Vol 1 No 1 (2009)
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Introduction (Bożena Tokarz) Download
Celina Juda: Reckoning after the turn. Polish translations of Bulgarian literature after 1989. Diagnoses and prognoses. The present time and the tradition Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Rozrachunki po przełomie. Polskie przekłady z literatury bułgarskiej po 1989 r. Diagnozy i prognozy. Współczesność i tradycja. Author Name: Celina Juda. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 15-28.
Резюме: Разглеждайки го списъка на преведените през последните петдесет годин книги от български на полски очевидно е, че след 1989 година броят на артистичните преводи систематично и драматично намалява. Причината на тези негативни тенденции трябва да се търси в крайно неразбираема културна политика — отлагане на съответните институции задалженията си да се подкрепя междукултурен диалог. Очевидно е, че без структурните промяни (подкрепящи активно действаши преводачи) няма шанс за прогресивните промяни.
Summary: After 1989 the number of translations of Bulgarian literature into Polish decreased dramatically in comparison with the output of the previous 50 years. On the one hand, this seems to be caused by a complete change of the Polish state’s cultural policy principles, too little activity on the part of relevant institutions, or even giving up the obligation to create and support the inter-cultural dialogue or to mediate in this process. On the other hand, it is primarily market economy and interest of the media and not the efforts or commitment of the translators that are decisive factors for the number and quality of publications.
Kalina Bahneva: Bulgarian Translations of Polish Literature in the Periodical Literature, 1990—2007 Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Literatura polska w przekładach na język bułgarski. Czasopisma literackie w latach 1990—2007. Author Name: Kalina Bahneva. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 29-48.
Резюме: Текстът разглежда рецепцията на полската преводна литература през последното двадесетилетие в българските специализирани издания за литература и изкуство. Обобщени са тематичният брой на „Литературен вестник”, озаглавен Полската литература на 90-те (бр. 11, 22.—28.03.2000 г.) и посветен на промените в полския художествен живот в края на миналия век, бр. 18 (8.—14.05.2002 г.) на същото издание, озаглавен Полската Nike, представящ носителите на най-голямата полска литературна награда в периода 1997—2002 г., както и двата броя (бр. 35, 2.—8.11.2005 г. и бр. 6, 15.—21.02.2006 г.) на „Литературен вестник”: Литература на токчета или по-добрата литература и Литература пред огледалото или по-добрата литература, съсредоточени върху творчеството на представителките на полския феминизъм. Статията осмисля също така полския брой (бр. 3, 2002 г.) на сп. „Панорама”, който изгражда преводна картина на полската литература след 1989 г., бр. 3—4 от 2006 г. на сп. „Критика”, оглеждащо най-интересните изяви на литературнокритическата мисъл в Полша през същия период, както бр. 8 от 2007 г. на сп. „Славянски диалози”, който репрезентира основни тенденции в съвременната полска култура.
Summary: This text examines the reception of Polish literature into professional Bulgarian publications for literature and art. It submits to a discussion the following sources: The special issue of „Literaturen westnik” („Literary Weekly”) entitled Polish Literature of the Nineties, no.11 (22.—28.03.2000), devoted entirely to the changes occurred in Polish literature and artistic life at the end of the past century; and no. 18 (8.—14.05.2002) of the same journal presents under the title Polish Nike, presents the most prestigious Polish literary award and its laureates during the years 1997—2002. Mentioned above jurnal „Literaturen westnik” („Literary Weekly”) had two more special issues: Literature on Heel – or Better Literature, no. 35 (2.—8.11), and Literature before the Mirror or Better Literature, no. 6 (15.—21.02), published in 2006, both focused on Polish women’s feminist writers. The article takes also into account the issue of „Panorama”, no. 3 (2002), which gives an overview of Polish literature translated into Bulgarian after 1989. Included into this discussion is the periodical „Kritika”, no. 3—4 (2006); it gives a survey of the most interesting statements of Polish literary critical thought in the same period, that is, after 1989. Similarly, the „Slavianski dialozi” („Slavic Dialogues”), no. 8 (2007), that presents some most important ways of development in contemporary Polish culture.
Iskra Likomanova: Bulgarien extracts from Polish literature (materials from literary press) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Bułgarskie wybory z literatury polskiej (na materiale z prasy literackiej). Author Name: Iskra Likomanova. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 49-57.
Резюме: В статията се разглеждат преведените фрагменти от полската литература в българските периодични специализирани издания за литература — седмичници и месечна периодика. Проследяват се селектираните полски автори като естетически избор на текстовете им, като традиционно присъствие в българската култура и като репрезентативни за полската литература в Българи. Анализира се социокултурният подбор на полските теми, както и прочитът им чрез преводачите.
Summary: The article surveys translated excerpts from Polish literature, which have appeared in the Bulgarian specialized literary press-both weeklies and monthlies. The selection of Polish writers is reviewed as an aesthetic choice of texts, as a traditional presence in the Bulgarian culture, and as representative for the Polish literature in Bulgaria. The socio-cultural selection of Polish subjects is being analyzed and also the way they are being rendered by the translators.
Joanna Mleczko: Translation transformations in Polish version of the Bulgarian fairy tale Trzej bracia i złote jabłko (Three Brothers and the Golden Apple) (aesthetic code) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Transformacje translatorskie w przekładzie bułgarskiej bajki magicznej Trzej bracia i złote jabłko (kod estetyczny). Author Name: Joanna Mleczko, Uniwersytet Śląski, asiam23@op.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 58-68.
Резюме: Обект на внимание в статията са трансформациите, извършени в полския превод на приказката Тримата братя, ябълката и ламята, публикувана в сборника Złota moneta za słowo. Bułgarskie bajki i legendy ludowe (избор и увод Георги Минчев, Лодз 2006). Анализът се съсредоточава върху естетическия код на превода — начините, по които преводачът предава в процеса на транслацията такива стилистични особености на устния стил като: повторителност, формулност и клишираност на езика. Особено внимание е посветено на преводните трансформации на ниво синтаксис: разискват се извършените при транслацията преобразувания в изреченските структури, промени в словореда, във вида на синтактичните връзки и в сегментирането на текста. Oт полския текст личи, че преводачът няма усет за превеждания жанр, в следствие на което преводът му е лишен от най-важните присъстващи в оригинала черти, характерни за фолклорните текстове изобщо, както и за вълшебната приказка в частност.
Summary: The article discusses translation transformations in Polish version of the Bulgarian fairy tale Trzej bracia i złote jabłko (Three Brothers and the Golden Apple). The fairy tale has been published in the collection Złota moneta za słowo. Bułgarskie bajki i legendy ludowe (Golden Coin for a Word. Bulgarian Fairy Tales and Legends — selection and introduction by Georgi Minczew, Lodz 2006).The main subject of the analysis is aesthetic code of the translation — the ways the translator has shown specific features of the oral text such as repetitions, forms and clichés. The author of the article is particulary focused on traformations on syntactic level (transformations in statements structures, changes in words order and text segmentation).The choices made by the translator prove that he wasn’t fully aware what literature genre he is translating. As the result, the translation is lacking essential for folk texts, and for fairy tale in particular, stylistic features which appear in the original.
Leszek Małczak: About the Polish translations of the Croatian war writings — Dragutin Tadijanović: Molba munji nebeskoj Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O polskich przekładach chorwackiej literatury wojennej — Dragutin Tadijanović: Molba munji nebeskoj. Author Name: Leszek Małczak, Uniwersytet Śląski, leszek.malczak@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 71-83.
Sažetak: Nakon 1990. u poljskim prijevodima hrvatske književnosti prijevodi hrvatskog ratnog pisma zauzimaju relativno malo mjesta. Na području lirike najznačajnija publikacija je prijevod Stamaćeve i Sanaderove zbirke U ovom strašnom času. Antologija hrvatske ratne lirike. U članku se govori o razlozima slabe emisije i recepcije hrvatskog ratnog pisma te analizara prijevod Tadijanovićeve pjesme pod naslovom Molba munji nebeskoj. Autorica prvog prijevoda je Muriel Kordowicz koja je prevela sve pjesme u spomenutoj antologiji, autor drugog prijevoda je Julian Kornhauser koji je objavio ciklus vlastitih prijevoda Tadijanovićevih pjesama u časopisu „Literatura na Świecie”. U zaključku analize stoji da dvoje prevoditelja imaju različite strategije prevođenja. Kordowiczin prijevod je primjer filološkog prevođenja, Kornhauserov prijevod je primjer transpoz icijsko-modulativng prevođenja.
Summary: After 1990 the translations of the Croatian war writings relatively seldom appear in Polish translations of Croatian literature. In the realm of lyrics the translation of Stamać & Sanader‘s book U ovom strašnom času. Antologija hrvatske ratne lirike is the most importanat publication. In this article two translations of Tadijanović‘ poem entitled Molba munji nebeskoj are analysed. The authoress of the first translation Muriel Kordowicz has translated the poem in the above mentioned antology, the author of the second one Julian Kornhauser has published his own translations of Tadijanović‘ poem in the magazine „Literatura na Świecie”. In the recapitulation of this analysis the statement of two different translators‘ strategies is given. The Kordowicz‘ translation is an example of philological model of translation and the Kornhauser‘s translation is an example of transpositional-modulational one.
Anita Gostomska: The translation strategy in Dubravka Ugresic’s novel The ministry of pain Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O strategii tłumaczenia na przykładzie powieści Ministerstwo bólu Dubravki Ugrešić. Author Name: Anita Gostomska. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 84-91.
Sažetak: Ovaj tekst predstavlja jedan od najnovijih romana Dubravke Ugrešić smatrani kao predmet prijevoda. Roman Ministarstvo boli utemeljen na jugoslavenskoj prošlosti u ponekim se djelovima pokazuje blizak nemogućnosti prevođenja. Problem se osobito odnosi na esejističke dijelove koje ocjenjuju hrvatsku književnost ili komunizam u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić, kao prevoditeljica, odlučila je objasniti neke od poteškoća u odvojenoj bilješci dodanoj romanu (napomene dopunjavaju komentar autorice). Problematične riječi i fraze ostavljene bez takvog objašnjenja mogu ga naći izravno u romanu (deskriptivno komentirane) ili prepuštene su sposobnosti čitatelja. Osim kulturne osnove u romanu postoji također jezično pitanje koje s obzirom na njegovi komplicirani karakter i strategiju prevođenja u tome slučaju trebalo bi prikazati posebno na drugom mjestu.
Summary: The text presents one of Dubravka Ugresic’s latest novels perceived as the subject of translation. The ministry of pain founded on (ex-)Yugoslavian past turns out extremely difficult, in some parts it seems close to the untranslability. The problem concerns especially the parts which are more essayistic and estimate Croatian literature or communism in former Yugoslavia. Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić, the translator, had decided to explain some of the difficulties in her special note added to the novel (the footnotes supplement the writer’s endnotes). The troublesome words and phrases left without that kind of explanation might find it directly in the novel (descriptively commented) or require reader’s self-reliance. Apart from the cultural setting there is also a language question in the novel which because of its complex character and the translation strategy shall be interpreted separately.
Anna Ruttar: The translation of Josip Sever`s poem klišej kiše (shutter of rain) and the question of musicality Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Tłumaczenie wiersza klišej kliše Josipa Severa a zagadnienie muzyczności. Author Name: Anna Ruttar, Uniwersytet Śląski, anna.ruttar@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 92-101.
Sažetak: Rad pod naslovom Prijevod Severove pjesme „klišej kiše”: fenomen muzičnosti bavi se Severovom glazbenošću i zvukovnošću te pokušajima njenih realizacija u prevođenom tekstu. Povezanost književnosti i glazbe (riječi i tona) vrlo je složen i slojevit problem, pa se proučavanje tog fenomena u pjesništvu nužno temelji na načelu kombiniranja raznih komplementarnih metoda. Predložene interpretacije muzičnosti Severove pjesme uglavnom se temelje na postavkama poljskog istraživača Andrzeja Hejmeja, no i na gledištu autorice ovog rada. Opisana u kontekstu zanimanja za zvuk-zvukovnost i glazbenu terminologiju pjesma klišej kiše razlog je razmatranjima o traganju za mogućim i nemogućim varijantama ekvivalentizacije muzičnosti u umjeću prevođenja.
Summary: Does the musicality of the Josip Sever`s poem klišej kiše come through in the translation? The text Has the music gone from Josip Sever`s work? illustrates the influence of the translation process on textual levels of musicality: the sound sphere (consciously formed in relation to music) and making music a theme. It is mainly based on Polish post-war musico-literary studies, especially Andrzej Hejmej’s theory from the book Musicality of a literary work.
Đurđica Čilić Škeljo, Ivana Vidović Bolt: Polish Literature in Croatian Translation (1990—2007) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Literatura polska w chorwackich przekładach od 1990 r. do 2007 r. Author Name: Đurđica Čilić Škeljo, Ivana Vidović Bolt. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 102-110.
Sažetak: U tekstu je riječ o prijevodima poljske književnosti na hrvatski jezik u razdoblju od 1990. do 2007. godine i to isključivo onima izdanima u obliku knjige ili kao dio bloka posvećenoga poljskoj književnosti u sklopu hrvatskih časopisa. Osim književnih, predstavljeni su i prijevodi jezikoslovnih, književnopovijesnih i književnoteorijskih studija. Iscrpan pregled potvrđuje plodnu prevoditeljsku aktivnost hrvatskih prevoditelja poljske književnosti.
Summary: The paper deals with translations of Polish literary works into Croatian language in the period between 1990 and 2007. We took into consideration only those translations that were published as books or those published in Croatian journals as a part of a larger thematic piece dedicated to Polish literature. Apart from translations of literary works, the article deals with the translations of literary-historical and literary-theoretical studies, as well as linguistic works. Our detailed revision confirms high productivity of Croatian translators of Polish literature.
Józef Zarek: About Polish translations of a new Czech „Prague novel” (M. Ajvaz, D. Hodrová, J. Topol) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O polskich przekładach nowej czeskiej „powieści praskiej” (M. Ajvaza, D. Hodrovej, J. Topola). Author Name: Józef Zarek, Uniwersytet Śląski, jozef.zarek@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 113-130.
Résumé: Článek věnuje pozornost úskalím překladu nové „pražské literatury”. Analizuje polské překlady tří románů: Hodrové Podobojí, Ajvazova Druhého města a Topolovy Sestry. Zdůrazňuje, že promíchání stýlů, konvencí, světů L. Engelking ovládá téměř vzorně, vybírá však i pracovní postupy, jež oslabují vztah textů k pražské tradici a topografii. Pražský kontext je zde důležitý jako východisko, avšak v překladatelově strategii je často oblast zvláštního podřazena srozumitelnosti, tedy obecnému významu.
Summary: The article engages attention to the translation problems of a new „Prague literature”. It analyzes three polish translations of the following novels Podobojí by Hodrová, Druhé město by Ajvaz and Sestra by Topol. It underlines that L. Engelking overcame almost perfectly mixture of the styles, convention, words; but on the other hand he chooses the solutions that weaken the relation between Prague tradition and topography. The Prague context is important as a starting point, however in a translator strategy Prague specific is often subordinated to a general meaning.
Izabela Mroczek: About reception of translations of Czech bestseller literature to Polish (based on translations of Michal Viewegh’s, Irena Obermannova’s and Halina Pawlowska’s books) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: O recepcji tłumaczeń czeskiej literatury bestsellerowej w Polsce (na przykładach tłumaczeń książek Michala Viewegha, Ireny Obermannovej i Haliny Pawlowskiej). Author Name: Izabela Mroczek, Uniwersytet Śląski, izabela.mroczek@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 131-140.
Résumé: Českou tzv. bestsellerovou literaturu reprezentují v polském překladu knihy Michala Viewegha, Ireny Obermannové a Haliny Pawlowské. Tito autoři vyvolávají v domacím kontextu jednoznačné kulturní konotace (jako autoři a zároveň jako televizní moderatoři). I když v nedalekém, českém prostředí jejich kniny jsou extremálně populární, v Polsku zmínění autoři jsou malém neznámí. Důvody k takové situaci můžeme hledat na několika úrovních: v nedostatku marketinkových akcí, které by měly doprovázet vydání jejich knih v Polsku, v nedostatku informací o samotných autorech, v existování v polském svědomí určitého vzorce české literatury a kultury, v jehož důsledku se přijímá vysokoartistická literatura, a znehodňocuje literatura bestsellerového rázu.
Summary: Czech so called „bestseller literature” is represented in Polish readers’ enviroment by translations of Michal Viewegh’s, Irena Obermannová’s and Halina Pawlowská’s books. These authors are celebrities in Czech Republic, their activity (both as writers and TV programms’ moderators) evokes distinct cultural connotation. Their books are extremally popular and best selling on domestic market. But in Poland all these authors are slightly known. We can find reasons of such situation in many levels: in a lack of marketing actions accompanying their books on Polish market, lack of information about these authors, in an existence of pattern of Czech culture and literature in Polish readers’ consiousness that approves high artistic literature and depreciates bestseller literature.
Magdalena Błaszak: The Macedonian category of witness in Polish translations of Macedonian prose Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Kategoria świadka w przekładzie prozy macedońskiej. Author Name: Magdalena Błaszak, Uniwersytet Śląski, magdalena.blaszak@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 143-151.
Резиме: Целта на овој труд е да се покажат особеностите и можностите за преведување на прекажаноста во полскиот јазик. На почетокот претставена е ситуацијата на категоријата прекажаност во другите словенски јазици, потоа карактеристика на оваа категорија и нејзините дефиниции. Во трудот станува збор за епистемолошката модалност и нејзините особини, односно можностите за нејзиното изразување. На крај ги претставувам примерите, како може да се преведе македонската категорија прекажаност од македонската проза на полскиот јазик. Од анализата на наведените примери од полскиот јазик се гледа, дека полските преведувачи многу ретко ги искористуваат лексичките средства за изразување дистанса на зборувачот спрема прекажувани настани дури и прават грешки.
Summary: The purpose of this article is to show the ways of expressing the Macedonian category of witness in Polish translations of Macedonian prose. At the beginning we present the situation of the прекажаност category against a background of the other Slavonic languages and than we characterize this category and its grammatical exponents. After that we describe the problem of truth modality which the category of witness is included in. We particularly take into concideration Polish language and the Macedonian adverbs serving this function. In the final part of this article we present some examples showing the Macedonian прекажаност category which are taken from the Polish translations of Macedonian texts. It lets us get the representation of the practical usage of the devices approchable for translators.
Jadwiga Sobczak: Polish drama in Serbia between 1990 and 2006 Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Polski dramat w Serbii w latach 1990—2006. Author Name: Jadwiga Sobczak. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 155-164.
Rezime: Istraživanja prevodâ poljske drame na jezike zemalja nastalih posle raspada bivše Jugoslavije postaju interdisciplinarni diskurs, jer je na tom području pozorišna recepcija znatno bogatija od književne, a poljska drama i pozorište zauzimaju posebno mesto u istoriji kulture južnoslovanskih zemalja posle II svetskog rata. Period od 1990—2006. godine, koji u ovom članku obuhvata analizu izdanja poljskih drama u Srbiji, specifičan je za Balkan na tlu Evrope zbog rata koji se odvijao. U vezi sa situacijom koja je paralisala kulturnu delatnost, tih godina je u Beogradu objavljena samo jedna drama u prevodu Biserke Rajčić (Noć Helvera I. Vilkvista) i četiri odlomka savremenih komada na stranicama novosadskog časopisa Polja u prevodu Zorana Đerića (Porno generacija P. Jurka, Lucija i njena deca M. Pruhnjevskog, Od danas ćemo biti dobri P. Sali, Testosteron A. Saramonoviča). Autorka u radu skreće pažnju na translatološke dileme u pozorišnim scenarijima, koji su veoma udaljeni od književnih prevoda (takođe neobjavljenih) i postulira da se primene teatrološka istraživanja kako bi se upotpunila slika o prisustvu poljske drame na mnogim slovanskim jezicima i kulturama.
Summary: The research on translation of Polish drama to the languages of former Yugoslavia countries is becoming an interdisciplinary discourse. This is because the theatrical reception is wider than the literery one and Polish drama and theatre plays an important role in the history of the culture of South Slavonic countries after the World War II. The period between 1990 and 2006, that is analysed in this article of Polish drama publications in Serbia, is especially important for Balkans because of undergoing war. Due to the situation that paralyses cultural activity, therewas only one drama published in Belgrad translated by Biserka Rajcic (I. Villquist Helver’s Night) and there were four excerpts of contemporary dramas in the magazine Polja translated by Zoran Djeric (P. Jurek Porno Generation, M. Pruchniewski Łucja and her children, P. Sala Good from now on, A. Saramanowicz Testosteron). The author emphasizes translation dilemmas that emerged in theatre scenarios that are far away from literery translations also the ones that weren’t published. She also suggests looking at theatrological research that would show more of Polish drama in many Slavonic languages and cultures.
Małgorzata Filipek: ow Miloš Crnjanski’s works were received by the Polish readers. A Novel about London or the strangeness of the original and the strangeness of the translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Miloš Crnjanski w kręgu polskich odbiorców literatury. Powieść o Londynie, czyli obcość oryginału a obcość przekładu. Author Name: Małgorzata Filipek, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, margo115@wp.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 165-180.
Резиме: Чин од великог значаја на путу ка популаризацији дела Милоша Црњанског (1893—1977) у Пољској био је настанак превода Романа о Лондону. С обзиром на јунаке-странце и туђу средину у којој се збива радња, дело садржи страни дух уочљив и за српске и за пољске читаоце. Присуство страних особина које је, иначе, једна од основних одлика превода проузроковали су рефлексију о разликама у перципирању туђих особина текста како у средини читалаца оригинала, тако и читалаца превода. За пољске читаоце превода који је начинио преводолац-странац, осећај нечег страног изазива језик романа који се одликује присуством многих израза и лексичких средстава која не одговарају нормама пољског језика. Ипак, језичке грешке превода губе свој значај према универзалности и актуелности садржаја, јер дело српског писца приказује пољској публици, за коју је проблем емиграције постало сад једно од најважнијих друштвених питања, судбину човека који не може да себи нађе место ван своје земље.
Summary: The 30th anniversary of the death of Miloš Crnjanski (1893—1977) and the publishing of the translation of his novel A Novel about London markt the beginning of studying how the nowel was received by the readers of the original version compared to the readers of the translation with all of its foreign elements. In A Novel about London a reader can easily notice the elements of foreign culture. This leads to the reflection on the differences in how readers of the original version end readers of the translation perceive foreign elements. The different system of connotations is influenced by different language patterns which are typical for the readers of translations. The reading of the Polish version of Crnjanski’s novel let us conclude that the solutions applied by the translator of the foreign text activate the reader’s impression of strangeness which is caused by the presence in the translation of lexical end grammatical categories which are incompatible with the Polish language standards. Nevertheless, the foreign elements of the translation lose their importance when faced with the universality and topical theme of the novel.
Lucyna Spyrka: Polish translations of slovak drama between 1990—2005 Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Polskie przekłady dramatu słowackiego w latach 1990—2005. Author Name: Lucyna Spyrka, Uniwersytet Śląski, lucyna.spyrka@us.edu.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 183-195.
Résumé: Prehľad prekladov slovenskej drámy v Poľsku v rokoch 1990—2005 berie do úvahy dve oblasti obehu dramatického textu: jednak divadelnú, a jednak literárnu oblasť ako dva priestory priameho styku príjemcu s textom preloženého dramatického diela. V uvedenom obdobi preklady slovenskej drámy boli iba zriedkavo inscenované poľskými divadlami, pričom prevládajú v tomto počte inscenácie rozhlasových hier. Príčinou je nedostatok prekladov slovenskej drámy do poľštiny. Preklady, ktoré vznikli pred rokom 1989, neboli uverejnené v tlači, zmizli v prekladateľských archívoch a dnes nie sú pristupné režisérom. Od začiatku 90. rokov tlačou vyšli preklady len štyroch slovenských hier, ktoré takisto neboli inscenované profesionálnymi divadlami. Preto priama prítomnosť slovenskej dramatickej tvorby v Poľsku je skoro nulová, pričom iba v malej miere je to spôsobené prekladateľovým výberom diela na prevod alebo kvalitou prekladu — výsledkom prekladateľových rozhodnutí počas procesu translácie. Dôležitou príčinou, no aj následkom neprítomnosti slovenských hier na poľských javiskach je skutočnosť, že poľský príjemca o slovenskej dráme a divadle vie len veľmi málo.
Summary: The review of polish translation of slovak drama between 1990—2005 regards two areas of dramatic text’s circulation. They are: scenic area and literatury area, which are also two spaces for direct contact between recipient and a text of a drama’s translation. During an indicated time slovak drama were staged by polish theatres seldom, stagings of radio-plays were dominated. The reason is in insufficiency of slovak drama’s translations in polish. Translations from before 1989 weren’t published, they loos at translators’s archives and now stage managers haven’t approach to them. From the beginning of 90. years only four translations of slovak drama were published. They also weren’t staged by polish profesional theatres. The direct presence of slovak drama in Poland is almost zero. This situation is only slightly owing by translators’s decision about a text to translating. It’s also slightly owing by a quality of translations like a final effect of a translators’s choices during his work. The minimal knowlegde of polish recipient anout slovak drama and theatre is also very important agent.
Marta Buczek: Slovak magical realism in polish translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Słowacki realizm magiczny w polskim przekładzie. Author Name: Marta Buczek, Uniwersytet Śląski, buczek.marta@interia.pl. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 196-208.
Résumé: V svojom članku autorka uvažuje na tému prekladových výborov Jacka Bukowského, poľského prekladateľa prózy Václava Pankovčína, predstaviteľa mládej generácie slovenských spisovateľov, debutujúcich na začiatku 90 tých rokov. Zbierka krátkych poviedok Marakéš (1994) a novela Tri ženy pod orechom (1996), ktoré boli publikované v Poľsku pod názvom Marakesz (2006) sú ojedinelé preklady slovenskej prózy vychádzajúce v tomto roku. Autorka članku rozvažuje výbor prekladovej stratégie a jeho konzekvencie.
Summary: The author presents in this paper her consideration of the strategy of translation taken by Jacek Bukowski, polish translator of Václav Pankovčín prose. Short stories Marakéš (1994) and the novel Tri ženy pod orechom (1996) by Václav Pankovčín were publicated in Poland under the title Marakesz (2006) and are the only one example of slovak prose transalted into polish this year. The author of the paper discusses transtlatological problems of the prose wchich strongly corespondents with magical realism, she concentrates on the semantic signals of the text, significant elements of the structure which define the boundary-line of the meaning space of Václav Pankovčín works. Finaly she reflects on the transfer of implicated senses and meanings from original into translation. She reflects how in proces of translation the translator transfered hormony of fundamental codes of the original (lexical, semantics, cultural and estetic).
Bożena Tokarz: Slovene choices from Polish literature: translations from 1990—2006 Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Słoweńskie wybory literatury polskiej: przekłady z lat 1990—2006. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, tokarzbozena@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 211-226.
Povzetek: V letih 1990—2006 je bilo v že samostojni Sloveniji prevedenih okoli 50 poljskih knjig (s področij poezije, proze in dramatike), ob tem pa še veliko posameznih pesmi in pripovedi ter fragmentov večjih literarnih enot. V teh slovenskih izborih poljske literature lahko po eni strani vidimo nadaljevanje njene tradicionalne navzočnosti v slovenski kulturi, po drugi pa izhajajo iz čedalje širših jezikovno-enciklopedijskih kompetenc prevajalcev. Opredeljujejo jih (izbore) štirje kriteriji: poljskost, empatija, potreba po spoznanju poljske mentalitete in literarnozgodovinskega procesa ter osebna motivacija. Avtorji izborov in prevodov poljske literature so prevajalci, ki pripadajo različnim rodovom in imajo različne poglede na potrebe slovenskega bralca in značaj poljske literature ter mentalitete. Čeprav pripada poljski literaturi v slovenskem literarnem življenju opazno mesto, prevajalske izbore iz nje narekuje opažanje drugačnosti, ki jo prevajalci različnih generacij domačemu prejemniku približujejo skozi izbor del, pripadajočih kanonu, pogosto pa tudi z besedili s slednjemu prav nasprotnega pola.
Summary: Between the years 1990 and 2006, about 50 Polish books (poetry, prose and drama) were translated in already independent Slovenia, also a lot of single poems, short stories and fragments of more substantial compositions. Slovene macrochoices from Polish literature on the one hand constitute continuation of the traditional presence in the Slovene culture, on the other hand they result from increasing language and encyclopedic competencies of the translators. The choices are defined by four criteria: Polishness, empathy, the desire to get to know the Polish mentality, the historically-literal process and personal motivation. The authors of choices and translations of Polish literature are translators belonging to many generations, differently evaluating the needs of a Slovene reader and the character of Polish literature and mentality. Although Polish literature is distinctly present in the Slovene literary life, in the Slovene choices from it dominates perspective of strangeness, with which translators from different generations familiarise the native recepient, choosing works belonging to the canon and often to the opposite pole.
Monika Gawlak: The Gregor Strniša’s poetry translated by Katarina Šalamun-Biedrzycka Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Poezja Gregora Strnišy w przekładzie Katariny Šalamun-Biedrzyckiej. Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, gawlak.monika@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 227-241.
Povzetek: Poezijo Gregorja Strniše, ki je eden najznamenitejših slovenskih pesnikov XX. stoletja, najobširneje predstavlja Katarina Šalamun-Biedrzycka. Razen pesmi v antologiji Srebro in meh je izdala tudi samostojen izbor njegove poezije Odisej. Pričujoči članek obravnava prevajalske odločitve na treh nivojih — na nivoju izbora zbirk, pesmi ter posameznih prevajalskih preoblikovanj. Na nivoju izbora zbirk prevajalka ne upošteva treh zadnjih, ki najbolj izrazito predstavljajo idejo „vesoljske zavesti”, ki pa je celo najprepoznavnejša značilnost njegove ustvarjalnosti. Bralci prejemniške kulture torej nimajo možnosti za vsaj selektivno spoznanje zbirk, v katerih Strniša najbolj realizira (v okviru lirike) lastno koncepcijo sveta in vesolja. Na nivoju poetike besedil predstavlja prevajalka poezijo Strniše samo kot „stopnje naraščanja groze” in s tem precej zoži perspektivo pogleda na resničnost Strniševega pesniškega sveta samo na plat razsežnosti, ki jih navdihuje eksistencialna filozofija. Konfrontativna analiza besedil izvirnikov in prevodov pa je dokazala precejšnje odklone. Vsekakor pa je treba Katarini Šalamun-Biedrzycki priznati, da je z obravnavanimi prevodi opravila pionirsko delo v približevanju Gregorja Strniše poljskojezičnim bralcem.
Summary: The poetry of Gregor Strniša — one of the greatest Slovenian poet of the XX century — is widely presented in Poland by Katarina Šalamun-Biedrzycka. Apart from poetry anthology Silver and moss she also published independent selection of his poetry Odysseus. Presented article considers the translator’s choices on three levels — chosen poetry volumes, poems and translator’s transformations itself. On the level of chosen poetry volumes the translator omits the last three ones, clearly realizing specific for the artist idea of the „cosmic consciousness”. The circle of receiving audience is being devoided of even selective experience of the volumes’ character, in which Strnisa realizes (on the lyrical range) his conception of the world and universe. On the level of poetics translator presents Strniša’s poems only as „degrees of releasing terror” and at the same time limits the perspective of the created reality only to the dimension inspired by existentialist philosophy. Comparing the original text with the translation has proven that they differ significantly. However, Šalamun-Biedrzycka’s translations undoubtedly deserve merit for their pioneering quality.
Anna Muszyńska: „Polishness” in Slovenian translations by Rozka Štefan Download Rozwiń
Original Title: „Polskość” w słoweńskich przekładach Rozki Šefan. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska, Uniwersytet Śląski, melvien@poczta.fm. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 242-261.
Povzetek: Rozka Štefan je znamenita polonistka, prevajalka in raziskovalka poljske književnosti. Vse življenje je Slovencem približevala poljsko literaturo in kulturo. V slovenščino je prevedla večino poljskih del iz obdobja romantike (v glavnem Mickiewicza) ter dela najpomembnejših sodobnih pesnikov, izjemno povezanih s poljsko dediščino, kot so: Staff, Tuwim, Różewicz, Miłosz. Njene prevajalske odločitve (v širokem smislu te besede) so vedno zaznamovane s premišljeno strategijo predstavitve tega, kar je tipično poljsko, tega, kar predstavlja bistvo kulturne posebnosti „dežele ob Visli”, so hkrati argument, ki dokazuje, da za odličnega prevajalca v prevodu kulturne ovire in omejitve ne obstajajo. Leta 1999 v Sloveniji je izšla antologija poljske ljubezenske lirike Prošnja za srečne otoke, za katero je Rozka Štefan izbrala in prevedla tekste, leta 2000 je v njenem prevodu izšel Mickieviczev Konrad Wallenrod in končno, eno leto kasneje (2001) izbor Tuwimovih pesmi s preprostim naslovom Julian Tuwim. Omenjeni trije zadnji prevodi 94 let stare prevajalke kažejo na njeno prevajalsko konsekvenco, so kakor „suma” njenega prevajalskega sloga, in kvintesenca njenih prevajalskih preferenc na vsaki ravni prevajalskih odločb: od „makro-” do „mikroizborov”, znacilnih za imanentno strukturo določenih prevedenih tekstov. Karakterizira jo na različen način izvajana strategija prezentiranja tega, kar je poljsko (t. i. „polskości” — „poljskosti”).
Summary: Rozka Štefan an outstanding specialist in Polish studies, translator and expert on Polish literature. She has devoted all her life to presenting Polish culture and literature to Slovenians. She has translated most of Polish Romantic literature into Slovenian (mainly Mickiewicz) and works of the most important contemporary poets rooted in „Polishness”, such as: Staff, Tuwim, Różewicz or Miłosz. Her translator selections (in the broad sense) are always tinted with a strategy of presentation of what is typically Polish, what is specific for the culture of the „country on the Vistula”; this is also proof that for a good translator there are no limits to convey the meaning. In 1999 an anthology of Polish love lyrics titled Antologija poljske ljubezenske lirike was published in Slovenia, in 2000 — her translation of Adam Mickiewicz’s Konrad Wallenrod followed by a selection of Tuwim’s poems (2001) — Julian Tuwim. The last three translation works by the 94 year old translator — covered by this paper — are perfect evidence of her translator consistency; they are a specific „summa” of her translating style, an essence of her translating perfectionism, both with respect to macro and micro choices in the plane of specific translated texts. Their common trait is her strategy of presentation of the „Polishness”.
Michał Kopczyk: A Contribution to the topic: a translation in the system of culture. About the Slovenian translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s Dziennik (Diary) Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Przyczynek do tematu: przekład w systemie literatury. Przy okazji słoweńskiej wersji Dziennika Witolda Gombrowicza. Author Name: Michał Kopczyk, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 262-277.
Povzetek: Predmet analize v pričujočem prispevku je slovenski prevod Dnevnika Witolda Gombrowicza (1904—1969). Prevod je specifične narave, saj je prevajalec v njem skrajšal izvirno besedilo — sam je torej odločal, kateri odlomki Dnevnika bodo na voljo bralcu. Avtor prispevka predpostavlja, da je na prevajalčeve odločitve vplivala njegova slovenska literarna zavest. V kontekstu slovenske literature deluje dnevnik predvsem kot pričevanje o določenem času, redkeje pa kot literarna zvrst, zato je skrajšanje izvirnega teksta postopek, ki ga prevajalci dopuščajo. Avtor prispevka nato najde primere, v katerih je skrajšanje izvirnika vendarle spremenilo njegovo sporočilo. V zaključku avtor ugotavlja, da je v primeru prevoda Gombrowiczevega Dnevnika upravičeno reči, da je njegov prevajalec hkrati soavtor besedila, saj se prevod zaradi njegovih odločitev v številnih odlomkih oddaljuje od izvirnika — obenem pa ponuja nove pomene. Na prevajalčeve rešitve je imelo brez dvoma velik vpliv dejstvo, da ima dnevnik kot literarna zvrst drugačen položaj v okviru izvirne in ciljne (v tem primeru slovenske) kulture.
Summary: The subject of the analysis made in the article is the translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s Diary (1904—1969) into the Slovenian language. This translation has a specific character, because the translator has shortened the original text — he decides what fragment of the work will reach the reader. The author of the article assumes that Slovenian literary consciousness is shown in the translator’s decision. With this in mind the Diary is treated mainly as a testimony of time, and less often as a literary piece, therefore intervention such as shortening is admissible. Then the author shows examples in which shortening the text changed its meaning. In the conclusions the author acknowledges that in the case of interpreting the translation, one can view the translator as a co-author of the work. As a result of his decision the work strays in many places from the shape of the original — however it also creates separate senses. The translator’s solutions were determined by different location of this literary kind in the sphere of the Polish culture and the culture receiving the work (Slovenian).
Andrej Šurla: The quiet conversation of Tony Pretnar’s last translation Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Cicha rozmowa ostatnich przekładów Tonego Pretnara. Author Name: Andrej Šurla, andrej.surla@gmail.com. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 278-292.
Povzetek: Knjižica Tiho ti govorim (1992) s Pretnarjevimi prevodi dvainštiridesetih poljskih pesmi iz različnih literarnozgodovinskih obdobij je izrazit primer prevajalčevega osebnega dialoga z literaturo. Na izbor je gotovo vplivala prevajalčeva osebna bivanjska (zdravstvena) izkušnja. Ta „prevajalski dnevnik” tematizira osamljenost, odsotnost (npr. Szymborska, Orkan), smrt, samomor in celo ubijanje (npr. Szymborska, Bursa); nemoč izpovedovanja (npr. Wojaczek). Zdi pa se, da je prevajalčevo zadnje sporočilo vendarle optimistično. Priložnost za preseganje smrtnosti prepoznava v ustvarjalnem/umetnostnem dejanju (tudi npr. Wojaczkovo „tiho govorjenje” je kljub načelnemu dvomu v izrazno moč besed predvsem „pesniško izrekanje” o življenju) in religioznem doživetju (npr. Wat, Staff, Gałczyński), najtrdnejše zagotovilo „občutenja” nadčasnosti pa vidi v možnosti ljubezenskega čustvovanja in občutka pripadnosti drugemu (npr. Krasiński, Przybora).
Summary: The volume of poems translated by Tony Pretnar I Whisper to you (1992) written by poets of different historical and literary periods clearly reveals the personal dialog of the translator with literature. The personal experience of the translator had the influence on the choice of the poems. The subject of his „diary of translation” is isolation, feeling of deficiency (Szymborska, Orkan), death (Szymborska, Bursa), the crisis of expression (Wojaczek). However, it seems that the definite expression of Pretnar’s translation is optimistic. A chance to overcome death he sees in a creative act. (also „quiet conversation” of Wojaczek in spite of his doubt in the power of word expression stands a poetical witness in sense of life) and in religions experience (Wat, Staff, Gałczyński). The most everlasting confirmation of eternity for Pretnar were love and contiguity to another human being (Krasiński, Przybora).
Tatjana Jamnik: The translation of the Slovene Literature in the Czech Republic and in Poland in 1990—2006 Download Rozwiń
Original Title: Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w Czechach i w Polsce w latach 1990—2006. Author Name: Tatjana Jamnik, tatjana.jamnik2@guest.arnes.si. Language: Polish. Issue: 1 (1)/2009. Page Range: 295-312.
Povzetek: Na podlagi pregleda prevodov slovenske literature na Češkem in Poljskem v zadnjih sedemnajstih letih avtorica pokaže razlike in podobnosti med kulturno podobo Slovenije v zavesti teh dveh narodov. Obdobje razdeli na dva dela, pred letom 2000, ko za leposlovne prevode iz slovenščine skrbijo predvsem posamezni prevajalci t. i. starejše generacije, in po njem, ko je v obeh deželah zaradi priliva nove generacije prevajalcev opazen bistven porast knijžnih prevodov. Analiza leposlovnih prevodov w knijžni obliki, pa tudi prevodov, objavljenih v periodičnem tisku in na spletu, je pokazala, da je med stanjem w češkem in poljskem prostoru še vedno opaziti bistveno nesorazmerje.
Summary: In this review od Czech and Polish translations of Slovene literature in the past 17 years, the author shows diversity and resemblance in the cultural image of Slovenia in the collective consciousness of the two nations. The chosen era of research falls into two distinct periods. In the first, before the year 2000, the translations lied solely on the shoulders of individual translators, members of the „old” generation. The second period is characterized with a great outburst of translated Slovene literature by the young generation of traslators. Trough analysis and comparison of translated books and translations published in journals and on the internet in the Czech Republic and Poland the author draws our attention to the discrepancy in the amount of translated publications. The article explores the possible reasons for these changes and differences in the field of Slovene translated literature in the two related countries.
Index of authors (Monika Gawlak) Download
Index of translators (Monika Gawlak) Download
Author notes Download