Tom 5 Nr 1 (2014)
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Marko Juvan: Prevod in svetovna književnost / Literatura światowa a przekład (tłum. Anna Muszyńska) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Translation and World Literature. Author Name: Marko Juvan, ZRC SAZU Ljubljana, Slovenija, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 15-51. Ključne besede: literarni prevod, svetovna književnost, literarni sistemi, primerjalna književnost, Goethe Johann W. Key words: literary translation, world literature, literary systems, comparative literature, Goethe Johann W.
Povzetek: Znotraj nacionalnih literarnih sistemov je bila prevodna literatura v primerjavi z izvirno ustvarjalnostjo tradicionalno dojeta kot drugorazredna, čeprav so prav prevodi v te sisteme vnašali najbolj reprezentativna dela svetovne književnosti (Eysteinsson). Ne glede na to, ali svetovno književnost razumemo kot vsoto literatur v jezikih sveta, kanon najboljših literarnih del človeštva ali globalni prostor medliterarnosti, je prevod zanjo konstitutiven. Domnevna univerzalnost svetovne književnosti se namreč v partikularne sisteme vpisuje variantno, predvsem prek perspektiv prevodov, ki so vodilna oblika medkulturnega obtoka literarnih del. Ker je z vidika kulturnega nacionalizma literatura v domačem knjižnem jeziku veljala za kronski dokaz narodne identitete in ustvarjalne samoniklosti, je bila vloga prevoda pogosto razvrednotena in zamejena v kulturno potrošnjo. V prvi polovici 19. stoletja sta kvaliteta in bogastvo prevodnega repertoarja vendarle postala tudi nekakšen mednarodni kriterij za vrednotenje dosežene kulturne ravni naroda in razvitosti njegovega knjižnega jezika. Že postpozitivistična komparativistika je prevod upoštevala kot pomembnega posrednika v mednarodnih literarnih stikih (npr. Ocvirk), a šele sodobna translatologija je refleksijo prevoda proti koncu 20. stoletja povzdignila v teorijo, s katero je utemeljila paradigmatske spremembe metod za obravnavo celotnega sklopa literature, tako v nacionalni kakor primerjalni literarni vedi (Bassnett, Even-Zohar). Na zvišanje vrednosti prevoda v literarni vedi na začetku 21. stoletja odločilno vpliva globalna renesansa Goethejeve Weltliteratur. Dobro desetletje za Ďurišinovo teorijo svetovnega literarnega sistema se z reinterpretacijami Goetheja razvija literarnovedna paradigma, ki skuša preseči nacionalne literarne zgodovine, primerjalno književnost in postkolonialno kritištvo (Lawall, Casanova, Moretti, Damrosch idr.). Toda prevod je bil ključna podlaga že za zgodovinsko genezo izvorne koncepcije Weltliteratur, s katero je Goethe hotel promovirati humanistični estetski kozmopolitizem, ustvarjalno revitalizirati nacionalne literature in uveljaviti nemško književnost kot novo žarišče mednarodnega literarnega življenja. Članek se posveča vprašanju, kako je bila izkušnja s prevodi vpletena v Goethejevi ideji obtoka in refleksije sebstva v drugem in kakšno reinterpretacijo so te koncepcije nedavno doživele pri Damroschu in Thomsenu. Goethe je z bralnim sopostavljanjem del iz evropskih in »orientalskih« književnosti, ki so mu bila dostopna v izvirnikih ali prevodih, motril svojo literarno-kulturno identiteto in odkrival nove plasti estetskega doživljanja. Prevodjenasplohvodilni modus transnacionalnega literarnega obtoka in medkulturnega dialoga, a tudi globalizacije zahodne geokulture in prevlade njenega estetskega diskurza. Prevod je namreč podvržen asimetrijam svetovnih sistemov ekonomije, jezikov, politike in literature. Dostop besedila do obtoka v svetovnem literarnem prostoru je odvisen tudi od tega, ali je bilo to delo ustvarjeno v katerem od »velikih« zahodnih jezikov oziroma ali je bilo v kak globalni jezik prevedeno.
Summary: Compared to the original production within national literary systems, literary translations are traditionally regarded of lesser importance, although it is through translating that the representative works of world literature have been introduced into these very systems (Eysteinsson). The translation is constitutive of world literature, be it understood either as an aggregate of literatures expressed in all the languages of the globe, the canon of “eternal” artworks of humankind, or as the global space of inter-literary relations. The presumed universality of world literature is always already inscribed in particular literary systems through different variants and perspectives articulated by translations, the latter representing the most prominent form of cross -cultural circulation of literature. Since cultural nationalism saw literature in the standard mother tongue as the pillar of national identity and the main evidence of the nation’s creative originality, literary translations were often discarded as mere derivatives restricted to the realm of cultural consumption. In the first half of the 19 th century, however, the quality and richness of the translation repertoire began to figure also as quasi-international standards for evaluating to what degree the particular “national” language and culture were developed. As early as post-positivist comparatistics, the translation was treated as an important factor of international literary mediation (e.g. Ocvirk), but it is only the late twentieth-century translation studies that raised the reflection on translation to the level of theory enabling to ground a paradigmatic shift of methods for the entire study of literature, in national and comparative literary studies alike (Bassnett, Even-Zohar). The valorization of translation that is going on since the beginning of the 21st century has been decisively influenced by the global renaissance of Goethe’s Weltliteratur. More than a decade after Ďurišin’s theory of the world literary system and based on the reinterpretations of Goethe’s notion of world literature, a new scholarly paradigm is in full swing that attempts to transcend national literary history, comparative literature, and postcolonialism (Lawall, Casanova, Moretti, Damrosch, etc.). However, the translation was of key importance already in the historical beginnings of the conception of Weltliteratur, with which Goethe aimed at promoting humanist aesthetic cosmopolitanism, creatively reviving national literature and establishing German literature as a new hub of international literary life. The present article focuses on how experiencing translations had formed Goethe’s ideas of circulation and the self-reflection through otherness and how these ideas were recently reinterpreted by Damrosch and Thomsen. Juxtaposing works of various European and “Oriental” literatures (either in the original or in translation), Goethe reflected on his literary and cultural identity and discovered new qualities of his aesthetic experience. Generally speaking, the translation — because of its position within the asymmetries of the world systems of economy, languages, and literatures — is not only the primary mode of transnational literary circulation and cross-cultural dialogism, but also the relay for the global spread of Western geo-culture and the hegemony of its aesthetic discourse. The possibility of a particular literary text to gain access to the global literary circulation depends, among other factors, on the fact whether the work in question has been produced in a “major” Western language or has been translated in a global language.
Martina Ožbot: Razvoj prevodoslovlja in interdisciplinarnost / Rozwój przekładoznawstwa i interdyscyplinarność (tłum. Joanna Cieślar) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Development of Translation and Interdisciplinarity. Author Name: Martina Ožbot, Univerza v Ljubljani, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 52-67. Ključne besede: interdisciplinarnost, jezikoslovje, literarna veda, prevodoslovje. Key words: interdisciplinarity, linguistics, literary studies, translation studies. Povzetek: Prispevek se ukvarja z interdisciplinarnostjo kot temeljno raziskovalno paradigmo sodobne znanosti, prikazuje nekatere njene značilnosti in konceptualne probleme. Posebej se posveča razvoju prevodoslovja kot samostojne discipline, ki je izšla iz jezikoslovja, literarne vede in nekaterih drugih disciplin in ki danes velja za izrazito interdisciplinarno vedo. Summary: The paper deals with interdisciplinarity as a fundamental paradigm of modern research, presenting some of its characteristics as well as problems related to the concept. Special attention is paid to the development of Translation Studies as an autonomous discipline, which formed out of linguistics, literary studies and some other fields of study, and which is today considered of eminently interdisciplinary nature.
Bożena Tokarz: Obcy w nas i my w obcym: przekład jako różnica i podobieństwo czy przypominanie pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: A Stranger in Us and We in a Stranger: a difference and a similarity or a reminder. Author Name: Bożena Tokarz, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 68-83. Key words: translation, comparative study, translation studies, hermeneutic, a „cultural turnabout”.
Summary: The knowledge on translation, which was developed by different methodologies and different disciplines, fulfills the need of taking into consideration the structurally-artistic issues by comparative literary studies, most basic for literature and literary studies, occupying the central place in comparative literature. This shift in comparative interests is accompanied by a revealing lack of works undertaking research into developmental-typological regularities in general literature. Moreover, with the central position of translation in this discipline, it is paradoxical that resigning from text and its subject matter in favour of reception and the results of functioning of translation in the target culture has been declared. While the dislike for systemizing and typologizing facts of general literature is doubly hard because of the disapproval of dogmatic theories and the difficulties within research into the abundance of literary material, the target, the place, the circumstances and the way of functioning in time and in culture are inherent parts of the linguistically-artistic structure, that is, everything that is within interests of the contemporary culturally oriented literary studies.
Tea Rogić Musa: Iz povijesti formalne metode: Poljska „integralistička” škola i Zagrebačka književnoznanstvena škola / Z historii metody formalnej: polska szkoła „integralistyczna” i zagrzebska szkoła literaturoznawcza (tłum. Leszek Małczak) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: From the History of Formal Methods: Poland „integralistic” school and Zagreb School of Literary Studies. Author Name: Tea Rogić MusaLeksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, Language: Croatian, Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 84-133. Ključne riječi: formalizam, integralna metoda Manfreda Kridla, znanost o književnosti. Key words: formalism, integral method of Manfred Kridl, literary criticism.
Sažetak: U radu je riječ o dvjema književnoteorijskim školama formalističkoga usmjerenja: o poljskoj tzv. integralističkoj školi, glavni predstavnik koje je Manfred Kridl, i o Zagrebačkoj književnoznanstvenoj školi, pripadnici koje su se okupljali oko zagrebačkoga časopisa „Umjetnost riječi”. Glavne postavke obiju škola bit će pregledno navedene s obzirom na njihovo mjesto i važnost u cjelokupnoj djelatnosti pravca te međusobno uspoređene, s naglaskom na razlikama unutar njihovih teorijsko-metodoloških temelja. Članak donosi pregled izvora u kojima su prvotne postavke bile formulirane, komentar njihova odjeka u domaćim sredinama te opis statusa formalističke struje u književnoznanstvenim smjerovima koji su ih nasljedovali.
Summary: The article discusses the two schools of formalistic literary and theoretical orientations: the Polish integralistic school, the principal representative of which is Manfred Kridl, and the Zagreb school of literary studies, the members of which are clustered around the Zagreb magazine „Umjetnost riječi”. The main settings of both schools will be clearly stated with regard to their place and importance in the overall direction and compared with each other, with an emphasis on differences in the theoretical and methodological foundations of both schools. This article presents an overview of sources in which the original settings were formulated, a comment echoed in their local communities and a description of the current status of formalist directions in which they follow.
Leszek Małczak: Skazani na komparatystykę i przekład pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: There is no other way but comparative studies and translation studies. Author Name: Leszek Małczak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 137-148. Key words: comparative studies, translation studies, reception, Croatian Studies abroad. Sažetak: Svijet u kojem živimo čini se stvoren za komparatističko‑traduktološka istraživanja. U humanistici i na području filoloških znanosti događa se prava revolucija, promjena sustava, opće završava jedna era u povijesti civilizacije, počinje nova, digitalna epoha. Mijenjaju se dosadašnje metode istraživanja i predmet istraživanja. S jedne je strane književnost izgubila dosadašnju, visoku poziciju u društvu i zato nova formula komparatistike ne može se ograničavati na književnost ili na kulturu nego mora uzimati u obzir izvanumjetnička polja ljudske aktivnosti; filološki studij ako želi opstati ne može više biti književno i tekstocentričan. S druge strane doba Interneta i globalizacije, munjevite komunikacije, transkulturnog društva ne može funkcionirati bez prevođenja koje je najbolji način da se različite kulture zaista upoznaju i uzajamno obogate. Ovaj prostor između kultura i jezika, granična zona, koja implicira višeperspektivnost, čini se najprimjerenija za neofilološki studij i istraživanja. Summary: The world we live in seems to be created for comparative-translation studies. There is real revolution, the change of system in the humanities and philology studies; there is the end of one world and the beginning of new digital era. Research methods and research themes are changing. On the one hand literature has lost its position in society and this is why a new formula of comparative studies cannot be limited to literature or culture but comparative studies must take into account non-artistic spheres of man’s activity; philology studies, if they want to survive, cannot be limited to exclusively literary, text oriented studies. On the other hand age of Internet, globalization, communication, transcultural society cannot function without translation which is the best way to get to know other cultures and enrich each other. The space between culture and languages, border zone which implies multiperspectivism seems to be the most appropriate for neo-philology studies and research.
Dorota Żygadło-Czopnik: „Refrakcje” literatury czeskiej wrocławskich wydawnictw Afera i Książkowe Klimaty pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Czech literature „refractions” of the two Wroclaw’s publishing houses: Afera and Książkowe Klimaty. Author Name: Dorota Żygadło-Czopnik, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 149-159. Klíčová slova: manipulační škola, refrakce, patronát, překlad, nakladatelství. Key words: manipulation school, refraction, patronage, translation, publisher.
Resumé: Práce se zabývá teoretickým dílem translatologa André Lefevere, a aplikací jeho modelu v praktickém výzkumu. Základem práce je analýza činnosti dvou polských nakladatelství Afera a Książkowe Klimaty v kontextu děl Lefeverových. Nakladatelství Afera vzniklo v roce 2010 a Książkowe Klimaty v roce 2013, které za poslední rok vydalo 11 knih. Díky své činnosti dokážou seznamovat čtenářskou obec se zajímavými knihami pozoruhodných nových českých autorů. Samozřejmou podmínkou jejich práce je úzká a pečlivá spolupráce autorů a překladatelů s redaktory při přípravě textů se stejným ohledem na kvalitní grafickou úpravu. Díky tomu Afera a Książkowe Klimaty za dobu své existence získaly pověst vydavatele kvalitní beletristické literatury českého původu. Jejich cílovou skupinou jsou lidé, kteří se zabývají českou literaturu na vyšším stupni proto navrhovaná literatura je na jejich úroveň.
Summary: In this paper we consider the theoretical work of the translatologist André Lefevere and apply his model in practical study. Its focus is the analysis of the work of two Polish publishing houses: Afera and Książkowe Klimaty in the context of Lefevere’s work. The Afera Publishing House was created in the year 2010 and the Książkowe Klimaty Publishing House in 2013, in which year they published 11 books. Through their activity they familiarize many readers with interesting books by worth knowing new Czech authors. Their work depends on a very important condition — the close and careful cooperation of said authors with translators and editors during their text preparation process, as well as their commitment to very high quality graphic design. As a result, Afera and Książkowe Klimaty have managed to establish their fame as publishing houses proposing high quality literature of Czech origin. Their focus group is people who are interested only in the highest quality Czech literature, which is the reason why books they publish match their expectations so well.
Magdalena Pytlak: Literatura tłumaczona jako naturalny etap historii gatunku? Projekt Stefana Minczewa Iz istorja na Byłgarskija Roman pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Translated Literature as a natural Phase of History of the Genre? Stefan Minchev’s Project Iz istorija na balgarskija Roman. Author Name: Magdalena Pytlak, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 160-173. Ключови думи: история на превода, история на българската литература, жанр. Key words: history of translation, history of Bulgarian literature, literary genre.
Резюме: Статията представя работата на българския литератур Стефан Минчев (1874—1912) — Из история на българския роман — като своеобразен проект. В публикуваната между 1908 и 1912 година студия авторът включва не само оригиналните български произведения, но също така преводите, както и побългарените съчинения. Статията резюмира проекта на Минчев и се стреми да отговори на въпроса за мотивация на неговия подход. Дали за изследователя преводът е натурален етап в равитие на един жанр? Дали чрез включването на преводите изследователят повишава стойността на млад език и литература, а може обратно — показва тяхната слабост? И дали той базира на вече съществуващ метод, или подходът му изпреварва времето, не само в контекста на българските и славяските преводни студии?
Summary: The paper presents the work of Bulgarian literary critic and scholar Stefan Minchev (1874—1912). In his work Iz istorija na bylgarskija roman (From the History of Bulgarian Novel) created in 1908—1912, the author includes not only Bulgarian pieces, but also translated and adapted (pobalgareni) ones. The paper recounts Minchev’s project and attempts to answer the question about motivation of the literary scholar. Was it unreflective gesture, or rather treating it as a natural stage in history of the literary genre? Was it to gentrify young literature and language, or to show its weakness? And finally — was it based on already existing model or it was innovate, groundbreaking not only in the context of Bulgarian or Slavonic literary translation studies.
Hanna Makurat: Odniesienia intertekstualne obecne w tłumaczeniu dramatu Ślub Witolda Gombrowicza na język kaszubski w świetle badań komparatystycznych pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Intertextual references present in the translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s drama The Marriage into Kashubian in the light of comparative researches. Author Name: Hanna Makurat, Uniwersytet Gdański, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 174-183. Kluczewé słowa: intertekstualnosc, kaszëbsczi jãzëk, Witold Gómbrowicz, zôpadno-słowiańsczé jãzëczi, dolmaczënk. Key words: intertextuality, Kashubian, Witold Gombrowicz, West Slavic languages, translation.
Skrodzenié: Hewòtny articzel pòswiãcony je zagadnieniu intertekstualnoscë w dolmaczënkù dramatu Zdënk Witolda Gómbrowicza na kaszëbsczi jãzëk, rozezdrzéwónémù na gruńce kòmparatisticznëch badérowaniów. Analiza òbjimô intertekstualné ùprocëmnienia, ùfùndowóné na spòdlowi relacji midzë praùsôdzkã a dolmaczënkã, pòlégającé na zwikszenim abò òsłabienim elementów swójnoscë i cëzoscë. Mieszczą sã tuwò w òsoblëwòscë: intertekstualnosc na rówiznie polisemii, intertekstualnosc na rówiznie metafòrë, a téż intertekstualnosc na rówiznie wskôzywôczów òrganizacji tekstu. Ta slédnô kategóriô òbjimô problemë z òdzdrzadlenim wëstąpiwający w praùsôdzkù dramatu gwarowi sztélizacji, òrtografnëch eksperimeńtów i rimów. Eksperimeńtë na jãzëkù przeprowadzoné przez Gómbrowicza nie wiedno ùdało sã òdzdrzadlëc w translacji na kaszëbsczi jãzëk, nimò że béł to dolmaczënk na jãzëk krótkò spòkrewniony.
Summary: This article is devoted to the issue of intertextuality in the translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s drama The Marriage into the Kashubian language considered on the ground of comparative researches. The analysis includes intertextual relationships founded on the basic relationship between the original and the translation, consisting of intensification or weakening of familiarity and strangeness elements. In particular it consists of intertextuality at the level of polysemy, intertextuality at the level of metaphor and intertextuality at the level of indicators of text organisation. The latter category includes problems with the reflection of the local dialect style, spelling and rhymes experiments which were all present in the original of the drama. It was not always possible to reflect the language experiments conducted by Witold Gombrowicz in the translation into the Kashubian language, even though it was a translation into a closely related language.
Małgorzata Filipek: Przekład powieści Gordany Kuić Zapach deszczu na Bałkanach wobec oryginału pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Polish Translation of Gordana Kuić’s novel The Scent of Rain in the Balcans to the original version. Author Name: Małgorzata Filipek, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 184-199. Кључне речи: Гордана Куић, роман, превод, упоређење, Сефардски Јевреји. Key words: Gordana Kuić, Novel, Translation, Comparison, Sephardic Jews.
Резиме: У овом чланку предмет анализе је поређење пољске и српске верзије романа Гордане Куић Мирис кише на Балкану, као и покушај одговора на питање о сличностима и разликама у перцепцији овог дела код српских и пољских прималаца литературе.
Summary: The article concerns the comparison of Polish and Serbian versions of the novel The Scent of Rain in the Balcans and attempt to answer the question about the similarities and differences in the perception of the novel in Serbia and Poland.
Monika Gawlak: Podwojony dialog — przekładu i twórczości własnej — ujęcie komparatystyczne? pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Doubled dialogue of the translation and own artistic work — comparative perspective? Author Name: Monika Gawlak, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 200-214. Ključne besede: literarni prevod, komparativistika, Adam Wiedemann, Primož Čučnik, dialoškost. Key words: literary translation, comparative study, Adam Wiedemann, Primož Čučnik, dialogism.
Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava problematiko prevoda, kadar je prevajalec sicer tudi sam pisec literature. V takšnem primeru sta pomembna tako dialog poetike avtorja primarnega besedila s poetiko prevajalčeve lastne literarne ustvarjalnosti, kot tudi relacije, v katere se zapleta konkretni prevod s prevajalčevimi (lastnimi) literarnimi besedili. Ti vprašanji odpirata široko področje prevodoslovnih in komparativističnih raziskav. Prevajanje in prevod, razumljen kot interpretacija, sta tu obravnavana v skladu s postulati sodobne komparativistike, torej kot dialog kultur, dialog literatur, ki vodi v nadaljnje dialoške odnose v okviru ciljne kulture in prevajalčeve lastne literarne ustvarjalnosti. Na Poljskem je to vprašanje mdr. aktualno v ustvarjalnosti (avtorski in prevajalski) Stanisława Barańczaka, Juliana Tuwima in Czesława Miłosza. Če gre za prevajanje slovenske literature na Poljskem in poljske v Sloveniji (po letu 1990), je glede tega zanimivo vzajemno prevajanje dveh pesnikov — Adama Wiedemanna in Primoža Čučnika. Funkcija njunih prevodov je bolj dopolnjujoča kot polemična. Pesnika eksplicitno opozarjata na medbesedilne relacije med svojimi teksti. Podobnost njunih avtorskih poetik in izbori besedil, ki (si) jih prevajata, pa pričajo o idejni, svetovnonazorski in estetski sorodnosti.
Summary: The subject of this article is concerning the area of translation created by an author, a writer. In such case not only the dialogue between poetics of an author’s primary texts and the poetics of self-translated texts is at importance. The relation in which particular translation is involved with the original author’s passages also cannot be diminished. Those problems open a wide space for the translation and comparative studies research. The translation is perceived as an interpretation seen accordingly to the postulates of modern comparative studies — so as an intercultural dialogue, the dialogue of literature, opening itself for further relations in the sphere of ultimate culture and the own artwork of the author of the translation. In Poland it applies to works (original and translational) of — among others — Stanisław Barańczak, Julian Tuwim or Czesław Miłosz. In reference to the translations of Slovenian literature in Poland and Polish literature in Slovenia (after year 1990) one of the fascinating phenomenon in this context would be mutual translation of their own texts of two poets — Adam Wiedemann and Primož Čučnik. Their translations function as a complement rather than polemic factor. The authors explicitly point to initiating the intertextual relations between their texts. The resemblance of the poetics and choices made in the scope of translation unveil the relationship in terms of an idea, outlook on the world and aesthetics.
Miran Košuta: „Le drugo ime za ljubezen…”. Novejš knjižo italijanjenje slovenskega leposlovja (2000—2013) / „To tylko inna nazwa miłości…”. Nowe włoskie przekłady słoweńskiej literatury pięknej (2000—2013) (tłum. Joanna Cieślar) oraz Italijanski knjižni prevodi slovenskega leposlovlja / Włoskie przekłady słoweńskiej literatury pięknej (opracował Miran Košuta) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: „Just a kind of love…“. Recent Italian translation of the Slovenian literature (2000—2013). Miran Košuta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia delle’ Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italia, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 117-156. Ključne besede: prevajanje, recepcija, slovenska književnost, komparativistika, dialog. Key words: translation, reception, Slovenian literature, Translation Studies, dialogue.
Povzetek: V letih 2000—2013 je izšlo približno 160 knjižnih prevodov slovenske proze, poezije ali dramatike v italijanski jezik. Na podlagi bibliografskega popisa prispevek razčlenjuje najopaznejše kolikostne, kakovostne in estetske značilnosti obravnavanega prevodnega korpusa, jih primerja s predhodno recepcijo slovenskega leposlovja v italijanskem prostoru, podatkovno ugotavlja, kako se je od leta 2000 do danes, posebej po vstopu Slovenije v Evropsko unijo ter v schengensko brezcarinsko območje, znatno okrepilo slovensko-italijansko literarno dajdamstvo in hkrati argumentirano osvetljuje nekaj tipoloških, za prevodoslovje splošno povednih stalnic dialoga med številčno večjimi in manjšimi jeziki, literaturami, kulturami.
Summary: Between 2000 and 2013, 160 volumes of Slovene poems, plays and prose texts were published in Italian translation. This article investigates this corpus of translations in terms of quantitative, qualitative and aesthetic issues, while also comparing it with previous receptions of Slovenian literature in the Italian cultural milieu and observing/stressing the significant increase in the literary exchange between Slovenia and Italy since 2000 (particulary after the entry of Slovenia into the European Union and the Schengen area). Within the field of Translation Studies, this article also illustrates some fundamental typological paradigms of dialogue between numerically large and small languages, literatures and cultures.
Hanna Karpińska: Fałszywi przyjaciele tłumacza i jego wierni wrogowie w praktyce bułgarsko-polskich tłumaczeń literackich pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Translator’s false friends and his true enemies in the practice of Bulgarian‑Polish artistic translation. Author Name: Hanna Karpińska, tłumaczka, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 257-271. Ключови думи: полски език, български език, близкородствени езици, художествен превод, междуезикова омонимия, фразеологизъм, езикова компетентност. Key words:Polish language, Bulgarian language, closely related languages, artistic translation, interlinguistic homonymy, phraseological unit, linguistic competence.
Резюме: Представените в заглавието проблеми се разглеждат от позицията на преводач-практик и са илюстрирани с примери от полски преводи на българска белетристика. Изтъква се, че за професионален преводач близостта на два езика представлява повече препятствие, отколкото улеснение. Разглеждат се различни видове лексикални апроксимати (лъжливи приятели на преводача) в съпоставка със съответните преводачески решения. Отчита се ролята на контекста и на текстовата дистрибуция на лексемите. Анализира се спецификата на фразеологизмите като обект на превод. Своеобразна група трудности представят тъй наречените от авторката „верни врагове на преводача”, към които се причисляват: проблеми породени от различията в граматическата система на двата езика (дистрибуция на предлозите; десемантизация на предлога; семантичната натовареност на двойното допълнение; спецификата на преизказаното наклонение; изобилието на местоименните форми) и субективни фактори свързани с творческото поведение на преводача (липса на необходим педантизъм; прояви на невнимание или умора; недостатъчна езикова и извънезикова компетентност). На края се изтъкват възможностите за принос на преводите и преводачите в развитието на българо-полската лексикография.
Summary: Issues presented in the title are considered from the perspective of a practicing translator and illustrated with examples from the Polish translations of Bulgarian fiction. It is pointed out that for a professional translator the proximity of two languages, is more of an obstacle than a convenience. Different types of lexical interlinguistic homonyms (translator’s false friends) are viewed in comparison with corresponding translation solutions. The role of context and textual distribution of lexical units is highlighted. The specifics of phraseology as the object of translation is analyzed. A peculiar group of difficulties is generated by the so-called by the author „translator’s true enemies”, which include: problems caused by differences in the grammatical system of the two languages (distribution of prepositions; desemanticization of prepositions; the semantic load of double object, the specificity of the imperceptive mood, the abundance of pronominal forms) and subjective factors associated with creative behavior of the translator (lack of necessary pedantism; moments of inattention or fatigue, inadequate linguistic and extra-linguistic competence). In the end of the paper the possibility of translations and translators contributing in the development of Bulgarian-Polish lexicography is emphasized.
Robert Grošelj: Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italjanskem prevodu romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča / Obcy w obcym: cytaty literackie w polskim i włoskim przekładzie powieści Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča (tłum. Maja Jasińska) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Other in the Other: literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of Anton Ingolič’s youth novel Gimnazijka. Author Name: Robert Grošelj, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani (Slovenija), Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 272-303. Ključne besede: mladinski roman Gimnazijka, Anton Ingolič, književni citat, zvesti prevod, delni prevod, povzemalni prevod. Key words: youth novel Gimnazijka, Anton Ingolič, literary citation, faithful translation, partial translation, summary translation.
Povzetek: V prispevku je analizirano prevajanje književnih citatov v poljskem in italijanskem prevodu slovenskega mladinskega romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča. S književnimi citati avtor sooblikuje svoje pripovedovanje (autoreferencialnost), bralca pa tudi informira — s konkretnimi besedilnimi zgledi — o kanonskih avtorjih svetovne (Shakepeare, Molière) in slovenske (Kette, Murn, Gradnik) književnosti (referencialnost). V analiziranih prevodih Gimnazijke prihaja pri citatih pogosto do poenostavljanja ciljnega besedila: poljska prevajalka se je za ohranitev citata odločila v treh, italijanski prevajalec pa le v dveh od petih primerov. V obeh prevodih je pogosto tudi poenostavljanje citatnega sobesedila, tudi če je citat ohranjen (poenostavljanje je večje v italijanskem prevodu). Na tak način sta se prevoda oddaljila od slogovne oblikovanosti in vsebinske kompleksnosti izhodiščnega besedila, hkrati pa se je z neupoštevanjem citatov zmanjšala njegova referencialnost (informativno-didaktična dimenzija).
Summary: The paper discusses the translation of literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of the Slovenian youth novel Gimnazijka by Anton Ingolič. With the help of literary citations the author shapes his narrative (autoreferentiality) and also informs the reader — by using concrete text examples — of the authors included in the canon of world (cf. Shakespeare, Molière) and Slovenian (cf. Kette, Murn, Gradnik) literature (referentiality). In the analyzed translations of Gimnazijka, text fragments with citations are frequently simplified: Polish translator has opted for preserving three, the Italian only two citations out of five. In both translations the text fragments with citations have been frequently simplified, even if the citation itself is preserved (the summary translation has been used more widely by Italian translator). In such a way, the analyzed translations have not only reduced the stylistic qualities and the content complexity of the source text, but also diminished its referentiality (informative-didactic dimension) by disregarding some of the literary citations.
Anita Srebnik: Soočanje kultur v dvojezičnem slovaropisju / Spotkanie kultur w słowniku dwujęzycznym (tłum. Maja Jasińska) pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: An Encounter of Cultures in a Bilingual Lexicon. Author Name: Anita Srebnik, Oddelek za germanistiko z nederlandistiko in skandinavistiko, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Language: Slovenian, Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 304-339. Ključne besede: anizomorfizem, dvojezični slovarji, dvojezična leksikografija, prevodna ekvivalenca, ničta ekvivalenca, leksikalna vrzel, slovnična vrzel, nanosniška vrzel, kulturno-specifični izrazi. Key words: anisomorphism, bilingual dictionaries, bilingual lexicography, translation equivalence, zero equivalence, lexical gap, grammatical gap, referential gap, culture-specific terms.
Povzetek: Ne samo besedila v prevodu, tudi dvojezični slovarji kot posebna vrsta besedil primerjajo med seboj kulturi izhodiščnega in ciljnega jezika. Prevodne ustreznice v geselskih člankih se nahajajo na kontinuumu med izomorfizmom na eni in anizomorfizmom na drugi strani. Le-ta predstavlja temeljni problem pri iskanju medjezikovne ustreznice. Od mnogoterih delitev ustreznic je za leksikografa najoprijemljivejša »logična« delitev na popolne, delne in ničte ustreznice, slednja pa pri prevajanju predstavlja najtrši oreh. Razumevanje tovrstne odsotnosti ustreznice leksikografa pripelje do povsem konkretnih rešitev v slovarju, kjer mora zaradi narave njegove zgradbe za vsako geslo vedno podati ustreznice, medtem ko prevajalec vezanega besedila posamezno besedo mnogokrat lahko preprosto izpusti, ne da bi to privedlo do izkrivljenega pomena besedila. Na primeru Nizozemsko‑slovenskega slovarja prikažemo strategije podajanja ustreznice v primeru ničte ekvivalence med jezikoma. Spopadanje z anizomorfizmom je pojav par excellence, ki dvojezično leksikografijo v tem pogledu uvršča tudi med primerjalne kulturne študije.
Summary: Not only in translated texts but also in bilingual dictionaries as a special sort of texts the cultures of the source and target languages are compared. Translation equivalents in a dictionary range from a continuum between the isomorphism on the one side and the anisomorphism on the other. Anisomorphism presents a crucial problem in finding translation equivalents. Among the plethora of equivalent relationships the most tangible one for the lexicographer is the »logical equivalence relationship« according to which there are three types of equivalence: full, partial and zero equivalence, the latter being the toughest nut to crack. In contrast to a translator who can omit an individual word in a longer stretch of translated text without violating its sense, a lexicographer must provide an equivalent for every single entry word. The examples from the Dutch‑Slovene Dictionary illustrate the different strategies of dealing with the zero equivalence. Solving the problems of anisomorphism is an activity par excellence which places bilingual lexicography also among the comparative cultural studies.
Przemysław Brom: Analiza hybrydowych tekstów Unii Europejskiej — wybrane zagadnienia metodologiczne pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Analysis of the hybryd texts of the European Union — selected methodological aspects. Author Name: Przemysław Brom, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 340-352. Ključne riječi: hibridni tekstovi, prijevod EU, metodologija. Key words: hybrid texts, translation in the EU, methodology.
Sažetak: Višejezičnost društva Europske unije zahtijeva da postoje efikasne procedure prijevoda. Pojednostavljenje prijevoda se može postići tako da se tekstove Europske unije standardizira, ipak zbog toga tekstovi nastali u procesu prijevoda su u određenom stupnju „neprilagođeni“ ciljnoj kulturi. Takvi tekstovi, koji su nazivani hibridnima, nisu dosad bili istraživani. U ovom se članku pokušava odrediti metodologiju za takvo istraživanje.
Summary: Multilingual European community requires certain efficient translation methods. Translation can be simplified by standardization of texts, but then the texts resulting from the translation process seem to be somewhat “inadequate” for the target culture. These texts, often described as “hybrid”, weren’t broadly analysed before. This paper presents a possible methodology for conducting such an analysis.
Anna Muszyńska‑Vizintin: Tłumacz komparatysta — tłumacz uwikłany w język. O dwóch „poezjotwórczych” kategoriach gramatycznych w języku polskim i słoweńskim pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: The Comparative Translator: A Translator Involved in Language. Regarding Two Poetic Grammatical Categories in Polish and Slovenian. Author Name: Anna Muszyńska-Vizintin, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 355-373. Ključne besede: prevajalec — komparativist, jezikovni relativizem, slovnične kategorie, orodnik v pesmih slovenska dvojina, izgubljeno v prevodu. Key words: translator-comparatist, relativism of languages, grammatical categories, instrumentalis in poety, dualis in Slovenian, lost in translation.
Povzetek: Prevajalec kot posredovalec med izvirnikom in prevodom je oseba, ki istočasno deluje med dvema jezikoma, dvema kulturami in dvojno literarno dediščino, ki sta doživeli različen razvoj. Prevajalsko delo je podobno delu komparatističnemu (primerjanje, analiza besedil, raziskovanje literarnih in kulturnih kontekstov, razlik in podobnosti), torej lahko trdimo, da je prevajalec „idealen — komparativist” oziroma „komparativist — praktik”, ki se mora med celotnim postopkom prevajanja soočati z jezikovno in kulturno različnostjo. Pri prevajanju iz izvirnega v drug in drugačen jezik se razkriva jezikovnen relativizem, ki ga včasih ni mogoče premostiti. Različna narava jezikov se lahko pojavlja ne samo na nivoju semantike oziroma v pragmatični (ustvarjalni) uporabi (tako im.„ususu”), temveč tudi na področju slovnice: v slovničnih oblikah, katere omogočajo ustvarjanje določene pesniške „vizijnosti” v enem jeziku, ki — zaradi drugačnega slovničnega sistema — ni prevedljiva v drugačen jezik (npr. v poljščini: orodnik — instrumental, ki nima potrebe po uporabi predloga (z /s) ali v slovenščini: izjemna in ni prevedljiva več v druge jezike, „intimna” kategorija dvojine). Razlike med raznimi načinami jezikovne konceptualizacije so opazljive samo preko primerjalne analize med izvirnikom in prevodom, kar — v praktičnem dejanju — dela prevajalec, na področju teorije pa prevajalski kritiki.
Summary: The translator as a mediator between the original and the translation is a person who is simultaneously working between two languages, two cultures and two literary heritages, which have experienced different developments. The work of translation is similar to that of comparativism (comparing, text analysis, exploration of literary and cultural contexts, differences and similarities), so it is possible to say that the translator is an ideal comparatist, or a „comparatist — practitioner”, who must cope with the diversity of languages and cultures during the whole process of translation. Translation from the original to another language reveals relativism, which sometimes cannot be overcome. The different linguistic nature may appear not only at the level of semantics, or in the pragmatic conventions, but also in the field of grammar: for example, grammatical forms, which enable the creation of a certain poetic “visionism” in the original language, do not allow translation into another language, as the latter uses a different grammatical system. Thus, the Polish instrumentalis, which does not need to use the preposition s/z, is untranslatable into Slovenian and, considering the same principle, the Slovenian “intimate” category of the dual form is untranslatable into other languages. The differences between the various linguistic conceptualization are observable only through a comparative analysis between the original and the translation, which — in practical action — is done by the translator, and — in theory — by the translation critics.
Marta Buczek: Józef Marušiak — tłumacz-komparatysta idealny? pobierz Rozwiń
Translated Title: Jozef Marušiak — the translator — the perfect comparatist? Author Name: Marta Buczek, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue: 5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 374-387. K’lúčové slová: súčasná komparatistika, literárny preklad, komparatistika a preklad, Jozef Marušiak, poľská literatúra po slovensky. Key words: new comparative studies, translation studies, literal translation, Jozef Marušiak, Polish literature in Slovak.
Rezumé: Vo svojom príspevku pod titulom Jozef Marušiak — prekladateľ — komparatista ideálny? autorka Marta Buczek sa zaoberá problémom nevyhnutných vzťahov súčasnej novej komparatistiky a translatolgie. Predložená v príspevku teória súčasnej komparatistiky a translatologie dokazuje, že sú to discipliny vzajomne spojené predmetom výskumu. Predmet záujmu komparatistiky sa zhoduje s rozsahom záujmu výskumu prekladu. Posun smerom k komparatistickému vnímaniu prekladu upozornil na tvorivú úlohu prekladov a tvorivú úlohu prekladateľa v kultúre a literatúre. V ďalšej časti príspevku autorka analyzuje prekladateľskú čínnosť známeho slovenského prekladateľa poľskej literatúry — Jozefa Marušiaka. Odpovedá na otázku, kto je komparatista ideálny, a čí možno slovenského prekladateľa predpokladať za komparatistu ideálneho.
Summary: In the article under the title Jozef Marušiak — the translator — the prefect comparatist? the author Marta Buczek raises the problem of necessary relationships between new Comparative Studies and Translation Studies. The theory of Comparative Studies and Translation Studies presented in this paper shows that that disciplines are closely connected to each other by the subject of research. The subject of interest of the Comparative Studies is consistent with the interest of research in Translation Studies. Turning towards comparative perception of the translation has focused its attention on the creative role of translation in the culture and the creative role of the translator. In the next part of the article the author analyzes the translation activity of well known Slovak translator of Polish literature — Jozef Marušiak. The author answers the question, who is the perfect comparatist and if the Slovak translator can be assumed for the perfect comparatist.
„Postsciptum Polonistyczne” 2013, nr 2 (12): Polonistyka w Bułgarii — wczoraj i dziś (Dorota Gołek‑Sepetliewa) pobierz Rozwiń
Author Name: Dorota Gołek-Sepetliewa, Uniwersytet Śląski, Language: Polish. Issue:5 (1)/2014. Page Range: 391-398.
Streszczenie: Recenzja numeru specjalnego czasopisma „Postscriptum Polonistyczne”, nr 2 (12), zatytułowanego Polonistyka w Bułgarii — wczoraj i dziś, który został w całości poświęcony współczesnemu oraz historycznemu obliczu polonistyki bułgarskiej.
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