (Kukučín, Hviezdoslav), v období Moderny exotizačné (Roy, Krasko), no už v medzivojnovom období sa exotizácia strieda s naturalizáciou (Jesenský, Jesenská, Rázusová‑Martáková) a J. Felix tieto preklady vyzdvihuje, aj keď vo vzťahu k archaizácii a modernizácii je za tzv. vivifikáciu, prispôsobenie prekladu dobe, v ktorej preklad vznikol, jej čitateľovi. Popri naturalizujúcich prekladoch nadrealisti v období druhej svetovej vojny a tesne pred ňou uprednostňujú modernizáciu a exotizáciu v preklade a premosťujú tak obdobie naturalizácie v päťdesiatych rokoch do šesťdesiatych rokov, keď sa zbližujú s nastupujúcou generáciou konkretistov. Po roku 1968 zase modernizácia mechanicky neustupuje do úzadia, vrcholné preklady sú stále modernizujúce či aktualizačné. Po roku 1989 nastáva postupne po vlne exotizácie, najmä amerikanizácie (krátko po prevrate) vo vrcholných, najmä básnických, prekladoch k umierňovaniu modernizujúcej a exotizujúcej metódy, k tomu, čo nazýval Felix vivifikáciou na časovej osi a Popovič kreolizáciou, miešaním kultúr. Hovoríme o umiernenej, či klasicizujúcej prekladateľskej metóde, preklad si plní svoje základné poslanie, približuje sa štýlu prekladaného autora.
Summary: After the clear dominance of naturalizing tendencies in the 1950s, when classic translations were preponderant, a predominance of up‑dated translations appeared. This was introduced by Feldek’s manifestation appearance in Mladá tvorba at the end of the 1950s and throughout the 1960s by the dominance of modern literature. This alternation of dominant tendencies is by no means mechanical, but it is also applicable in hindsight. Whereas in the period of Realism, naturalization tendencies (Kukučín, Hviezdoslav) seem dominant, the period of Modernism foregrounds those of exotization (Roy, Krasko). However, in the inter‑war period, exotization took turns with naturalization (Jesenský, Jesenská, Rázusová‑Martáková). J. Felix praises these translations although with respect to historization and modernization he is in favor of so‑called ‘vivification’, i.e. adapting translation to the epoch in which it originated, as well as the reader. Furthermore, Surrealists in the period of the Second World War and shortly before it seem to prefer modernization and exotization besides naturalizing translations. Thus, they bridge the period of naturalization from the 1950s to the 1960s when they became closer with the starting generation of Concretists. Again, after 1968 modernization was not pushed to the background mechanically; prime translations are still being modernized or up‑dated. After 1989, gradually after a wave of exotization, especially Americanization (shortly after the Revolution), attenuation of the modernizing and exoticizing methods in supreme translations, those of poems, in particular, may be observed, in contrast to what was referred to by Felix as vivification on a temporal axis and creolization, i.e. mixing of cultures, by Popovič. This is called an attenuated or classicist translation method; translation fulfils its basic role, it approximates to the style of a translated author and is at his service.
Tea Rogić Musa: (Samo)spoznaja u odnosu spram Drugoga i strana kultura kao izvor vlastita identiteta: pjesnik Zdravko Malić / (Samo)poznanie wobec Innego i kultura obca jako źródło własnej tożsamości: poeta Zdravko Malić (transl. by Katarzyna Majdzik) / Self‑) perception in regards to the Other and foreign culture as a source of one’s own identity: the poet Zdravko Malić Download_PL Download_HR Rozwiń
Translated Title: (Self‑) perception in regards to the Other and foreign culture as a source of one’s own identity: the poet Zdravko Malić. Author Name: Tea Rogić Musa, Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, tea.rogic@izmk.hr. Language: Croatian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 117-135. Key words: Zdravko Malić, U drugom nekom gradu, prose poem, Croatian‑Polish literary connections.
Abstract: This paper deals primarily with the poetry of Zdravko Malić, one of the most prominent Croatian Polonists of the 20th century, founder of Croatian Polonistics as a university, institutionalised philological discipline, and the author of a comprehensive and far‑reaching literary‑historic and translator’s body of work. Along with his literary‑scientific work and work as a translator, as a poet Malić wrote a rather small but, in the composition of the whole of his interests, an indicative poetic contribution, which mirrors his research topics and the depth of their perception. As a Polonist, he covered his own poetic practice with a web of intertextual and citation points that helped him to refer to a foreign culture, Polish, as the starting point of his erudition. As a prolegomenon to the insight into his poetic collection, we will give a brief overview of Malić’s body of work and his activities, which supplements his biography as a Polonist.
Majda Stanovnik: I. Prijatelj in A. Nowaczyński: informativno-kreativna funkcija prevoda (Wildovi aforizmi prek polščine v slovenščino) / I Prijatelj i A Nowaczyński: informacyjno-kreatywna funkcja przekładu (aforyzmy Wilde’a tłumaczone poprzez polski na słoweński) Download_SLO Download_PL (transl. by Agnieszka Bukowczan i Joanna Cieślar) / I. Prijatelj and A. Nowaczyński: the informative and the corrective function of translation (Wilde’s aphorisms rendered into Slovene via Polish). Rozwiń
Translated Title: I. Prijatelj and A. Nowaczyński: the informative and the corrective function of translation (Wilde’s aphorisms rendered into Slovene via Polish). Author Name: Majda Stanovnik, majda.stanovnik@siol.net. Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 136-164. Key words: translation function, aphorism, I. Prijatelj, O. Wilde, A. Nowaczyński.
Summary: The Slavic scholar Ivan Prijatelj (1875—1937), who received his university education in Vienna and was a contemporary and collaborator of the group of Slovene writers known as the »Slovene Modernists« (slovenska moderna), established himself primarily as an influential literary historian. Apart from that, he developed his interests in literature as an essayist and translator, being eager to become familiar with important authors and literary currents, especially modern European ones, and to make them accessible to Slovene readers. He succinctly presented the English writer, who at the time garnered attention in Eastern and in Western Europe, in the journal article Oskar Wilde (1907), which is a translation of Wilde’s aphorisms on art and on criticism. They were translated into Slovene from Polish, on the basis of Oskar Wilde. Studjum. Aforyzmy. Nowele, a book by Adolf Nowaczyński (1906), in which Wilde is dealt with in a more extensive and multi‑faceted manner. Prijatelj’s version, which is thematically homogeneous, is the only one among his translations that is not based directly on the source text. It does not always follow Nowaczyński’s translation, but is consistent with the poetics of translation sketched out by Prijatelj in the introductory chapter to his study on Pushkin in Slovene translations (1901). The study presupposes that for the literature of a small nation such as Slovenia, translation is indispensable in as far as it enables that literature to become connected to other national literatures; in actual fact, translations are considered as a means of informing and educating target readers as well as of correcting local literary standards. In order to perform these functions in a satisfactory way, a translation must preserve the original’s authenticity, while at the same time adapting to the target culture and naturally integrating into it. Accordingly, a translated text does not only bear a mark of the author’s creative genius, but, to an extent, also of that of the translator. Some minor shifts with respect to the English original are observable in Prijatelj’s and Nowaczyński’s translations, which in some points differ also from each other, and remain within the recommended middle way, which makes it possible for the translator to take into account the author’s intentions, while allowing himself the necessary freedom, so as to produce an effective and convincing target text.
Izabela Lis-Wielgosz: „Zbiór ten nie zostanie bezużytecznym w księgarstwie ciężarem…”, czyli Narodowe Pieśni Serbskie wybrane i przełożone przez Romana Zmorskiego / “This collection will not be a useless burden for the book trade” that is, Serbian folk Songs selected and translated by Roman Zmorski Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: “This collection will not be a useless burden for the book trade” that is, Serbian folk Songs selected and translated by Roman Zmorski. Author Name: Izabela Lis‑Wielgosz, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, liswielg@amu.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 165-182. Key words: Serbian folklore songs, folklore poetry, translations, translator, reception, collection. Кључне речи: српске народне песме, усмено стваралаштво, превод, преводилац, рецепција, збирка.
Резюме: Чланак подсећа на збирку превода српских народних песама познату под насловом Српске народне песме коју је Роман Замарски припремио (т.ј. превео све текстове на пољски језик) и двапут издао — 1853. и 1855. године. Колекција народног стваралаштва која се овде разматра, истовремено служи као повод за размишљање о суштини превода књижевног текста, о његовој транслацији и вредности у комуникативном контексту, а такође о улози преводиоца у процесу спајања двају аксиолошких и културних система — тзв. основног и одредишног система. У чланку се приказује преводилачка делатност у деветнаестом веку, дакле разматра се историја и традиција рецепције српског народног песништва у пољској култури. Размишљање се концентрише на превод као интеркултурни, комуникативни фе‑ номен, као намеран процес преношења текста из једног у други културни простор. Дакле, овде се истиче превод са различитих страна, он се разматра из књижевноисторијског, кул‑ турног, дијалошког, релационог аспекта. Он се приказује као културно‑друштвена појава, као хотимичан процес ибора, стратегијске операције, ауторске (преводилачке) интерпре‑ тације и комуникације.
Summary: In the article, the collection of Serbian folklore song translations, entitled Serbian Folk Songs, is regarded. The collection itself was prepared and published in 1853 and 1855 by Roman Zmorski. Located in the centre of consideration, it also becomes a pretext for a reflection on the essence of a literary text’s translation along with its communicational aspect and the role of the translator in the process of the fusion concerning two axiological systems, two cultural horizons — the initial one and the final one. Furthermore, the article serves to present a traditional translation in the nineteenth century: the reception of South Slavonic (Serbian) folklore poetry. The considerations dedicated to the translation theme and the translator’s role concentrate not on the philological issues themselves, but rather on the broadly comprehended intercultural phenomenon which means a process and the result of a transposition of the text from one cultural realm to the other. Besides the exposition of the translation meaning in the relational, dialogical aspect, its fundamental conditions are emphasized. They refer to the historical and cultural contexts, sources’ selection, and intentional operation on the primary text together with its translation understood as a specific sort of interpretation and communication.
Monika Skrzeszewska: Wojna chorwacko-serbska, nacjonalizm, seks i przekleństwa, czyli jak tłumaczono Vedranę Rudan / War, Croatian nationalism, sex and swearwords — how has Vedrana Rudan’s books been translated? Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: War, Croatian nationalism, sex and swearwords — how has Vedrana Rudan’s books been translated?. Author Name: Monika Skrzeszewska, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, skrzeszewska@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 183-198. Key words: taboo, vulgarisms, translatability, untranslatability, Vedrana Rudan. Ključne riječi: tabu, vulgarizmi, prevodivost, neprevodivost, Vedrana Rudan.
Sažetak: Ovaj članak govori o načinu prevođenja Vedrane Rudan koja je jedna od najpopularnijih hrvatskih spisateljica u Poljskoj. Suvremene teorije upućuju na prijevod kao fokus znanstveno‑istraživačkog rada. Zato je u članku naglasak stavljen na poljsku kulturu i jezik, kao i poljsku recepciju hrvatske književnosti. U radu su prikazani i analizirani problemi prevođenja s hrvatskoga jezika na poljski vezani uz psovke, seks i književne aluzije.
Summary: This article shows the various translations of Vedrana Rudan who is one of the most popular Croatian writers in Poland. A common view of translation says that focusing on a translation not the original is needed. That is why Polish culture, language and the reception of Croatian literature in Poland are key factors. Therefore in this article the problems with translating the Croatian language such as swearwords, sex and literary allusions into Polish have been shown.
Marta Buczek: Danuty Abrahamowicz szkoła przekładu / Danuta Abrahamowicz’s school of translation Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: Danuta Abrahamowicz’s school of translation. Author Name: Marta Buczek, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, buczek.marta@interia.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 201-219. Key words: translation, Slovak literature in Polish translation, Danuta Abrahamowicz, Polish literature in Slovakia, Polish and Slovak literary contacts. Kľúčové slova: literárny preklad, slovenská literatúra v poľskom preklade, Danuta Abrahamowicz, poľská literatúra na Slovensku, poľské a slovenské literárne kontakty.
Resumé: Autora príspevku sa zameriava na konkrétnu školu prekladu, ktorej základy formulovala v slovakistickom prostredí druhej polovice 20. storočia známa poľská prekladateľka slovenskej literatúry Danuta Abrahamowicz. V príspevku sa definujú všetky aspekty prekladateľskej činností Abrahamowicz. Výskumy v rámci literárnej vedy, kritická, publikačná, redakčná a prekladateľská činnosť, všetky tieto vystúpenia ukazujú jej metódu vnímania prekladu a zdôrazňujú spôsoby, ktorými Abrahamowicz ho implementuje v novy horizont príjmu, aby sa stal faktom prijímajúcej kultúry.
Summary: The author of the article focuses on the specific school of translation formulated by the well‑known Polish translator of Slovak literature, Danuta Abrahamowicz in the Slovak environment of the second half of the 20th century. The article defines all aspects of Abrahamowicz’s translatological activities. Her literary studies, critical, publishing, editorial and translation activity are examined in the article and finally, the article shows the ways in which Abrahamowicz perceived translation and the various ways of implementing it in a new horizon of reception to become a fact of the target culture.
Zuzana Pojezdalová: Obraz literatury polskiej na Słowacji w tłumaczeniach Jozefa Marušiaka The Picture of Polish Literature in Slovakia through Jozef Marušiak’s Translations Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Picture of Polish Literature in Slovakia through Jozef Marušiak’s Translations. Author Name: Zuzana Pojezdalová, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra slovanských filológií, zuzana.pojezdalova@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 220-235. Key words: Jozef Marušiak, Polish literature in Slovak language, literary translation, translator, reception of translation. Kľúčové slová: Jozef Marušiak, poľská literatúra v slovenčine, literárny preklad, prekladateľ, recepcia prekladu.
Resumé: V článku sa autorka venuje prekladateľskej činnosti Jozefa Marušiaka a jej recepcii na Slovensku. Prezentuje výber jeho prekladov z poľštiny do slovenčiny, ktoré najviac prispeli k formovaniu obrazu poľskej literatúry na Slovensku. Autorka poukazuje na konkrétne prekladateľské postupy a stratégie, a tiež na kultúrny a literárny dialóg, ku ktorému jednotlivé preklady viedli. Článok zároveň prestavuje prierez Marušiakovou prekladovou tvorbou od jej začiatku až po súčasnosť. Snaží sa tak vystihnúť, akým spôsobom výber diel a preklady jednej osobnosti vedú k obohateniu prijímajúcej literatury.
Summary: The paper deals with Jozef Marušiak’s translations and their reception in Slovakia. The author presents a selection of his translations from Polish into the Slovak language, which has mostly formed the picture of Polish literature in Slovakia. The author points out some specific translation strategies, as well as the cultural and literary dialogue, which the translations have led to. The article also maps the wide range of Marušiak’s translation works from the beginning up to the present. The aim of the paper is to capture how the choices and translations of one personality can enrich the receiving literature.
Joanna Cieślar: Historia Słowenii oczami Polaka. O przekładach literatury słoweńskiej Joanny Pomorskiej The History of Slovenia in a Polish perspective. Slovenian literature as translated by Joanna Pomorska Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: The History of Slovenia in a Polish perspective. Slovenian literature as translated by Joanna Pomorska. Author Name: Joanna Cieślar, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, joanna.cieslar28@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 236-249. Key words: essay, translation, history, Joanna Pomorska, Drago Jančar. Ključne besede: esej, prevod, zgodovina, Joanna Pomorska, Drago Jančar.
Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava temo prevajalčevih odločitev na primeru prevoda zbirke Jančarjevih esejev Terra incognita, ki ga je pripravila Joanna Pomorska. Članek izhaja iz teorije tropov Haydna Whita, ki svoja raziskovanja neposredno navezuje na zgodovinopisje in opozarja na past objektivne zgodovine, ki pravzaprav po njegovem ne sme obstajati. Prav to najdemo v esejih, v katerih vsebino preveva duh zgodovine, denimo Jančarjevi eseji se pogosto dotikajo teme slovenske zgodovine, ki jih avtor postavlja ne samo v slovenski kontekst, ampak tudi v jugoslovanski in celo evropski. Podoba zgodovine v njegovih delih je zgrajena na izjemen način, v katerem prevladuje ironija, ki izhaja iz posmehljive trditve o kolesu zgodovine. Ta svojevrstna perspektiva ni ohranjena v prevajanju, kjer prevajalka mora upoštevati predvsem poljskega bralca, ki slovensko zgodovino le bežno pozna. Avtorica članka še posebej posveča pozornost ponazoritvi posledic prevajalskih strategij in njihovih razmerij do eseja kot nosilca zgodovine. Raziskuje in analizira prevajalske izbire na leksikalno‑semantični ravni ter prikazuje njihov vpliv na dojemanje prevedenega besedila.
Summary: The article deals with the topic of translator’s choices while investigating the case of the translation of Drago Jančar’s book, Terra incognita, translated in Poland by Joanna Pomorska. This article is based on the theory of tropes by Hayden White, whose research is directly related to the historiography, and points out to the trap of objective or truly scientific history which, in fact, cannot exist. The same also applies to the essays that include some threads of history, such as Jančar’s essays concerning Slovenian history, analyzed not only in the Slovenian, but also in Yugoslavian and even European context. The image of history in his works is built on the remarkable way, where prevails the irony arising from the specific argument on the wheel of history. This unique perspective cannot be retained in the translation, where the translator must take into account a Polish reader’s limited knowledge about the Slovenian history. The author pays particular attention to illustrating the effects of translation strategies and its attitude towards the essay as a relay of history. She analyzes the translation choices on the lexical‑semantic level, and shows their impact on the perception of the text.
Zvonimir Milanović: Problemi interpretacje i prevođenja stare književnosti. Nekoliko pitanja, primjedbi i propozicija / Problemy interpretacji i tłumaczenia literatury dawnej. Kilka pytań, uwag i propozycji /The Problems of Interpreting and Translating Old Literature. Several questions, comments and propositions Download_HR Download_PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Problems of Interpreting and Translating Old Literature. Several questions, comments and propositions. Author Name: Zvonimir Milanović. Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, zvonimir.milanovic@interia.eu. Language: Croatian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 250-270. Key words: translation studies, translation, interpretation, Kochanowski, old literature. Ključne riječi: translatologija, prijevod, interpretacija, Kochanowski, stara književnost
Sažetak: U ovom članku obrađena su neka translatološka pitanja i problemi na području prijevoda stare književnosti, a na osnovi odabranih ulomaka iz djela Jana Kochanowskog, kao i iz eseja Czesława Miłosza, koji se dijelom također odnosi na translatološke probleme. Provedena analiza citiranih stihova i njihovih prijevoda pokazuje da prevođenje renesansne književnosti podrazumijeva i poznavanje tadašnjih poetika i retoričkih regula, koje su dijelom baštinjene iz razdoblja starog vijeka. Osim toga, bitnim se čini, kako postulira Miłosz, i psihološki čimbenik, koji je poljski nobelovac odredio kao „suosjećanje” prevoditelja s osobom danog autora. Za samu translatologiju presudna je književna interpretacija i cjelovito razumijevanje prevođenog teksta iz područja stare književnosti. Ta interpretacija treba polaziti od temeljita poznavanja renesansne epohe i kulture, u sklopu koje je književno djelo i nastalo.
Summary: In this paper I have analyzed some translatological questions in the field of translating old literature, on the basis of selected fragments from the works of Jan Kochanowski and from the essay of Czesław Miłosz that examines some translatological problems. An analysis of the cited fragments and their translations shows that the translation of Renaissance literature should also opt for knowledge of contemporary poetics and rhetorical rules, which formed a part of the legacy from the literature of the ancient period. In addition, as Miłosz postulates in his essay, it seems that in the process of a translation of great significance is the empathy of the translator himself with the persona of a given author. Literary interpretation and the correct understanding of old literature is a crucial factor and the starting point in the translation process. Such an interpretation is based on a thorough knowledge of the epoch and the culture of the Renaissance period, within which the concrete work was written.
Andrej Šurla: Toneta Pretnarja prevod sonetov Jana Nepomucena Kamińskega / Sonety Jana Nepomucena Kamińskiego w przekładzie Tonego Pretnara (transl. by Weronika Woźnicka, Monika Gawlak, Joanna Cieślar) / Translation of the sonets of Jan Nepomucen Kamiński by Tone Pretnar Download_SLO Download_PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: Translation of the sonets of Jan Nepomucen Kamiński by Tone Pretnar. Author Name: Andrej Šurla, Univerza v Ljubljanie, Filozofska fakulteta; Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, andrej.surla@gmail.com. Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 271-300. Key words: Jan Nepomucen Kamiński, Tone Pretnar, France Prešeren, literary translation, sonnet. Ključne besede: Jan Nepomucen Kamiński, Tone Pretnar, France Prešeren, literarni prevod, sonet.
Povzetek: V bogatem prevodnem opusu Toneta Pretnarja je tudi 14 sonetov Jana Nepomucena Kamińskega, pomembnega organizatorja poljskega gledališkega in kulturnega življenja v Lvovu v 1. polovici 19. stoletja. Leta 1827 napisane sonete je tedanja kritika zavrnila, večje pozornosti pa jim ne namenja niti poznejša literarna zgodovina. Pretnar se je za njihov prevod odločil (po lastni izjavi) zaradi avtorjevih tesnih zvez z Matijem Čopom, pomembno osebnostjo slovenske intelektualne in umetniške scene istega obdobja. A medtem ko so bile Kamińskemu očitane (poleg kompozicijskih težav) tudi jezikovne slabosti, so Pretnarjevi prevodi jezikovno čisti in lepo tekoči. Pozornost pritegnejo ‘prešernizmi’: citati in aluzije na pesniški jezik največjega slovenskega romantika Franceta Prešerna. Z njimi je prevajalec svoj prevod uspešno umestil v čas, v katerega je (kljub nekaterim poznejšim poskusom oživitve zanimanja) ostal zaprt original. Ni pa izključeno (čeprav ostane bralcu, ki ozadij literarne zgodovine ne pozna, skrito), da so ‘prešernizmi’ tudi genialna prevajalčeva rešitev, kako v prevodu realizirati to, kar so nekateri kritiki videli (ali hoteli videti) v originalu: parodijo lirike najpomembnejšega poljskega pesnika dobe, Adama Mickiewicza.
Summary: The extensive translation work of Tone Pretnar includes within it the fourteen sonnets of Jan Nepomucen Kamiński, an important organiser of the Polish theatre and cultural life in Lvov in the first half of the nineteenth century. The sonnets, which were written in 1827, were rejected by critics of the period, and were not afforded any greater attention by later literary historians. According to his own account, Pretnar decided to undertake the translation of these works due to the author’s close links with Matija Čop, an important figure in the intellectual and artistic scene of that time. While Kamiński’s works were criticised for their linguistic and compositional failings, Pretnar’s translations are linguistically pure and flow with inherent beauty. Attention is often focused on those elements within them that are reminiscent of Prešeren — namely quotations and allusions to the poetic language of the greatest Slovene romantic poet, France Prešeren. With these elements, the translator succeeded in firmly placing his translation in a time, interest in which (apart from some subsequent attempts to revitalise interest) remained, like the sonnets themselves, restricted and confined. Nor can it be ruled out (even though for the reader who is unaware of the literary and historical background it may not be immediately apparent) that those elements that are reminiscent of Prešeren also in fact represent the translator’s ingenious solution to the problem as to how best realise in translation the very elements which some critics had seen (or wanted to see) in the original: namely, a lyric parody of the greatest Polish poet of that period, Adam Mickiewicz.
Silvija Borovnik: Medkulturnost v romanu Maje Haderlap Engel des vergessens / Angel pozabe in strategija prevoda v slovenščino / Międzykulturowość w powieści Mai Haderlap Engel des vergessens / Angel pozabe (‘Anioł zapomnienia’) i strategie tłumaczenia na język słoweński / Interculturality in Maja Haderlap’s novel Angel of Oblivion and strategies of translation into Slovene (transl. by Joanna Cieślar) Download_SLO Download_PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: Interculturality in Maja Haderlap’s novel Angel of Oblivion and strategies of translation into Slovene. Author Name: Silvija Borovnik, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnost, silvija.borovnik@um.si. Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 303-326. Key words: Maja Haderlap’s novel The Angel of Oblivion, Slovene translation, bilingualism, interculturality. Ključne besede: Maja Haderlap, roman Angel pozabe, slovenski prevod, dvojezičnost, medkulturnost.
Povzetek: Leta 2011 je pri nemški založbi Wallstein izšel roman koroške Slovenke Maje Haderlap, ki je vzbudil veliko pozornost. Roman je prvič nekaj posebnega zato, ker pripoveduje doslej manj znano in tudi pogosto zamolčano zgodbo o trpljenju koroških Slovencev v času druge svetovne vojne. To zgodbo oživlja pisateljica na osnovi pripovedi svoje babice in drugih sorodnikov, ki so bili med vojno deportirani v nacistična taborišča, ker so jih osumili sodelovanja s partizani. Drugič je roman poseben, ker izpostavlja žensko vojno zgodbo, ki je navadno v zgodovinskih priročnikih marginalizirana. Tretja posebnost romana pa se izraža v dejstvu, da ga je napisala Slovenka v nemškem jeziku. Pisateljica je to utemeljevala s pojasnilom, da ji je nemščina ponujala emocionalno distanco ter da je snov, ki je bila v nemško govorečem prostoru premalo poznana, želela čim bolj približati avstrijskim oz. nemškim bralcem. V romanu je na osnovi avtobiografskih prvin spregovorila o diskriminaciji Slovencev, pa tudi o zaničevanju in zanikovanju slovenskega jezika. Kljub temu je pisatelj Florjan Lipuš v svojem delu Poizvedovanje za imenom (2013) njen roman v nemščini označil kot jezikovno in nacionalno odpadništvo. Menil je, da bi morali slovenščino na umetniški ravni negovati zlasti tisti, ki so nadarjeni in sposobni, ter da pomeni pisanje literature v slovenščini ohranjanje tega jezika pred izginotjem. Njegova kritika jezikovnega prestopa Maje Haderlap v nemščino je zelo ostra tudi zato, ker to ni edini primer pri pisateljih mlajše oz. srednje generacije koroških Slovencev. Roman Maje Haderlap pa je v slovenščino prevedel Štefan Vevar, tudi sam doma s Koroškega. To je še posebno pomembno zato, ker je prevajalec s svojim inovativnim prevodom pokazal ne le na vlogo slovenskega jezika v tem nemško pisanem romanu, temveč je v svoj prevod dodajal še elemente koroškega narečja, ki je bilo prva materinščina tako avtorice romana same kakor tudi njenih literarnih likov. S temi prevajalskimi rešitvami je Vevar ohranjal jezikovno dvoravninskost izvirnika, pokazal pa je tudi na to, da je ta nemško pisani roman tudi slovenski. Avtorica romana pa sodi med pisatelje z dvojno, medkulturno zaznamovano identiteto.
Summary: In 2011, the publication house Wallstein published the novel by the Carinthian Slovene Author, Maja Haderlap, which attracted a lot of attention. Firstly, the novel is special because it tells a somewhat unknown and oftentimes concealed tale about the agony of the Carinthian Slovenes during the Second World War. This narrative is being revived by the author on the basis of her grandmother’s narration and other relatives, who were deported to Nazi concentration camps during the war because they were suspected of collaboration with the partisans. Secondly, this novel is special because of its emphasis on a woman’s war story which is usually marginalized in historical accounts. The third peculiarity of this novel is demonstrated by the fact that the novel was written by a female Slovene author in the German language. The author substantiated her writing on the rationale that the German language offered her the emotional distance and that she wanted to draw from the subject, which was not well‑recognized in the German‑speaking environment, being nearer to Austrian rather than German readers. On the basis of the autobiographical elements, she has spoken about the discrimination of the Slovenes and also about the disdain and disavowal of the Slovene language. Nevertheless, the writer, Florjan Lipuš, has labeled her novel as linguistic and national heresy in his work Enquiry for the Name (Poizvedovanje za imenom, 2013). He thought that the Slovene language on the artistic level should be taken care of by those that are gifted and creative and that writing literature in the Slovene language means its preservation. His critique of Maja Haderlap’s linguistic crossing into German is also very harsh because this is not the only such case of writers of the younger or middle‑aged generation of Carinthian Slovenians writing in German. Maja Haderlap’s novel was translated into Slovene by Štefan Vevar, who is himself of Carinthian origin. This is especially important because the translator has demonstrated not only the role of the Slovene language in this novel but also has included in his innovative translation some elements of the Carinthian dialect, which is the mother tongue of the author and her literary characters. With these translation solutions, Vevar preserved the original’s linguistic duality and also demonstrated that this novel, which was written in German, is also Slovene. However, the author of this novel belongs to the group of writers with a double, interculturally designated identity.
Jakob Altmann: Niemieckie composita jako jednostki słowotwórcze nacechowane kulturowo w przekładzie na język polski / German compound words as culturally marked word‑formation units and their translation into Polish Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: German compound words as culturally marked word‑formation units and their translation into Polish. Author Name: Jakob Altmann, Uniwersytet Śląski, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, kuba.alt@interia.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 327-350. Key words: compound words, Polish‑German translation, word formation, The Land of Green Plums, cultural imprint. Schlüsselwörter: Komposita, deutsch‑polnische Übersetzung, Wortbildung, Herztier, kulturelle Prägung
Zusammenfassung: Der vorliegende Artikel behandelt das Thema der „Deutschen Komposita als kulturell geprägte Wortbildungseinheiten und deren Übersetzung ins Polnische“ am Beispiel von Herta Müllers Roman Herztier und dessen Übersetzung ins Polnische mit dem Titel Sercątko. Es werden dabei zunächst Komposita als solche — sowohl im Deutschen als auch im Polnischen — definiert sowie deren Funktionen und verschiedene Typen besprochen. Besonders im Blickpunkt stehen in diesem Zusammenhang Divergenzen im Bereich der in der jeweiligen Sprache verwendeten Begriffe (s. Zusammenrückung vs. zestawienie und zrost). Im praktischen, der Analyse der polnischen Herztier‑Übersetzung gewidmeten Teil wird die Aufmerksamkeit des Lesers anfangs auf für die Übersetzung potenziell problematische Charakteristika von Herta Müllers Prosa gelenkt, um anschließend konkrete Textpassagen vergleichend zu analysieren. Dabei kann Folgendes festgestellt werden: die typisch deutschen Komposita können nicht ohne Bedeutungsverschiebungen ins Polnische übertragen werden, es werden dafür nämlich teils univerbierende, teils multiverbierende Konstruktionen verwendet, wodurch jedoch ein großer Teil der Bildlichkeit verloren geht. Viele dieser Komposita sind kulturell geprägte Wendungen, wie z.B. Patentstrümpfe oder Essenskarte, die nicht eins zu eins ins Polnische übertragen werden können. Nichtsdestotrotz hat die Übersetzerin gute translatorische Lösungen gefunden, was man teilweise mit Parallelen zwischen den kulturellen (mit dem Leben in der Rumänischen Volksrepublik zusammenhängenden) Erfahrungen Müllers und den der Übersetzerin Alicja Buras (in der Polnischen Volksrepublik aufgewachsen) erklären kann. Alles in allem, können wir in der polnischen Übersetzung den klaren Versuch erkennen, die goldene Mitte zwischen covert translation und overt translation zu finden, wobei Letztere überwiegt.
Summary: This article deals with the topic of German compound words as culturally marked word‑formation units and their translation into Polish, based on the example of the translation of Herta Müller’s novel Herztier (The Land of Green Plums). Firstly, the author specifies compound words as such — in German and Polish, as well as their differing functions and types. Under focus especially are the divergences in the area of the terms used in each language (cf. Zusammenrückung vs. zestawienie and zrost). In the beginning of the practical part, which is dedicated to an analysis of the translation into Polish, the attention of the reader is directed to the potentially problematic characteristics of Herta Müller’s prose, which can appear during the process of translation. In this regard, we can state: that the typical German compound words cannot be translated into Polish without semantic displacements, for the translation it is necessary to use partly uni‑ and partly multi‑verbated constructions. However, this results in the loss of an important degree of imagery. Many of these compound words are culturally marked collocations, e.g. Patentstrümpfe or Essenskarte, which cannot be translated faithfully into Polish. Nevertheless, one can say that the translator has found satisfactory translational solutions, which we can partially explain as parallels between the cultural experiences of Herta Müller (her life in the Romanian People’s Republic) and of the translator, Alicja Buras (raised in the Polish People’s Republic). All in all, we can recognise in the Polish translation the clear effort to find the golden mean between the so‑called covert translation and overt translation, with the second one dominating.
Anita Gostomska: Polskie przekłady zbioru Priče iz davnine Ivany Brlić Mažuranić / Polish translations of Croatian tales of long ago by Ivana Brlić‑Mažuranić Download Rozwiń
Translated Title: Polish translations of Croatian tales of long ago by Ivana Brlić‑Mažuranić. Author Name: Anita Gostomska, Uniwersytet Gdański, Katedra Slawistyki, filag@univ.gda.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 353-375. Key words: Ivana Brlić‑Mažuranić, Croatian Tales of Long Aago, Wanda Pogonowska, Wiktor Bazielich, Magdalena Petryńska, translation. Ključne riječi: Ivana Brlić‑Mažuranić, Priče iz davnine, Wanda Pogonowska, Wiktor Bazielich, Magdalena Petryńska, prijevod.
Sažetak: Unatoč nesmanjenoj, više no stogodišnjoj popularnosti Ivane Brlić‑Mažuranić u Hrvatskoj, njezino je stvaralaštvo u Poljskoj gotovo odsutno. Pokušavajući utvrditi razloge te odsutnosti, treba rekonstruirati okolnosti u kojima su nastali poljski prijevodi zbirke Priče iz davnine i ocrtati siluete njezinih prevoditelja. Vode nas one do umjetnice i slikarice Wande Pogonowske, koju treba smatrati prvom poljskom prevoditeljicom poznatih bajki. Iako je jedina prevela na poljski cijelu zbirku, i to dvaput (u tridesetim i pedesetim godinama dvadesetog stoljeća), konačni rezultat njezinih prevoditeljskih napora, zbog višegodišnjih problema s objavljivanjem, ostaje nepoznat, a sjećanje na Wandu Pogonowsku polako nestaje. Vlastiti prijevod jedne bajke iz kolekcije Brlić‑Mažuranić uspio je u međuratnom tisku objaviti Wiktor Bazielich, koji također nije bio profesionalni prevoditelj, ali nedostatak profesionalizma nadoknadio je iznimnom ustrajnošću. Četrdeset godina poslije istu bajku o ribaru Palunku ponovo je prevela Magdalena Petryńska (nesvjesna da postoji starija poljska verzija), koja svojim bogatim opusom, za razliku od prijeratnih prevoditelja‑amatera, ponosno predstavlja krug najistaknutijih suvremenih poljskih prevoditelja južnoslavenske proze. Postojeći prijevodi dokaz su prihvaćanja krajnje različitih prevoditeljskih strategija. Bazielichov stav, koji je mogao proizlaziti iz namjere da se poljskim primateljima približi stvarnost južnoslavenske kulture ili jednostavno iz sposobnosti prevoditelja, blizak je formalnoj ekvivalenciji, a postupak Petryńske, koji diktira zabrinutost za komunikacijsku udobnost dječjeg primatelja, može se opisati kao funkcionalna ekvivalencija.
Summary: Despite the over one hundred years long popularity of Ivana Brlić‑Mažuranić in Croatia, her collection Croatian Tales of Long Ago remains almost absent in Poland. An attempt to determine the reasons for this absence involves the reconstruction of the circumstances of its Polish translations and the outline of the translators’ silhouettes, which leads to Wanda Pogonowska, who was a visual artist and a painter by education and who should be considered as the first Polish translator of the famous Croatian tales. Although she took on the translation twice (in the 1930s and 1950s) and has remained the only person who translated the entire collection into Polish, the final effect of her translation efforts, due to the problems with its publication, is still unknown, and the memory of Wanda Pogonowska is slowly fading away. Wiktor Bazielich was also an amateur translator but who made up for his lack of professionalism with his extraordinary perseverance and managed to publish in the interwar press his own translation of one fairy tale from the Brlić‑Mažuranić’ collection. The same tale about the fisherman Palunko was translated again forty years later by Magdalena Petryńska (unaware of the existence of the earlier Polish version), who, with her considerable achievements, in contrast to the pre‑war translators of Brlić‑Mažuranić, proudly represents the circle of the most outstanding contemporary Polish translators of South Slavic prose. Existing translations show that the translators adopted extremely different translation strategies. Wiktor Bazielich’s attitude, which could result from his intention of introducing Polish recipients to the realities of South Slavic culture or from the translator’s skills, is close to formal equivalence; while the procedure of Magdalena Petryńska was dictated by a concern for the communication comfort of the story’s recipients — children and can be described as functional equivalence.
Alica Kulihová: Chorvátska literatúra pre deti a mladež v centre záujmu slovenských prekladatel’ov / Chorwacka literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży w centrum zainteresowań słowackich tłumaczy (transl. by Marta Buczek) / Croatian literature for children and youth as the centre of interest of Slovak translators Download_SK Download_PL Rozwiń
Translated Title: Croatian literature for children and youth as the centre of interest of Slovak translators. Author Name: Alica Kulihová, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta, kulihova@gmail.com. Language: Slovak, Polish. Issue: 7 (1)/2016. Page Range: 376-405. Key words: literature for children and youth, literature in translation, publishing policy, translation competence. Kľúčové slova: prekladová literatúra, literatúra pre deti a mládež, recepcia, prekladateľ.
Resumé: Slovenská prekladová literatúra disponuje reprezentatívnym výberom z tvorby chorvátskych autorov literatúry pre deti a mládež počnúc od konca 19. storočia až po súčasnosť (I. Brlićová Mažuranićová, V. Nazor, M. Lovrak, I. Kušan, Lj. Bauer, J. Horvat, H. Hitrec, Đ. Zrakić, J. Cvenić, S. Tomaš, A. Gardaš, Z. Balog). Slovenské preklady diel uvedených autorov sa uverejňovali na Slovensku, ale aj vo Vojvodine, v Srbsku. K najvýznamnejším slovenským prekladateľom, ktorí sa venovali a venujú popri literatúre pre dospelého recipienta aj dielam určeným pre detského čitateľa, patria Zlatko Klátik, Juraj Tušiak, Andrej Vrbacký, Rudo Brtáň, Peter Čačko, Michal Nadubinský, Ján Jankovič a iní. Prekladatelia sa nechávali ovplyvňovať pri výbere chorvátskych autorov pre svoj preklad jednak domácou recepciou autora, ale aj vlastným záujmom o túto literatúru.
Summary: Croatian literature translated into Slovak consists of a relevant selection of Croat authors for kids and youth dating from the 19th century to the present, such as I. Brlićová‑Mažuranićová, V. Nazor, M. Lovrak, I. Kušan, Lj. Bauer, J. Horvat, H. Hitrec, Đ. Zrakić, J. Cvenić, S. Tomaš, A. Gardaš, Z. Balog. Slovak translations are published in Slovakia, but also in the Serbian Vojvodina. The most significant translators focusing on the translation of juvenile literature are Zlatko Klátik, Juraj Tušiak, Andrej Vrbacký, Rudo Brtáň, Peter Čačko, Michal Nadubinský, Ján Jankovič and others. Translators were influenced in their selection of Croatian authors by their reputation but also by the translators‘ personal interest in the literature.
Index of authors (Jakob Altmann) Download
Index of translators (Jakob Altmann) Download
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