How to prepare your article

You are kindly requested to meet the following requirements concerning format, footnotes, endnotes and graphic materials or photographs and information added to the files sent to the editorial staff.

Text format

  1. The volume of the papersshould not exceed 1 author’s sheet ( 40,000 characters counted with footnotes and spaces, i.e. approx. 18-20 pages) typed in Times New Roman 12 pt, line spacing 1.5;
  2. Thereview should not exceed 25,000 characters, calculated as above ( 9-10 pages);
  3. Text should be justified, indentation: 25;
  4. Footnotes should be also typed in Times New Roman 10 pt, line spacing 1;
  5. If the paper contains graphic material (pictures, diagrams, photos), please attach them in a separate file, while in the main text – please mark the place where they belong to with a numeral footnote. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to print a picture.
  6. In the title of the file, please type your name and the first words of the title;
  7. The requiredfile format:rtf or doc (texts written in other formats are not accepted)

The first page

Please include the following information on the first page:

  1. Title (centered) in Polish and English
  2. Name and surname (centered)
  3. Contact details (centered): university, institute, e-mail;
  4. Centered: filing date (left-hand side) and the date of review and acceptance (right-hand side);
  5. Abstract (5–6 lines) in English with 5 keywords (above the text of the paper, justified).

At the end of the paper

  1. Summary in a Slavic language ( 500 characters with spaces)about the literaturethepaper deals with along with keywordsin that language;
  2. Summary in English ( 500 characters with spaces);
  3. Indexes: separately authors and translators;
  4. Short biographical note: type of degree, name and surname, date and place of birth, place of employment, research interests, the latest publications.

Please submit your papers by Open Journal System:

Reference guidelines have been specified by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.

Basic reference, endnotes are in Oxford style:

but papers in English are in Chicago Manual Style (

Texts which fail to follow the aforementioned formatting requirements, or do not include all the information will not be accepted.

Materials that have not been ordered will not be returned by the editorial staff.